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369 Items.


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Prices in Australian dollars (AUD). Books located in Australia.
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1. Ackland, Michael (2005). Henry Handel Richardson: A Life (1st p/b ed). Melbourne: Cambridge University Press (CUP). 326 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white photos centre spread & text-photos, bottom corner tip rear corner little creased, minor edgewear. Michael Ackland has written the first complete biography of the famous Australian novelist Henry Handel Richardson (pseudonym of Ethel Florence Richardson), who wrote 'The Getting of Wisdom' and 'The Fortunes of Richard Mahony'. Draws on previously unavailable records to examine this unconventional author. ISBN/ASIN: 0521678641. Our Book No: 20823. $25 AUD.

2. Ackroyd, Peter (2010). The Death of King Arthur: Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, a Retelling (Reprint ed). London: Penguin Group. 316 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), pages faintly toned, minor edgewear. A retelling of the famous book written by Sir Thomas Malory and published in 1485 by Caxton's Press. The author's new retelling transforms this richly inventive medieval epic into a dramatic modern story brought to new life for our times, but still full of love, magic, adventure, heroism and betrayal. ISBN/ASIN: 9781846141935. Our Book No: 29021. $15 AUD.

3. Adams, Marion (editor) (1971). The German Tradition: Aspects of Art and Culture in German-speaking Countries. Sydney: John Wiley & Sons. 220 pp. Paperback wide octavo, very good condition, black & white text-photos & drawings, map, corner front cover creased, rear cover lightly foxed, spine faintly creased, minor edgewear, owner's written name. Essays on the German contribution to Western civilisation in fields such as art, music, medieval and modern literature, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, education, science, politics, economy and foreign affairs. The editor is from the Department of Germanic Studies, University of Melbourne. SALE PRICE. ISBN/ASIN: 0471004618. Our Book No: 21859. $12 AUD.

4. Adams, Paul (1999). The Stranger from Melbourne: Frank Hardy - A Literary Biography 1944 - 1975. Perth, Nedlands: University of Western Australia Press (UWAP). 212 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white photos, minor edgewear corners. Traces the relationship between Frank Hardy's writings, his political activism, and the Australian historical events that shaped his literary works. ISBN/ASIN: 1876268239. Our Book No: 24823. $20 AUD.

5. Adamson, Jane (editor); Freadman, Richard (editor); Parker, David (editor) (1998). Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory [Literature, Culture, Theory]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (CUP). 294 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear corners, minor pencil annotation. An international group of literary scholars and philosophers, edited by Jane Adamson and two colleagues, address some of the major reconceptualisations involved in the so called 'turn towards ethics'. An important feature of this has been a renewed interest in the literary text as a focus for the exploration of ethics, for example, by Charles Taylor, Bernard Williams, Iris Murdoch, Cora Diamond, Richard Rorty and Martha Nussbaum. These essays assess the significance of this development for ethical and literary theory, and articulate an alternative postmodern account of ethics which does not rely on earlier appeals to universal truths. ISBN/ASIN: 0521629381. Our Book No: 28825. $25 AUD.

6. Adey, Lionel (1998). C. S. Lewis: Writer Dreamer and Mentor (1st ed). Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing. 307 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, small mark bottom edge, faint foxing top edge, top corner rear cover & last few pages little creased, minor edgewear. This new study is unique in its attempt to trace the development of British author C. S. Lewis as a maker and reader of books. The author shows how the two sides of Lewis's personality - the Dreamer and the Mentor - affected his writing in its various modes: literary history and criticism, fiction for adults and for children, poetry, essays and addresses, and letters. The formative biographical events in Lewis's life are discussed, and an estimate of Lewis's achievement and legacy as a writer is made. ISBN/ASIN: 0802842038. Our Book No: 40437. $25 AUD.

7. Aeschylus; Postgate, Raymond (editor) (1969). The Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Cambridge: Rampant Lions Press. 141 pp. Hardback large octavo, no jacket (glassine jacket missing), very good condition, brown cloth cover (gilt spine lettering on black label), bookplate, autograph (author's written name). The first of a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus in the 5th century BC. King Agamemnon returns from the Trojan War and is murdered by his wife. A private press book. Text edited by Raymond Postgate, with an introduction, a commentary and a translation into modern English prose. (Limited edition of 500 unnumbered autographed copies. Text in Greek and English. Bookplate of Geoffrey Farmer, Australian librarian and researcher of private press books.). ISBN/ASIN: B000VE724C. Our Book No: 15658. $40 AUD.

8. Alexander, Pacita; Perkins, Elizabeth (2004). A Love Affair with Australian Literature: The Story of Tom Inglis Moore. Canberra, Charnwood: Ginninderra Press. 286 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, black & white photos, family tree, bottom corner front cover creased, minor edgewear, sticker marks rear cover, autograph (written dedication title page). Pacita Alexander and Elizabeth Perkins tell the story of Tom Inglis Moore (1901 - 1978), controversial crusader for Australian writers, himself a poet, journalist, academic and scholar. They trace Moore's life and influence from the farming country of Camden south of Sydney, then to England and the United States, and via the Philippines and New Guinea to Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory. Includes a family tree chart. ISBN/ASIN: 1740272552. Our Book No: 29379. $20 AUD.

9. Alexandra, Belinda (2020). The Divine Feline: A Chic Cat Lady's Guide to Woman's Best Friend. Sydney: Murdoch Books. 271 pp. Hardback octavo, no jacket as issued, very good condition, black velvet spine, blue boards, decorative gilt border front cover, illustrated endpapers, minimal colour loss few places endpapers (printing error) Belinda Alexandra, a popular Australian writer of historical novels, is also an ardent cat lover. In this beautiful book she shares the bond between women and their cats. Belinda shares her own experiences, looks at the relationship between women and cats throughout history, and solves behavioural questions in a whimsical and practical way. A very special book for any cat lover. Illustrated by Murdoch Books. ISBN/ASIN: 9781760525750. Our Book No: 40939. $25 AUD.

10. Andersen, Hans Christian; Ingpen, Robert (Illustrator) (2005). The Ugly Duckling (1st this ed). New York: Penguin Young Readers Group. 34 pp. Hardback small wide quarto, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good dustjacket), pictorial cover, colour drawings, slight edgewear jacket. This children's picture story by Hans Christian Andersen has been beautifully translated here from the Danish tale. The illustrations by Robert Ingpen bring his spectacular adaptation to a new generation of readers. The story is about an awkward bird and his search for acceptance, only to find that the beauty he was looking for was inside him all of the time. ISBN/ASIN: 0698400100. Our Book No: 40884. $25 AUD.

11. Anderson, Chester G. (1986). James Joyce, with 124 illustrations (1st p/b ed) [Literary Lives]. London: Thames & Hudson. 144 pp. Paperback wide octavo, very good condition, black & white photos, top corner front cover little creased, edges lightly foxed, top edge foxed, minor edgewear. Chester Anderson has visited all the places where James Joyce lived and worked, and shows here how closely all these biographical details are related to the substance of his novels. ISBN/ASIN: 0500260184. Our Book No: 28448. $12 AUD.

12. Anderson, Hugh (1972). The Singing Roads: A Guide to Australian Children's Authors and Illustrators (2 Parts in 1). Sydney: Wentworth Books. 205 pp. Hardback quarto, no jacket as issued, very good condition, blue cloth cover (gilt spine bands & lettering), black & white photos (portraits), stencilled pages, minor edgewear. Hugh Anderson provides innovative brief biographies of Australian children's books authors and illustrators (some written by the writers themselves). The two parts bound as one hardback volume, retaining original card covers: Part 1 (4th edition, 1972, 128 pages), and Part 2 (1970, 77 pages). ISBN/ASIN: 0855870311. Our Book No: 17449. $40 AUD.

13. Armstrong, Judith (1996). The Christesen Romance. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press (MUP). 225 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white photos centre spread, minor edgewear. Judith Armstrong relates the story of an extraordinary couple, both of whom have made a unique contribution to Australia's culture and literature. Nina Christesen pioneered Russian language and literature studies during the Cold War, and husband Clem Christesen was the founding editor of the literary magazine 'Meanjin'. A captivating account in which the history of the Christesen's public achievements is interwoven with the story of their private joys, self-doubts and sorrows. ISBN/ASIN: 0522847315. Our Book No: 22988. $20 AUD.

14. Aroney, Ellie; Feain, Paul (2016). Ion Idriess: An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography. Sydney: The Cornstalk Bookshop in Association with Sydney Rare Book Auctions. 145 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, as new condition (in as new dustjacket), colour photos, endpaper map, glossy paper. An illustrated bibliography of all 56 bestselling books by the popular Australian writer Ion Idriess, by Ellie Aroney and Paul Feain (2016). Each book (arranged alphabetically by title) covers 2 to 4 pages, and consists of photos of the dustjacket and cloth covers, plus a list of each edition and reprint, including publisher, month and year published, and print run (where known). There are separate sections on the illustrators and photographers. A unique beautifully illustrated guide. (126 + 19 pages. No 149 of a limited edition of 200 autographed copies.) ISBN/ASIN: 9780994522801. Our Book No: 16795. $140 AUD.

15. Athill, Diana (2000). Stet: A Memoir: An Editor's Life (1st U.S. ed). New York: Grove Press. 250 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), edges little foxed, minor edgewear jacket, old price marks. This very special book is a memoir by Diana Athill who for nearly five decades edited some of the most celebrated writers in the English language, including V. S. Naipaul, Philip Roth, Mordecai Richler, and Norman Mailer.. Diana was a founding editor of the innovative Andre Deutsch in London, and she critically assesses Andre Deutsch himself. She takes us on a guided tour through the corridors of literary London. It is a compassionate insider's look at the glories and pitfalls of making books. The book is full of delights about the world of books, people who write them, and the production process. An invaluable contribution to the literature of literature. First U.S. edition. ISBN/ASIN: 0802116833. Our Book No: 41308. $30 AUD.

16. Auchinleck, Honor (2012). Elyne Mitchell: A Daughter Remembers. Sydney: HarperCollins. 320 pp. Paperback octavo, good condition, black & white photos centre spread, bottom corner tips covers creased, corner tip one page creased, rear cover little scratched, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear. In this memoir, Honor Auchinleck remembers her upbringing in the Australian Alps and pays tribute to her remarkable family, and in particular to her mother, Elyne Mitchell, the much-loved writer of the 'Silver Brumby' novels for young adults. Now, for the centenary of Elyne's birth, her daughter relates the story of an exceptional and adored, but elusive, woman. ISBN/ASIN: 9780732293499. Our Book No: 26862. $26 AUD.

17. Baring, Maurice (1932). Lost Lectures, or the Fruits of Experience (Copyright ed) [Tauchnitz Edition: Collection of British and American Authors]. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz. 288 pp. Paperback very small, very good condition, minor edgewear, owner's written name & date. Essays by the English dramatist, novelist and man of letters. Three of the four essays are imaginary lectures, that is, papers read only to the Newman Society at Oxford, and the other (on Gilbert and Sullivan) was a real lecture delivered in London. (No 5047 in this series. Written name of Australian actor Barry Humphries.) SALE PRICE. Our Book No: 12634. $12 AUD.

18. Barkley, Glen (2009). Avoiding Myth and Message: Australian Artists and the Literary World: Includes "The Reader". Sydney, The Rocks: Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA). 69 + 29 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, colour & black & white & sepia (brown-tinted) photos & drawings, faint mark inside front cover & first few pages, minor edgewear. Published for the exhibition "Avoiding Myth & Message: Australian Artists and the Literary World", Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 7 April - 12 July 2009. Also includes "The Reader", which reproduces a number of works by both artists and writers. All of these texts have in some way influenced the research and development of the exhibition. The Reader allows an insight into the curatorial process and features texts reproduced within the exhibition. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921034336. Our Book No: 28443. $30 AUD.

19. Barnard, Rita (2008). The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance: Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, and the Mass Culture in the 1930s (POD ed) [Cambridge Studies: Literature and Culture]. New York: Cambridge University Press (CUP). 271 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, frontispiece, covers & spine little creased, few faint marks fore-edge, minor edgewear corners. Examines the relationship between two contradictory, or apparently contradictory, pairs of terms: "Depression and abundance" and "literature and mass culture". The study suggests, firstly, that one can find in the culture of the American 1930s - despite the national experience of scarcity and poverty - the now-familiar outlines of an image and consumer society. Secondly, the opposition between "high art" and "mass culture" was contested and challenged in the cultural production decade where book clubs, radio, popular exhibitions and star conductors were available to millions of people. (Printed copy of a POD book.). ISBN/ASIN: 9780521102223. Our Book No: 29888. $30 AUD.

20. Barnum, Priscilla Heath (editor) (1976). Dives and Pauper: Volume I: Part I [Early English Text Society, No 275]. London: Oxford University Press / Early English Text Society. 359 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos (frontispiece & three foldouts), minor foxing (top edge, rear pastedown, reverse side jacket), jacket scuffed (edgewear, flap price-clipped). 'Dives and Pauper' is an encyclopaedic prose commentary on the Biblical Ten Commandments, cast as a dialogue between a rich layman (Dives) and his instructor, a poor mendicant friar (Pauper). It was composed about 1405 - 1410 by an unknown author, and addresses theological debates of the turbulent period of English church history with unusual directness and complexity. This copy is the first volume of a 3-volume set, containing the first half of the text of this classic document (that is, Volume 1, Part 1, not Part 2). (No 275 in the Early English Text Society series.). ISBN/ASIN: 019722282X. Our Book No: 14428. $25 AUD.

21. Bassett, Jan (editor) (1995). Great Southern Landings: An Anthology of Antipodean Travel (1st ed). Melbourne: Oxford University Press (OUP). 328 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket, base spine lightly rubbed, small scuff mark front cover, tiny dent bottom edge. The term Antipodes was originally used to refer to "places on the surface of the earth directly opposite each other", and later came to mean Australasia. Thousands of travellers from the northern hemisphere - from Francois Pelsaert, commander of the ill-fated Batavia, to Eric Newby and Jan Morris - have left records of their impressions of the Antipodes; some voyagers - Jonathan Swift, Samuel Butler and Jules Verne, for instance, travelled only in their minds, writing about imaginary voyages. Jan Bassett has collected a delightful selection of 90 extracts from the writings of notable visitors to and imaginers of the Antipodes. These date from about 1605 to the 1990s. Included are dreamers, sailors, adventurers, political commentators and sporting figures. ISBN/ASIN: 0195535820. Our Book No: 24836. $14 AUD.

22. Bayeh, Jumana (2015). The Literature of the Lebanese Diaspora: Representations of Place and Transnational Identity (1st ed). London: I. B. Tauris. 277 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket (tiny closed tear top spine, corners front flap creased). The Lebanese civil war, from 1975 to 1990, saw the migration of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese citizens, many of whom are still writing of their experiences. This important book presents a major study of the literature of the Lebanese diaspora. Focusing on novels produced in the aftermath of Lebanon's protracted civil war, the author looks at the complex relationships between place, displacement and belonging, and illuminates the ways in which these writings have shaped a global Lebanese identity.The book combines literature with history and sociology. This book is important for researchers of migration studies, diaspora studies, and Middle Eastern literature, and anyone with an interest in the cultures, history and politics of the Middle East. the author is an Early Career Fellow in the Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. ISBN/ASIN: 9781780769981. Our Book No: 30144. $50 AUD.

23. Beeton, Mrs Isabella (1977). Beeton's Book of Household Management (Australian facsimile ed). Melbourne: Thomas Nelson (Australia). 1112 pp. Paperback very thick trade, good condition, black & white vignettes, cover little loose at spine repaired archival tape, top edge foxed, covers little scuffed, spine creased, pages toned as usual, some edgewear. The scarce Australian first edition facsimile edition of the classic bestselling English book by Mrs Isabella Beeton on cooking (mostly) and household management. Initially published by her husband Samuel Beeton in 1861, it has been through countless editions since. The book is both an entertaining curio, and an important social document of the early Victorian household. (Small format text. No ISBN printed in the book.). ISBN/ASIN: 0170052273. Our Book No: 18066. $40 AUD.

24. Bennett, Charles H. (1982). Old Nurse's Book of Rhymes, Jingles and Ditties (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 64 pp. Hardback wide octavo, very good condition, blind stamped red cloth covers, gilt title front cover & spine, gilt decoration front cover, colour engravings. In cardboard slipcase, slight crease base spine. Facsimile edition. Classic book of jingles and rhymes edited and illustrated by Charles H. Bennett. Engraved by Edmund Evans and then hand-coloured and printed by Griffith and Farran. In 1858, Bennett selected and whimsically illustrated, with a wealth of comic detail, the traditional nursery rhymes. The beautiful drawings and poems would appeal to older children. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30586. $35 AUD.

25. Bertens, Hans (1995). The Idea of the Postmodern: A History (1st ed). London: Routledge. 284 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, minor edgewear, minor pencil annotation. This is the first introductory overview of postmodernism to succeed in giving a witty and accessible guide that is is easy to understand. The author sets out the interdisciplinary aspects, the critical debates and the key theorists of modernism in a clear way, using elegant prose. He also explains the relationship between postmodernism and poststructuralism, and that between modernism and postmodernism. ISBN/ASIN: 0415060125. Our Book No: 29482. $25 AUD.

26. Binyon, T. J. (1989). Murder Will Out: The Detective in Fiction (1st ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP). 166 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket, protected by removable paper lined semiarchival plastic sleeve. Follows the trail of the detective in fiction from Edgar Allan Poe's chevalier Dupin to the present day. This book is not a history of a type of fiction, but a type of character - the fictional detective in all his guises, ranging from the brilliant eccentric amateur, to plodding policemen. This is an indispensable guide to who did what to whom, and how. ISBN/ASIN: 019219223X. Our Book No: 27484. $15 AUD.

27. Birkin, Andrew (2003). J. M. Barrie and the Lost Boys (The Real Story Behind Peter Pan) (Updated ed). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 324 pp. Paperback wide octavo, very good condition, black & white text-photos, minor edgewear, owner's sticker, cover photo differs from stock photo. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. . J. M. Barrie, novelist, playwright, and author of Peter Pan, led a life as magical as his famous creation. Childless in his marriage, Barrie grew obsessively close to the five young boys of the Davies family, becoming their guardian when they were orphaned. Draws extensively on a vast range of notebooks, memoirs, and recorded interviews with the Davies family. Originally published in 1979, this illustrated reissue has a new preface to mark the release of "Neverland", the film of Barrie's life, and the upcoming centenary of "Peter Pan". ISBN/ASIN: 0300098227. Our Book No: 13240. $25 AUD.

28. Bohny, Nicholas (1982). The New Picture Book, being Pictorial Lessons on Form, Comparison, and Number, for Children Under Seven Years of Age, with Explanations [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 36 pp. Hardback oblong folio, very good plus condition, colour plates, pictorial board cover (red cloth spine), in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. The 36 single-sided pages of colour drawings, two or three per page, each picture of familiar things, has a caption underneath asking questions about the picture. Originally published in Germany, 1850, then (English translation) in Edinburgh by Edmonston & Douglas, 1858. By German educator, who believed that children initially learn by doing and visualising pictures. Inspired by Froebel's Kindergarten movement, involving creative play. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 16943. $50 AUD.

29. Bolker, Joan (1997). The Writer's Home Companion: An Anthology of the World's Best Writing Advice, from Keats to Kunitz (Reprint ed). New York: Henry Holt & Company. 269 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. An inspiring collection of the most useful essays and exercises ever produced on the craft of writing, edited with introduction by Bolker. These 29 pieces, more than half of which have never been published in book form, include selections as unusual and diverse as behaviorist B. F. Skinner's "How to Discover What You Have to Say" - Ursula Le Guin's "Where Do Your Get Your Ideas From" - and Anne Eisenberg's "E-Mail and the New Epistolary Age". ISBN/ASIN: 0805048936. Our Book No: 40328. $20 AUD.

30. Bonyhady, Tim (2002). The Colonial Earth (1st p/b ed). Melbourne: Melbourne University Press (MUP). 432 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, black & white & colour drawings (paintings), corner tip covers little creased, minimal foxing edges, minor edgewear. Heavy (1.0 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. In this award-winning and admired book, Tim Bonyhady challenges the belief that Australia’s colonial settlers despised their environment and were blind to their own destructiveness. The first environmental laws were proclaimed as early as 1788. Many colonists not only found delight in their surroundings but were happy to look after them. Many of the present concerns such as looking after endangered species, protecting forests, maintaining public rights over the foreshore, and even the threat of climate change, were important issues with the first white settlers. The work of many of Australia's finest painters is the main feature of his story. He also draws upon many literary sources to show that concern for our environment is not new, but goes deep into the Australian past. ISBN/ASIN: 0522850537. Our Book No: 41417. $40 AUD.

31. Bowlby, Rachel (1993). Shopping with Freud. London: Routledge. 134 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned as common, small mark fore-edge, minor edgewear, minimal pencil annotation few pages. Rachel Bowlby examines some of the surprising ways in which consumers appear in a range of writings - from literature to marketing psychology to psychoanalysis. Shows how ideas about consumption are brought to bear on contemporary questions of choice in areas that seem far removed from a straightforward matter of advertising and shopping. (The author is reader in English at Sussex University.). ISBN/ASIN: 0415060079. Our Book No: 24154. $15 AUD.

32. Brady, Veronica (1994). Caught in the Draught: On Contemporary Australian Culture and Society. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 310 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, corners faintly creased few pages, minor edgewear & rubbing. In these essays, the author tackles challenging contemporary and perennial issues facing all Australians, including racism, Aboriginal rights, social justice. Plus essays on understanding Patrick White. She is a member of the Loreto Order, and also Associate Professor of English, University of Western Australia. SALE PRICE. ISBN/ASIN: 0207179433. Our Book No: 21834. $12 AUD.

33. Brams, Steven J. (2011). Game Theory and the Humanities: Bridging Two Worlds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 319 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good plus dustjacket). Game theory models are ubiquitous in economics, common in political science, and increasingly used in psychology and sociology. In evolutionary biology, they offer compelling explanations for competition in nature. But game theory has been only sporadically applied to the humanities: literature, history, and philosophy. It can illuminate the rational choices made by characters in texts ranging from the Bible to Joseph Heller's Catch-22, and can explicate strategic questions in law, history, and philosophy. Much of Brams's analysis is based on the theory of moves (TOM), which is grounded in game theory, and which he develops gradually and applies systematically throughout. ISBN/ASIN: 9780262015226. Our Book No: 15442. $25 AUD.

34. Brandard, T. (printer); Rusher, John Golby (publisher) (1982). Diamonds and Toads and Two Other Stories: Diamonds and Toads, Scripture Histories, Jack and Jill and Old Dame Gill (Three Chapbooks in Envelopes and Slipcase) (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 14 + 21 + 16 pp. Each book: Paperback small, very good condition, frontispiece, black & white plates. Three books (each in envelope) & single slipcase. Facsimile edition. Diamonds and Toads is a translation of Les Fees, a little-known story that first appeared in Perrault's Histoires 1697, but the edition reproduced here was originally printed by T. Brandard, Birmingham. The second booklet Scripture Histories retells eight stories from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. This booklet was printed by F. Houlston and Son, Wellington. The woodcuts in this booklet are appropriate to the texts. The third chapbook was published by John Golby Rusher, Banbury, who opened a printing office in 1808. Jack and Jill, and Old Dame Gill begins with a traditional English rhyme, dating perhaps from the early 17th century. The second verse is more recent, and the further 13 stanzas, found in many early 19th-century chapbooks, were added by an anonymous hand. The woodcuts were designed by George Cruikshank and then engraved by A. R. Branston. Jack and Jill is folded uncut, as originally printed. The card envelopes that wrap around each individual booklet add a special touch. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30588. $30 AUD.

35. Brasch, R. (Rabbi Rudolph) (1998). Reminiscences of a Roving Rabbi. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 272 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), front cover jacket little scratched (reverse side little foxed), top edge minimally foxed, minor edgewear. The fascinating autobiography of Rudolph Brasch, the much-travelled Australian rabbi and writer. He worked as a padre during the Blitz in London, through to leading congregations in Berlin, London, Dublin, Johannesburg, Alabama and Sydney. He has also published numerous popular books. ISBN/ASIN: 020718979X. Our Book No: 20055. $25 AUD.

36. Bredsdorff, Elias (1975). Hans Christian Andersen: The Story of his Life and Work 1805 - 75 (1st ed). London: Phaidon Press. 376 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, black & white drawings, minor edgewear, owner's rubber stamp. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. First edition. Biography of the controversial Danish author of children's fairy tales. Includes a detailed discussion of how his fairy tales have been mistranslated and bowdlerized by Victorian lady translators. ISBN/ASIN: 0714816361. Our Book No: 9154. $30 AUD.

37. Bronte, Charlotte; Bentley, Phyllis (introduction) (1971). Shirley: A Tale (Reprint ed). London: Collins. 510 pp. Hardback small, no jacket, very good condition, leatherette flexible dark red card covers, gilt top edge, black & white drawing frontispiece, minor edgewear, ribbon bookmark. This is the classic story of Shirley and her family first published in 1849 (this edition, 1953, here reprinted in 1971 in red flexible covers by Collins). This is second novel by Charlotte Bronte after 'Jane Eyre', and is the most Yorkshire of her novels, and set during the depression from the Napoleonic wars in 1811 - 1812. It is a robust, racy, daylight story, crowded with characters and displaying many lively incidents. Introduction by Phyllis Bentley. . Our Book No: 25723. $12 AUD.

38. Brooks, Barbara; Clark, Judith (with) (1998). Eleanor Dark: A Writer's Life. Sydney: Pan Macmillan. 504 pp. Paperback thick octavo, very good condition, black & white photos, minor edgewear. This full-length biography of Eleanor Dark by Barbara Brooks draws on restricted letters and papers, her published and unpublished writing, recently released security files and extensive interviews with family, friends and writer colleagues. There are also interviews with husband Eric Dark conducted before his death in 1987. Woven into this is the personal story of Eleanor Dark - the early loss of her mother, the imposing figure of her writer father, her long marriage to Eric, her life at Varuna, her times - and, most of all - her writing. ISBN/ASIN: 0732909031. Our Book No: 26906. $30 AUD.

39. Brown, Professor Gavin; North, Richard (introduction) (2008). Obiter Dicta: A Collection of Editorials Written by Professor Gavin Brown. Sydney: University of Sydney. 71 pp. Paperback square octavo, very good condition, colour photos, minimal edgewear. A collection of editorials about education and universities written by Professor Gavin Brown, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of Sydney 1996 - 2008. ('Obiter Dicta' means incidental statements in passing.). ISBN/ASIN: 9781742100586. Our Book No: 24808. $20 AUD.

40. Browntrout, publisher; Boniece, M.E. et al. (photos) (2002). CALENDAR 2002: The Literate Cat Deluxe CALENDAR (1st ed). San Francisco: Browntrout Publishers. 12 pp. Paperback oblong quarto, stapled, very good condition, colour photos, tiny hole first two pages, tiny tear one hole used for hanging, corner tips covers little creased, minor edgewear. This calendar is illustrated with cat photos, with a full page colour plate on one page and the days of the month on the other with two small photos and a notable piece of literature about cats. Includes one bonus image with 4 month (Sept. - Dec. 2001) planner. These beautiful photos would keep any cat loving person happy for ages. ISBN/ASIN: 076313810X. Our Book No: 17900. $15 AUD.

41. Burbidge, John; Dessaix, Robert (foreword) (2014). Dare Me! The Life and Work of Gerald Glaskin. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing. 329 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white & colour photos, some faint scratching front cover, minor edgewear. John Burbidge has written a long overdue biography of Gerald Glaskin, a neglected Western Australian novelist. He bravely tackled taboo subjects such as homosexuality and parapsychology (The Christos Experience). He is far better known overseas than in Australia. Foreword by Robert Dessaix. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921867743. Our Book No: 18180. $30 AUD.

42. Butler-Bowdon, Tom (2001). 50 Self-help Classics: Books to Change Your Life (Australian ed). Sydney, East Roseville: Simon & Schuster. 281 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear. A guide to 50 proven classics in the self-help field, including by Dale Carnegie, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Cover, Louise Hay, Victor Frankl, Benjamin Franklin, Buddha. Each consists of a 2 to 4 page summary of the life skills advocated, a brief biography of the author, and a history of the book. ISBN/ASIN: 0731810368. Our Book No: 24748. $12 AUD.

43. Cabrera, Jane (2013). Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (1st this ed). Bath, UK: Parragon Books Ltd / Gullane Books. 28 pp. Paperback small square quarto, very good condition, full-page colour drawings, top corner tips few pages little creased, minor edgewear. This beautiful children's picture story in verse is based on an original poem by Jane Taylor, starring an owl. This is an enchanting version of a favourite nursery rhyme. The text and large colourful drawings by Jane Cabrera will delight all ages. Scarce U.K. edition. ISBN/ASIN: 9781472332011. Our Book No: 41091. $15 AUD.

44. Cadecott, Randolph (illustrator); Cowper, William (1982). The Diverting History of John Gilpin + The Babes in the Woods (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 30 + 31 pp. Each book: Paperback small square quarto, very good plus condition, colour plates (drawings), sepia (brown-tinted) drawings. Both in same cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Two classic children's picture books in verse. 'The Diverting History of John Gilpin' was written in 1878 by William Cowper. 'The Babes In the Wood' was written in 1879. Both books have been beautifully illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. The two books share a cardboard slipcase. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.) Our Book No: 30581. $35 AUD.

45. Cambridge, Ada; Barton, Patricia (notes) (1988). Unspoken Thoughts (New ed) [Occasional Paper]. Canberra, Campbell: English Department, Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales. 184 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, loose-leaf errata sheet. This book of poems, ’Unspoken Thoughts' by Ada Cambridge, was originally published anonymously in 1887 by the novelist and serial writer for Australian newspapers. This re-publication by the Australian Defence Force Academy UNSW Canberra, together with a brief contextual history, will stimulate fresh interest in Cambridge's poetry and its relation to Australian literary history and women's writing. These poems have an extreme focus on biographical and critical speculation (though much of it erroneous). (1 of 2 available copies. The errata sheet corrects Text Note 3 on p144: The cited book has have the quote.). ISBN/ASIN: 0731700481. Our Book No: 22683. $25 AUD.

46. Campbell, Roderic (2014). Fugitive Books: The U Committee's Book Fair 1968 - 2012 and Women's Voluntary Work at UNSW. Sydney, Kensington: UNSW Archives. 189 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition. Roderic Campbell has researched the history of the largest secondhand bookfair in Sydney, held at the University of New South Wales biannually (later annually) from 1968 to 2012. It was modelled on similar large charity bookfairs in Melbourne. ISBN/ASIN: 9780733434679. Our Book No: 15961. $35 AUD.

47. Carey, Peter (2001). 30 Days in Sydney: A Wildly Distorted Account (1st ed). London: Bloomsbury. 250 pp. Hardcover small, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good condition), pictorial cover, endpaper map, minor edgewear, old price marks. Peter Carey, the Australian author, returns home to Sydney after living abroad for years, and he attempts to capture its character with the help of his old friends. Famous sights such as Bondi Beach, the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and the Blue Mountains are looked at with new eyes. ISBN/ASIN: 0747555001. Our Book No: 18218. $20 AUD.

48. Carroll, Lewis; Glue, Donald (illustrator) (1945). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Melbourne: Colorgravure / Herald & Weekly Times. 222 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket, fair condition only, cloth covered boards, black & white drawings, full-page colour drawings, illustrated endpapers, line drawings on covers, frontispiece, some creasing spine, pages toned, corners little bumped covers, boards & spine slightly faded, some edgewear, non-author written dedication front flyleaf, sticker mark top corner front cover. This classic story for young adults is about a girl named Alice who had many adventures during her journey through Wonderland and into the Looking Glass. The end of the book has a poem which has the first letter of each line when read downwards spell the name of Alice Pleasance Liddell, the little girl for whom this story was originally told. Line drawings of Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts on covers. (Two books in one: 105 + 117 pages. An Australian edition. No date, but Trove states 1949 and about 1942, for this illustrator.). Our Book No: 30898. $30 AUD.

49. Carroll, Lewis ; Tenniel, John (illustrator) (1982). The Nursery Alice Containing Twenty Coloured Enlargements from Tenniel's Illustrations to "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" with Text Adapted to Nursery Readers (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 56 pp. Hardback small quarto, very good condition, pictorial cover, tissue guide title page, frontispiece, papered boards (olive green cloth spine), colour drawings. In cardboard slipcase, small bump fore-edge, small creases spine. Facsimile edition. A classic children's picture book, written by Lewis Carroll and illustrated by John Tenniel. Engraved and printed by Edmund Evans. Originally published in 1889 by Macmillan, London. The beautiful drawings would appeal to most ages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30577. $30 AUD.

50. Cato, Nancy (1950). The Darkened Window (1st ed). Sydney: Lyre Bird Writers / Designed & Printed by Edwards & Shaw. 24 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket, good condition, drawing on front cover, edges lightly foxed, spine edges rubbed (ends chipped, some loss at base), cover corners little worn, small white mark rear cover, few tiny faded ink lines front cover, cover edges little rubbed, pages lightly toned, some edgewear. This is Nancy Cato's scarce first work: a poetry book. Most of the poems were previously published in 'The Bulletin' and 'Poetry'. The Australian novelist was a founding member of Lyre Bird (Lyrebird) Writers, Sydney, and of the Jindyworobak Movement. This book has some very intense poems that look at society, the environment and nature. (Aboriginal design on front cover.). Our Book No: 30873. $50 AUD.

51. Chambers, Iain (1990). Border Dialogues: Journeys in Postmodernity (1st p//b ed) [Comedia Series]. London: Routledge. 146 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, faint foxing top edge, minor edgewear. Iain Chanbers examines some areas of contemporary culture, philosophy and criticism from the postmodern perspective. This leads to Nietzsche and Italian 'weak thought', with the mysteries of being ‘British', and with more immediate concerns such as computers, fashion, gender and ethnicity. All these strands comer together in an increasingly shared network. But is postmodernism the end of the road? The author teaches British culture and cultural theory at a university in Naples, Italy. ISBN/ASIN: 0415013755. Our Book No: 24187. $15 AUD.

52. Chaucer, Geoffrey; Binder, Pearl (artist) (1929). Wyf of Bathe. London: Mandrake Press. 44 pp. Hardback narrow quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), glassine acetate jacket, single-colour drawings, minor foxing spine & edges, pages & endpapers lightly toned as common, two small scuff marks rear endpapers, minor edgewear. A private press book of a Chaucer poem in Middle English language. Printed by the short-lived Mandrake Press, which was founded by P. R. Stephensen, the Australian writer, publisher and political activist. Decorated by artist Pearl Binder. With 17 illustrations (red & black), printed on Japon vellum paper. Pictorial parchment boards. A scarce item not often offered for sale. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340s - 1400) was an English poet and civil servant, known as The Father of English Literature. This is the best known of his Canterbury Tales, about a seamstress married five times who asserts control over her husband. (No date, but 1929. Unstated limited edition.) Our Book No: 15657. $140 AUD.

53. Chitty, Susan (2007). Anna Sewell: The Woman who Wrote Black Beauty. Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing. 287 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white photos, small mark top edge, minor edgewear. Susan Chitty documents Anna Sewell's strict Quaker upbringing and typically Victorian relationship with her dominating mother. She wrote the children's novel "Black Beauty" in her fifties on her deathbed, and sold it outright for GBP20. She did not live to know its success. This biography chronicles her tragic life from the tragic accident that left her lame at the age of 14. All lovers of Black Beauty, and horses generally, will enjoy this book about one of the best known and loved authors. ISBN/ASIN: 9780752442822. Our Book No: 25050. $15 AUD.

54. Clark, Axel (editor); Fletcher, John (editor); Marsden, Robin (editor) (1979). Between Two Worlds: Loss of Faith and Late Nineteenth Century Australian Literature. Sydney: Wentworth Books. 122 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good plus condition, flexible card cover, typewritten text, minor edgewear. A collection of seven essays by Vincent Buckley, Manning Clark, Dorothy Green, A. D. Hope, Patrick Morgan, Elizabeth Perkins and Fay Zwicky. These papers were originally presented at a seminar by the Christopher Brennan Society at the University of Sydney in 1978. These essays aim to promote study of troubled academic Christopher Brennan (Associate Professor of German and comparative languages, University of Sydney). Some essays cover the various fields where he made significant contributions: poetry, Australian literature, European languages and literature, and notably religious thought and sentiment - perhaps as a substitute for his Catholic faith he lost as an undergraduate. Introduction by Axel Clark. Edited by Axel Clark, John Fletcher and Robin Marsden. ISBN/ASIN: 0855871474. Our Book No: 18181. $40 AUD.

55. Clark, Samuel (1982). The Ocean and Its Inhabitants, with Their Uses to Man (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 18 + 8 leaves of plates pp. Hardback wide octavo, very good condition, blind stamped red decorations covers, gilt title cover & spine, illustrated cover, full-page colour drawings (8 leaves of plates). In cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. This book was the first of a series of instructive reading books for young children that publisher Darton and Clark initiated in 1844. Samuel Clark had an interest in the physical sciences, and he may have promoted, if not written and illustrated, this fine book. The beautiful drawings would appeal to most ages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30578. $30 AUD.

56. Clarke, Marcus (1996). About Gardens and Flowers [Commemoration Series]. Canberra: Mulini Press. 34 pp. Paperback thin trade, stapled pamphlet, very good plus condition, black & white text drawings, minimal edgewear. This pamphlet was published to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Marcus Clarke on 24 April 1846. The novelist is best known for his "For the Term of His Natural Life". He also wrote articles and essays. Among the latter is this essay about Gardens and Flowers. The main part of the essay is about the Botanic Gardens of Melbourne as they were in the 1870s just after they had been taken over from Ferdinand von Mueller by William Guilfoyle. He also mentions Francis Bacon and John Evelyn and some of the well-known and loved flower painters. (1 of 2 available copies.). ISBN/ASIN: 094991066X. Our Book No: 28444. $25 AUD.

57. Clarke, Patricia (1994). Tasma: The Life of Jessie Couvreur. Sydney, St Leonards: Allen & Unwin. 213 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, minor edgewear, old written name marks front flyleaf, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve (Brodart). Biography of an Australian writer, lecturer and foreign correspondent. This is the first biography of this remarkable woman. Relates Tasma's story from her early life in Hobart and ending with her death in Brussels. Tasma took her name from Tasmania where she spent her early years. ISBN/ASIN: 1863735194. Our Book No: 20822. $20 AUD.

58. Clendinnen, Inga (2000). Tiger's Eye: A Memoir. Melbourne: Text Publishing. 289 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, pages faintly toned, corner tip few pages & rear cover little creased, minor edgewear. Tiger's Eye, by Inga Glendinned (Text Publishing, 2000). In this very personal memoir, the Australian author and cultural historian writes about how her illness (hepatitis) challenges the self, and how the disabling of the body can liberate the imagination. By the author of Reading the Holocaust, and of Dancing With Strangers. ISBN/ASIN: 1876485264. Our Book No: 29309. $14 AUD.

59. Cohen, Morton (1995). Lewis Carroll: A Biography (New ed). London: Papermac / Macmillan. 577 pp. Paperback small thick octavo, very good condition, frontispiece, black & white text-photos & drawings, slight foxing top edge, minor edgewear. Morton Cohen has written a biography of the author of the children's classic 'Alice in Wonderland'. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the real name of Lewis Carroll. His imagination created wild and funny characters who became famous through his stories. ISBN/ASIN: 0333660331. Our Book No: 41209. $25 AUD.

60. Colbert, David (2005). The Magical Worlds of Narnia: A Treasury of Myths, Legends, and Fascinating Facts. New York: Berkley Books. 186 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, single-colour drawings, minor edgewear, remainder stripe, tiny mark bottom edge. An unauthorised but special exploration by David Colbert of the fascinating and revealing myths, legends, and history behind C. S. Lewis's beloved Narnia stories, starting with 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', and its six sequels.For example: Why a wardrobe? What did C. S. Lewis mean by 'Shadowlands'? How did Tolkien ('Lord of the Rings'), a friend of Lewis, influence the writing of the Narnia stories? Who and what inspired the 'White Witch'? ISBN/ASIN: 0425205630. Our Book No: 23530. $12 AUD.

61. Cole, E. W. (editor) (1915). Home [Cream of Human Thought Library]. Melbourne: E. W. Cole. 415 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket, good condition, embossed brown cloth cover (very mottled), black & white drawings, frontispiece portrait, black & white drawings & text-photos, endpapers toned & little foxed, small tears bottom edge several pages, spine little faded, pages lightly toned, some edgewear. The fourth volume of 'The Cream of Human Thought Library'. It consists of a large number of sayings and extracts from universal literature about home life. It includes brief biographies for some authors. The aim is to make this collection the most interesting, informative and enduing that is currently available. A 'Compliments from E. W. Cole' page following endpapers. (No date, but 1910s, Trove. In memory of his late wife, who died in 1911. Has 415 pages plus extra unnumbered pages.) Our Book No: 17891. $25 AUD.

62. Cole, E. W. (Edward William) (editor) (1915). Happiness [The Cream of Human Thought Library]. Melbourne: E. W. Cole. 443 pp. Hardback octavo, no jacket, good condition, black & white drawings, frontispiece, foxing first several pages, light foxing edges & inside covers, pages lightly toned, prelim page & spine ends creased, top & bottom edges lightly stained, corners covers little bumped, some edgewear. This book is the fifth volume of The Cream of Human Thought Library. It has 1000 of the best quotations in prose and verse on happiness, gathered from universal, ancient and modern literature. (No date, about 1910s this series, Trove.). Our Book No: 29936. $40 AUD.

63. Cole, E. W. (Edward William) (editor) (1916). Sleep (1st ed) [Cream of Human Thought Library]. Melbourne: E. W. Cole. 349 + 16 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket, good condition, dark red boards with gilt title & editor’s name on front, small embossed symbol, black & white drawings & photos, frontispiece, light foxing few pages & inside covers, pages lightly toned, spine ends creased, corners covers little bumped, colour loss few patches covers & spine, some edgewear & rubbing, written name front free flyleaf. This book is the sixth volume of The Cream of Human Thought Library. It has a varied selection of choice quotations from universal literature on the important subject of sleep. Our Book No: 40576. $45 AUD.

64. Coleman, Verna (1981). Miles Franklin in America: Her Unknown (Brilliant) Career. London & Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 219 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white text-photos, small mark fore-edge, minor edgewear, autograph (author's written dedication front free flyleaf). After the initial success of "My Brilliant Career " in 1901, the author Miles Franklin left for America five years after its publication, and then stayed for over 20 years. She became involved with the Chicago Labour movement. Utilises Miles Franklin's own diaries and letters from that period to contend that she was neither particularly successful as a Labour union agitator for women, nor as a writer. Her writing was mediocre at best until she came back to reconnect with her homeland. ISBN/ASIN: 0207145369. Our Book No: 3393. $18 AUD.

65. Collins, Jeff; Mayblin, Bill (2000). Introducing Derrida (Reprint ed). Sydney: Icon / Allen & Unwin. 171 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white cartoons, minor edgewear. Describes the key strategies of Derrida's writings, explains their controversial effects in philosophy, and shows how Derrida has put them to work in literature, art, architecture and politics. Written and illustrated with wit and clarity, the book offers a starting point for an intellectual adventure that threatens to disturb some of the most comfortable habits of contemporary thought. ISBN/ASIN: 1840461187. Our Book No: 24843. $12 AUD.

66. Conrad, Joseph (2012). Heart of Darkness (Modern reprint ed) [Penguin English Library]. London: Penguin Group. 120 pp. Paperback thin trade, very good condition, minor edgewear, two tiny nicks fore-edge last page. This classic novel by Jospeh Conrad is of hallucinatory violence and strangeness. It is the story of a sailor Marlow and his involvement in the horrors of colonialism in Africa. He travels up the Congo on a steamer in search of the great ivory trader, Kurtz, who rules his lands through terror, and has made himself into a god. This masterpiece is a harrowing, gripping portrait of a man's potential for evil. ISBN/ASIN: 9780141199788. Our Book No: 40896. $12 AUD.

67. Corris, Peter (2000). Sweet and Sour: A Diabetic Life. Lismore, NSW: Southern Cross University Press. 163 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, minor edgewear. Peter Corris, the noted Australian crime fiction writer, describes his life as a diabetic. In this candid and engaging account, he acknowledges the potentially fatal consequences of his denial and ignorance, and describes how he came to terms with a chronic condition. He dedicates the book to Professor Fred Hollows for lifesaving advice. (1 of 2 available copies.). ISBN/ASIN: 1875855467. Our Book No: 19125. $25 AUD.

68. Cotter, Jason (editor); Williams, Michael (editor); Hancock, James Gulliver (illustrator) (2009). Readings and Writings: Forty Years in Books. Melbourne, Carlton: Readings Books, Music and Film. 264 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, few black & white drawings, pages toned as usual, minor edgewear. The 'Readings' bookshop opened in 1969, and has grown to become one of the most renowned and beloved bookshops in Melbourne and a landmark on the local library scene. This book celebrates the 40th birthday of 'Readings'. It consists of a collection of new Australian short stories from writers who have been involved with the bookshop over the years. Edited by Jason Cotter and Michael Williams. ISBN/ASIN: 9781740668217. Our Book No: 29567. $20 AUD.

69. Crane, Walter (1980). Flower's from Shakespeare's Garden: A Posy from the Plays, Pictured by Walter Crane. London: Cassell Ltd. 40 pp. Hardback small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition, silver drawing front board, colour drawings, bottom edge & spine ends rubbed, minor edgewear jacket (lightly faded). This book was first published in 1906, and this classic reissue is as charming as it was then. One of a series of 'flower fantasies' produced by Crane towards the end of his life, it combines the originality of his earlier illustrative work with haunting fragments of quotations from Shakespeare. ISBN/ASIN: 0289709105. Our Book No: 29653. $15 AUD.

70. Crane, Walter (1982). The Alphabet of Old Friends / Puss in Boots (2 books) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 16 + Unnum 20 pp. Each book: Paperback large quarto, very good plus condition, colour plates (drawings), both in the same cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Two classic children's picture books in verse, with interleaved blank pages (Walter Crane's artistic "toy books"). Crane's Puss in Boots was published in 1897, and his alphabet book was published in 1875. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 16955. $50 AUD.

71. Crane, Walter (1982). Baby's Own Aesop [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 56 pp. Hardback small square octavo, very good plus condition, pictorial cover, papered boards (green cloth spine), colour drawings, in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. A classic children's picture book, fabulously illustrated, one of three similar books that followed Walter Crane's successful "toy books". Subtitle: Being the fables condensed in rhyme with portable morals pictorially pointed, engraved and printed in colours by Edmund Evans. Originally published by George Routledge, London, in 1887. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 17048. $40 AUD.

72. Crittenden, Victor (1997). Louisa Atkinson and her Novels. Canberra: Mulini Press. 63 pp. Paperback trade, very good plus condition, black & white drawings, tiny scuff spine edge. Victor Crittenden discusses Louisa Atkinson, the first native born (Australian-born) woman novelist. This book is an outline of her life and discusses her novels and stories. Louisa Atkinson was born in 1838 and died in 1871. In addition to her novels she is is well-known as a botanist and a collector of Australian plants. ISBN/ASIN: 0949910546. Our Book No: 29721. $25 AUD.

73. Crittenden, Victor (2002). Yesterday's Gardens: A History and Bibliography of Australian Gardening Books (2nd ed). Canberra: Mulini Press. 276 pp. Hardback small quarto, no jacket, pictorial cover, very good condition, black & white drawings, frontispiece, tiny dent spine edge. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. Second (revised and enlarged) edition. Victor Crittenden provides a fascinating history of gardening books in Australia. The first part outlines the story of gardening books in Australia and the people who wrote them. Many of the introduced plants and flowers are identified, and the growing of native plants from the earliest times is referred to in this part. This enlarged edition now lists 206 Australian gardening books published before 1950. The second part of the book lists in detail all Australian gardening books from the first Gardening Guide in 1806 up until 1950, and gives a brief description of the contents of each book. ISBN/ASIN: 0949910902. Our Book No: 29723. $50 AUD.

74. Cruikshank, George (1982). Hop-o' My-thumb and the Seven League Boots [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 34 pp. Paperback small, very good plus condition, card cover, full-page black & white drawings, in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Facsimile of a children's story of a drunken father abandoning his children who then encounter an ogre: being an adaptation of an old fairy tale, but here rewritten to support the temperance movement. Charles Dickens severely criticised changing the words of old fairy tales. Originally published by David Bogue, London, in 1853, as part of George Cruikshank's Fairy Library. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 17011. $20 AUD.

75. Crystal, David (2011). Begat the King James Bible and the English Language (1st p/b ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP). 327 pp. Paperback, very good condition, spine little creased, minor edgewear corners. In this fascinating book the author asks how a work published in 1611 could have such an influence on the English language and how it is used today. He looks at the work of poets, playwrights, novelists, politicians, journalists, advertisers, film-makers, and even hip-hop artists. ISBN/ASIN: 9780199695188. Our Book No: 30066. $16 AUD.

76. Curtis, Tony (editor) (2001). The Art of Seamus Heaney (4th ed). Dublin: Wolfhound Press. 295 pp. Paperback thick trade, very good condition, minimal edgewear. This fourth edition is the latest in an ongoing critical response to Seamus Heaney's work. It includes new essays on Heaney's three most recent books. This famous Irish poet won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1995. ISBN/ASIN: 0863278620. Our Book No: 25758. $15 AUD.

77. Dahl, Roald (1987). Going Solo: Continuing the Story Begun in Boy (Reprint ed). London: Penguin Books. 210 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white text-photos, map, frontispiece, light crease spine, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. The English author continues his autobiography which began in "Boy". He goes to East Africa on his first job in the first part of the book, and in the second part he writes about the time he went flying with the RAF in the Second World War. ISBN/ASIN: 9780140103069. Our Book No: 28344. $12 AUD.

78. Dale, Rodney (1997). Cats in Books: A Celebration of Cat Illustration Through the Ages (1st ed). New York: Harry N. Abrams. 112 pp. Hardback small, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), colour & black & white drawings, illustrated endpapers, minor edgewear jacket. This delightful book has 100 illustrations (75 in colour), drawn from 1000 years of manuscripts and books. Selected and introduced by Rodney Dale. Cat lovers and book lovers alike will be enchanted by the cats shown in this distinctive book. The author puts the cats and the illustrations into historical and literary context. ISBN/ASIN: 0810940450. Our Book No: 31036. $30 AUD.

79. Daniels, Paul Raimond (2013). Nietzsche and the Birth of Tragedy (1st ed). Durham: Acumen Publishing. 240 pp. Paperback large octavo, very good condition, top spine lightly bumped, minor edgewear. An analysis of the meaning of Greek tragedy (Ancient Greek theatre) by the German philosopher Nietzsche. A clear account of the text and its philosophical, literary and historical influences. Each chapter examines part of the text, explaining the ideas presented and assessing relevant points of interpretation. The book will interest readers in philosophy, literary studies and classics. ISBN/ASIN: 9781844652433. Our Book No: 29455. $30 AUD.

80. Darton, William (1982). The Death and Burial of Cock Robin and the Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat (2 books) (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 16 + 16 pp. Each book: Paperback small square, very good condition, frontispiece, black & white plates (1), colour plates (1), in thin card envelope. Both books in same slipcase. Facsimile edition. The Death and Burial of Cock Robin is a nursery rhyme of ancient origin. William Darton expanded the traditional rhyme with four new verses. This booklet has hand-coloured copperplate illustrations. The Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat has black and white engraved plates. This rhyme has been known since 1706 and appeared in a chapbook edition published in 1803 by T. Evans. The card envelopes that wrap around each individual booklet add a special touch. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30587. $30 AUD.

81. Day, A. Grove; Chisholm, A. H. (foreword) (1967). Louis Becke (1st Australian ed). Melbourne: Hill of Content. 176 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), front flap jacket price-clipped, minor toning front free flyleaf, minor edgewear, bookplate, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve (Brodart). A pioneer biography by A. Grove Day of Australian novelist and storyteller Louis Becke, often described as 'The Rudyard Kipling of the Pacific'. Until age 40, Becke frequently worked and gravelled the Pacific, including as an accomplice of the pirate and blackbirder Captain 'Bully' Hayes. He then started writing stories to support is family. A focus is on his writings, including the first complete bibliography and critical comments as a very uneven writer. (Published simultaneously with the University of Hawaii Press edition. Small bookplate: 'From the Library of Terence Scott Paul'.). Our Book No: 3244. $30 AUD.

82. De Ferdkin, S. W. (editor); Guiraldes, Alberto (illustrator) (1948). Argentine Anthology (1st ed). London: Geoffrey Cumberlege / Oxford University Press (OUP). 91 pp. Paperback small, dustjacket, card covers, very good condition (in good dustjacket), black & white drawings, minor edgewear jacket (closed edge tears, edges little chipped, lightly marked, reverse side lightly toned, slight loss top spine), top edge lightly foxed, tiny mark front flyleaf, edges & pages lightly toned, bookshop sticker. This little book is an anthology of writings in English about Argentina, including folklore, portraits, essays, fables and sketches. The introduction and the preface are written in Spanish by the editor. (bookshop sticker from Mitchell's English Book Store, Buenos Aires.). Our Book No: 16090. $15 AUD.

83. De Groen, Francis (1998). Xavier Herbert: A Biography (1st ed). Brisbane, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press (UQP). 349 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, minor edgewear jacket, pages little toned as common. This is the first biography of Queensland novelist Xavier Herbert (1901 - 1984), author of the award-winning "Capricornia". Examines the contradictions at the core of his turbulent life and career. It charts his lifelong quest to discover the reality of his existence and to forge a larger-than-life identity. The book highlights his compulsion to write and shows his abiding themes, including those relating to sex and women. There are many photos, some of which have never been published before. ISBN/ASIN: 0702230219. Our Book No: 29760. $25 AUD.

84. della Dora, Veronica (2016). Mountain (Nature and Culture) [The Earth Series]. London: Reaktion Books. 264 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, thick card covers (with flaps), black & white & colour photos & drawings, glossy paper, minor edgewear. Veronica della Dora, professor of human geography at the University of London, records a fascinating journey through mountain peaks, both real and imaginary. Shows how the history of mountains is deeply interlaced with cultural values and aesthetic tastes, with religious beliefs and scientific practices. This lavish book has 137 illustrations, 99 in colour, which explore these giants of nature, as found in art, literature, science, sport, religion and myth. ISBN/ASIN: 9781780236476. Our Book No: 29995. $20 AUD.

85. Demidenko, Helen (pseudonym); Darville, Helen (1995). The Hand that Signed the Paper (4th printing ed). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 157 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, pages little toned as common, minor edgewear. Novel by Helen Demidenko about a Ukrainian peasant who welcomes the Nazis in 1941. Winner of Australian/Vogel Literary Award and the Miles Franklin Literary Award (printed on front cover). The author was later unmasked as an ethnic pseudonym (the cause of considerable controversy). Fourth printing. Later printings were published under the her true name at the time, Helen Darville (but now Helen Dale). ISBN/ASIN: 1864480181. Our Book No: 3182. $25 AUD.

86. Departments of English, Members of (1940). Some Modern Writers: Two Courses of Sydney University Extension Lectures on Ezra Pound, Charles Morgan, A. E. Houseman, James Joyce, Edith Sitwell, T. S. Eliot. Sydney: Australasian Medical Publishing Company. 119 pp. Paperback small quarto, card covers, good condition, pages lightly toned, top corner tips pages little creased, top corner few pages creased, covers lightly toned & little marked, few small stains spine & front cover, minor foxing edges & the first few pages, little loss top spine, spine lightly worn, minor pencil annotation, owner's written name title page. From Preparatory Note: The lectures on Pound, Morgan, and Houseman, delivered for the Sydney University Extension Board in September, 1938, have not been printed before. The other three appeared together, in 1935, as Some Recent Developments in English Literature, and are here reprinted with the original preface and a few additional notes. Our Book No: 40090. $30 AUD.

87. Derrida, Jacques; Bennington, Geoffrey (translator); Bowlby, Rachel (translator) (1991). Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question (Reprint ed). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 139 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, small mark top edge, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. From translator's note: The text translated here is that of a lecture on spirituality given 14 March 1987, at the end of a conference organized by the College International de Philosophie in Paris, entitled "Heidegger: Open Questions". The notes were naturally added later. The translators give references wherever possible to English versions of the texts by Heidegger cited by Jacques Derrida. The translator's have retranslated throughout in the interests of consistency and proximity to the versions used by Derrida. ISBN/ASIN: 0226143198. Our Book No: 29678. $25 AUD.

88. Desai, Meghnad (2014). Who Wrote the Bhagavadgita? A Secular Inquiry into a Sacred Text. India: Harper Element. 192 pp. Paperback, very good condition, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear, minimal pencil annotation last page (rubbed out). The author is an economist and public intellectual who has written a humanist critique of the Gita. The book is provocative and scholarly, and it challenges all of the popular notions of the Gita. ISBN/ASIN: 9789351361657. Our Book No: 30002. $30 AUD.

89. Dessaix, Robert (2004). Twilight of Love: Travels with Turgenev. Sydney: Pan Macmillan. 275 pp. Hardback small, no jacket, pictorial cover, very good condition, illustrated endpapers, covers a little rubbed (mostly black background), ribbon bookmark. The Australian author has written a fascinating memoir, literary biography and travel book. He travelled in the footsteps of the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, after having his own 40-year relationship with Turgenev, first as a student of the Russian language in both Australia and Russia, then as a teacher. Because of his journey through Germany, France and finally Russia, he now regards Turgenev as a friend. ISBN/ASIN: 0330364995. Our Book No: 28820. $15 AUD.

90. Dessaix, Robert (2014). What Days Are For (1st ed). Sydney: Random House. 231 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), bottom edge covers little rubbed, top corner front cover lightly bumped, minor edgewear jacket. Autobiography of the Australian author who is reflecting on his life after suffering a near fatal heart attack in Sydney. These surprisingly funny recollections are about intimacy, travel, spirituality, enchantment, language and childhood, all combined with his heightened sense of mortality. ISBN/ASIN: 9780857985767. Our Book No: 29249. $20 AUD.

91. Dexter, Walter (editor) (1931). The Dickensian: A Quarterly Magazine for Dickens Lovers (1 issue) (1st ed). London: Dickens Fellowship at The Dickens House. 246 pp. Paperback trade, good condition, black & white drawings, few music scores, few adverts, spine ends little chipped, pages lightly toned, bottom corner tips front cover & pages little creased, small mark front cover, minor edgewear. This issue of The Dickensian journal is Volume XXVII [27], Summer Number, no. 219. The stories are: The Drink Question According to Dickens, The Songs of Dick Swiveller, The Waiters of Dickens, Dickens Notes for Edward Drood, The London of David Copperfield, and other Dickens related articles. A real treasure trove of things Dickens related. Our Book No: 40685. $15 AUD.

92. Dickens, Charles; Rowland, Peter (editor) (1997). My Early Times (Revised ed). London: Aurum Press. 210 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), few full-page drawings & portraits, edges lightly foxed, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear jacket (top edge reverse side little toned). Peter Rowlands presents a masterly literary reconstruction of the early life of Charles Dickens, written in his own words, and based on numerous sources, including autobiographical fragments, speeches, letters, as well as autobiographical passages from his novel 'David Copperfield' (note the reverse of his initials CD). ISBN/ASIN: 1854105183. Our Book No: 17191. $15 AUD.

93. Dudgeon, Piers (2014). Maeve Binchy: The Biography (1st U.S. ed). New York: Thomas Dunne / St Martin's Press. 335 pp. Hardback large octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, pages lightly toned, sticker mark front cover jacket. Piers Dudgeon has drawn on extensive research and many humorous personal anecdotes to write this biography of Maeve Binchy, the Irish romance novelist. The biography celebrates the life of a down-to-earth, compassionate and charming woman who touched hearts around the world and left behind an amazing legacy. Many of her stories were based on her own hard-won experience growing up in Ireland. ISBN/ASIN: 9781250047144. Our Book No: 30958. $30 AUD.

94. Dunning, John (2005). The Bookman's Promise: A Cliff Janeway Novel (1st Australian printing ed). New York: Pocket Star / Pocket Books. 469 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages faintly toned as common, minor edgewear, cover design differs from stock photo. Crime fiction novel by John Dunning about a Denver policeman named Cliff Janeway who is now a bookseller. He buys a signed first edition of a rare book by a 19th century explorer and man of letters, Sir Richard Francis Burton, and then becomes involved in a new mystery. Book 3 of the Janeway novels. Australian edition, first printing (1 in number line). ISBN/ASIN: 0731813022. Our Book No: 28038. $15 AUD.

95. Durack, Mary (1998). Sons in the Saddle (Reprint ed). Sydney: Bantam. 448 pp. Paperback trade, very good plus condition, black & white text-photos centre spread. A sequel to "Kings in Grass Castles", about the pioneering Durack family in the Kimberleys, Western Australia (written by the novelist family member). ISBN/ASIN: 0733801579. Our Book No: 10214. $15 AUD.

96. Eastman, P. D. (1999). The Best Nest (Reprint ed) [I Can Read It All By Myself Beginner Books]. London: Collins. 63 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, colour drawings, minor edgewear. In this Beginner Book by P. D. Eastman, two birds search for the perfect nest. Mrs Bird cannot be found when Mr Bird searches for her, and after a few adventures himself, he discovers she has gone back to their first nest, and wants to stay there. (No date, but about 1999.). ISBN/ASIN: 0001713140. Our Book No: 40886. $12 AUD.

97. Ellis, Bob; Brooksbank, Anne (compiler); Ellis, Jack (introduction); Murray, Les (reflection) (2016). Bob Ellis in His Own Words. Melbourne, Carlton: Black Inc. 374 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, colour & sepia (brown-tinted) & few black & white photos, front cover corner tip creased & little scuffed, minor edgewear. Compiled from Bob Ellis's many diaries, subsequent yo his death in 2016. Partly about the man himself, and about the compiler Anne Brooksbank, who married Bob in December 1977. It has a selection from some of his best writing on life and current affairs. ISBN/ASIN: 9781863958912. Our Book No: 29441. $16 AUD.

98. Ellsworth, E. E. (1961). Doctor Noreen (Reprint ed) [Crown Library]. London: Lutterworth Press. 120 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, good plus condition (in good plus dustjacket), frontispiece, scuff marks & slight loss front pastedown (label removed), minor foxing rear pastedown, light brown strip free flyleaves, tiny scuff mark front free flyleaf, little loss corners & spine ends jacket (small edge tears, light stains reverse side, flap price-clipped), presentation bookplate, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. Classic novel for young adults by E. E. Ellsworth. What does the wisp of smoke coming from the large house next door to their school mean? Share in the adventures of Doreen and her friend Sylvia as they find out. (Originally published, 1949. This is the 1961 reprint. No 5 in the Crown Library series.). ISBN/ASIN: B001OY1KUU. Our Book No: 23561. $20 AUD.

99. Epstein, E. L. (editor); Joyce, James (1982). A Starchamber Quiry: A James Joyce Centennial Volume 1882 - 1982. New York: Methuen. 164 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in good dustjacket), pages lightly toned, top edge lightly foxed, corner tips few pages little worn, minor edgewear jacket (light foxing reverse side, light foxing top edge flaps, spine little faded, light stain bottom edge), bottom corners little bumped. This book celebrates the centenary of Joyce's birth, and contains five essays that are cover most aspects of James Joyce's work: by Hugh Kenner, Fritz Senn, E.L. Epstein, Robert Boyle and Clive Hart. ISBN/ASIN: 0416315607. Our Book No: 28455. $20 AUD.

100. Fahey, Warren (editor); Seal, Graham (editor) (2005). Old Bush Songs: The Centenary Edition of Banjo Paterson's Classic Collection (1st ed). Sydney: ABC Books. 324 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white text-photos & drawings, covers little creased, light foxing edges, minor edgewear. This book was first published in 1905 to preserve bush songs during a period of massive social change. In this centenary edition, two of Australia's premier folklorists, Warren Fahey and Graham Seal, have preserved the best of Banjo Paterson's collection. They have used their own work as collectors, and the work of other researchers, to extend the collection in this book. ISBN/ASIN: 0733315917. Our Book No: 29181. $20 AUD.

101. Feather, John (1988). A History of British Publishing (1st p/b ed). London: Routledge. 292 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. This comprehensive history covers the period in which books have been printed in Britain. Includes a survey of the present century, the age of the Net Book Agreement, the book club, and the electronic media. ISBN/ASIN: 0415026547. Our Book No: 27942. $20 AUD.

102. Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1982). The Great Gatsby (Reprint ed). London: Penguin Books. 171 pp. Paperback small trade, good condition, pages little toned, crease along fore-edge rear cover, minor edgewear. Ths classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the great love stories of our time. The author distilled the essences of glamour and illusion so powerfully that his book has haunted and fascinated generations of readers. (No date, but about 1982, being 64th reprint. Originally published in Penguin, 1950.). ISBN/ASIN: 0140007466. Our Book No: 31012. $10 AUD.

103. Flecker, James Elroy (1948). Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Baghdad, and How He Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand: A Play in Five Acts. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books / William Heinemann. 122 pp. Paperback small trade, good plus condition, pages lightly toned as usual, top corner front cover lightly creased, spine & nearby covers lightly faded & toned, spine ends lightly chipped, minor edgewear, small bookshop rubber stamp. James Elroy Flecker dramatised 'Hassan', an old Turkish tale, when he was working in the Middle East in 1911. It is about Hassan, a credulous old man whose friends delighted in playing practical jokes on him. It has proved to be one of the most spectacular plays on the modern English stage, and has been broadcast with equal success. (No 675: Complete and unabridged. Rubber stamp of Penguin Bookshop, Sydney.). ISBN/ASIN: B000PCOENC. Our Book No: 23921. $12 AUD.

104. Forbes, Derek (2002). Illustrated Playbills: A Study Together With a Reprint of "A Descriptive Catalogue of Theatrical Wood Engravings" (1865). Covent Garden, London: Society for Theatre Research. 134 pp. Paperback large quarto, very good condition, drawings (playbills), corner tips few pages creased, minor edgewear. Derek Forbes has written a detailed study of some of the thousands of old playbills that have survived, thus contributing to our understanding of early theatrical practices. The book has chapters on definitions and early examples, playbills featuring animal subjects, and those featuring human subjects. Plus an introduction to the 1865 catalogue prepared by E. J. Bath, and case-studies of selected plays and their illustrations. Part II is a facsimile of the Bath catalogue of theatrical wood engravings. ISBN/ASIN: 0854300724. Our Book No: 15378. $20 AUD.

105. Francis of Assisi, Saint; Brown, Raphael (1958). The Little Flowers of St Francis of Assisi: An Entirely New Version, with 20 Additional Chapters, of the Christian Classic of the Ages (28th reprint ed). New York: Doubleday. 357 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, chart, map, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. St. Francis of Assisi's ecstatic embrace of a life of poverty revolutionized Christianity even as it transformed the ethics of the West. This edition is the only complete version of this Christian spiritual classic that has been translated into modern English from the original Latin and Italian, and includes 20 additional chapters. It has an introduction, notes, and biographical sketches by Raphael Brown, the well-known Franciscan scholar, whose deep feeling for St. Francis has helped him capture the spirit and flavor that give these writings their indescribable charm. Includes: The Considerations on the Holy Stigma, The Life and Sayings of Brother Giles, and The Life of Brother Juniper. (Copyright, 1958. This copy with ISBN: 28th reprint.). ISBN/ASIN: 0385075448. Our Book No: 31205. $22 AUD.

106. Freeman, Arthur; Freeman, Janet Ing (2004). John Payne Collier: Scholarship and Forgery in the Nineteenth Century (2 volumes). New Haven: Yale University Press. 1532 pp. Hardback large quarto, red cloth cover, very good plus condition, black & white photos. Two volumes in matching slipcase. Very heavy set (2.7 Kg), and not available for postage to destinations outside Australia. John Payne Collier (1789 - 1883), one of the most controversial figures in the history of literary scholarship, pursued a double career. A prolific and highly influential writer on the drama, poetry, and popular prose of Shakespeare's age, he was at the same time the creator of a large body of forgeries and false evidence, seriously affecting the text and biography of Shakespeare and many others. This monumental two-volume work addresses the whole of Collier's activity, systematically sorting out his genuine achievements from his impostures. The authors also survey the broader history of literary forgery in Great Britain and consider why so talented a man not only yielded to its temptations but also persisted in it throughout his life. ISBN/ASIN: 0300096615. Our Book No: 17324. $180 AUD.

107. Galassi, Jonathan (2015). Muse (1st Australian ed). Melbourne: Text Publishing. 253 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, minor edgewear. This novel is about writer's secrets, publisher's obsessions, manuscripts, love, loyalty and betrayal and the most gifted, glamorous and elusive writer of her generation. The author is a poet, president & publisher of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN/ASIN: 9781922182821. Our Book No: 30117. $20 AUD.

108. Gall, Jennifer; Paterson, Rose (2017). Looking for Rose Paterson: How Family Bush Life Nurtured Banjo the Poet. Canberra: National Library of Australia. 200 pp. Paperback large wide octavo, very good plus condition, thick card covers (with wide flaps), black & white text-photos, colour photos (most full-page), sepia (brown-tinted) photos, minor edgewear, faint sticker mark rear cover. Heavy (1.0 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. This book by Jennifer Gall contains the candid letters that Rose Paterson wrote to her younger sister Nora Murray-Prior. Rose was to mother of famous port Banjo Paterson. The odd, the unexpected, the humorous, the tragic and the shocking are all part of her story. Rose spent the best part of her life at Illalong, an isolated sheep station in western New South Wales, where she brought up seven children in tough circumstances. Rose lived in a rustic world of late 19th-century pioneers, where women endured continuous cycles of pregnancy, childbirth and recovery, and the constraints of strict social codes. Her first child, Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson, was to gain fame as one of Australia's most popular poets. Rose's letters, rescued from oblivion by Banjo's biographer, reveal a woman devoted to her family, with strong powers of observation. This fascinating book tells Rose Paterson's story, and within the rhythm of her life, the bush childhood of Banjo Paterson. The author is a curator of the National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra. ISBN/ASIN: 9780642278920. Our Book No: 41320. $80 AUD.

109. Gallico, Paul; Burton, Jane (photographer); Gallico, Virginia (photographer) (1982). Honorable Cat (Reprint ed) [Honourable Cat]. New York: Crown Publishers. 158 pp. Paperback large octavo, very good condition, colour photos, minor edgewear. Paul Gallico has written a delightful classic of verse written by a cat about the feline character, embedded in a sumptuous picture gallery of cat photos. ISBN/ASIN: 0517548879. Our Book No: 10762A. $15 AUD.

110. Gallico, Paul (2011). Jennie (New ed) [Essential Modern Classics]. London: HarperCollins Children's Books. 347 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear. Young adults fiction novel about Peter, a boy who wakes from a serious accident to find himself transformed into a cat. The world is a dangerous place for him, until he is befriended by the kindly cat Jennie. This beautiful story is as special as the first time it was published in 1950. ISBN/ASIN: 9780007395194. Our Book No: 28821. $12 AUD.

111. Gaskell, Philip (1999). From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method (Reprint ed). New Castle, DE / Winchester: Oak Knoll Press / St Paul's Bibliographies. 268 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, front cover fore-edge & first few pages faintly creased, minor edgewear. The author presents extracts from the early texts of 12 works of literature, chosen because of their importance as works of art, and on account of the quality of surviving textual evidence. Follows the texts through all the editorial stages from writer to reader, giving the reader an insight into the editorial method of shaping composition. This exposition will help all students of literature. Originally published in 1978. SALE PRICE. ISBN/ASIN: 1584560010. Our Book No: 21987. $15 AUD.

112. Geering, R. G. (editor); Segerberg, A. (editor) (1994). Christina Stead: Selected Fiction and Nonfiction [UQP Australian Authors]. Brisbane, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press (UQP). 281 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, bottom corners covers little creased, front cover little creased, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear, faint remainder mark bottom edge. This cross-section of Christina Stead's work, both published and unpublished, displays the range of her writing as well as her political and social views. Material not available before in book form includes extracts from interviews, and the draft of a rare public talk on "The Uses of the Many-charactered Novel”. ISBN/ASIN: 0702225207. Our Book No: 30100. $10 AUD.

113. Gibbs, May; Walsh, Maureen (1992). The May Gibbs Collection. Volume 1: Mother of the Gumnuts: Her Life and Work. By Maureen Walsh. Volume 2: May Gibbs Gumnut Classics. The Famous Gumnut Adventures (1st ed). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 228 + 496 pp. Each volume: Hardback folio, very condition (in very good dustjacket), yellow-tinted pages, black & white & colour drawings (some full-page), flaps jacket four sides (spine faded, reverse side little foxed), minor edgewear, string bookmark (v1). Both volumes in green slipcase (gilt spine lettering, minor edgewear). Very heavy (4.0 Kg), and not available for postage to destinations outside Australia. First edition in this format. A lavish collection in two volumes of classic children’s stories by May Gibbs, rthe Australian author and illustrator. Volume 1 is a biography of May Gibbs by Maureen Walsh. Volume 2 reproduces eight May Gibbs Gumnut stories: Tales of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie - Little Ragged Blossom - Little Obelia - Nuttybub and Nittersing - Chucklebud and Wunkydoo - Scotty in Gumnut Land - Mr and Mrs Bear and Friends - Gumnut Gossip. Our Book No: 4439. $100 AUD.

114. Godwin, Gail; Halsband, Frances (illustrator) (2015). Publishing: A Writer's Memoir (1st U.S. ed). New York: Bloomsbury. 209 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white drawings, minor edgewear jacket, fore-edge roughly cut. Her personal life story of a hunger to be a published writer, the pursuit of that goal, and then the long haul of 45 years as a bestselling writer. This memoir maps the American publishing industry over the last 50 years, a time of great upheaval and ingenuity. The evocative black & white line drawings throughout help to bring her story to life. ISBN/ASIN: 9781620408247. Our Book No: 40280. $20 AUD.

115. Godwin, Joscelyn (2005). The Real Rule of Four (The Unauthorised Guide to the International Bestseller). London: Arrow Books. 182 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white text-photos & drawings, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear. Joscelyn Godwin relates the scholarly true story of a fascinating elaborately-illustrated 15th century Venetian pamphlet: the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. This mysterious document was the basis of the bestselling but controversial novel "The Rule of Four" by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. Godwin has provided the first complete English translation of this mysterious document, the meaning of which is unknown. ISBN/ASIN: 0099492490. Our Book No: 13106. $12 AUD.

116. Godwin, William (2008). The Enquirer (1823) (New, facsimile ed) [Legacy Reprint Series]. Edinburgh: John Anderson. 411 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, corner tips covers little creased, minor edgewear. A facsimile classic of the new edition originally published in 1823. A series of essays which reflect on literature, manners and education in 18th-century English society, with its rapid expansion of knowledge and technology, including the printing press. Godwin was an English novelist and radical utilitarian social reformer, who was married to feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, and father of Mary Shelley (who wrote Frankenstein). The 26 essays, in two series, cover weighty topics such as the English style, acquiring an early taste for reading, fosterising talent and genius, and how to understand and interact with servants and beggars. (A secondhand printed copy of a Kessinger facsimile print-on-demand book.). ISBN/ASIN: 9781437328363. Our Book No: 30011. $40 AUD.

117. Gogol, Nikolai; Rayfield, Donald (translator) (2017). Dead Souls (New ed) [Alma Classics Evergreens]. Surrey: Alma Books. 359 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, minor edgewear. First published in 1842 in Russia. The classic novel is set in a small provincial Russian town. A mysterious stranger named Chichikov, makes a group of landowners a macabre proposition. He offers to buy the rights to the dead serfs who are still registered on the landowner’s estate, to reduce their liability for taxes. This is a biting satire of social pretensions and pomposity which has been revered since its original publication as one of the funniest novels of 19-century Russia. ISBN/ASIN: 9781847496287. Our Book No: 30728. $18 AUD.

118. Goldsworthy, Peter (editor) (2008). True Blue? On Being Australian. Sydney, Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin. 224 pp. Paperback wide small octavo, very good condition, black & white text-photos, few colour photos, minimal edgewear. This book brings together novelists, poets, journalists, cultural icons, historians, commentators, photographers and painters, old voices and new voices - all of who reflect on the stories Australians tell about themselves and the myths Australians cultivate. The book is funny, ironic, provocative and inspiring. ISBN/ASIN: 9781741750591. Our Book No: 26830. $18 AUD.

119. Gordon, Lyndall (2008). Charlotte Bronte: A Passionate Life (Revised, updated ed). London: Virago Press. 467 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white photos, corner rear cover minimally creased. A groundbreaking and unconventional portrait of Charlotte Bronte's life. Lyndall Gordom reveals that the novelist was a fiery woman who shaped her own life and transformed it into literary art. ISBN/ASIN: 9781844084722. Our Book No: 26181. $20 AUD.

120. Gould, Alan (1981). Astral Sea. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 72 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, covers faintly faded, top edge lightly foxed, minor edgewear. Astral Sea, by Alan Gould. Presents the poems of Alan Gould, the Australian novelist, poet and essayist. Mostly previously published in Quadrant magazine and various literary magazines. His second poetry collection and winner of the NSW Premier's Literary Award. . ISBN/ASIN: 0207143560. Our Book No: 28298. $12 AUD.

121. Grass, Gunter; Winston, Krishna (translator) (2010). The Box: Tales from the Darkroom (1st English ed). London: Harvill Secker / Random House. 194 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good plus dustjacket), black & white photo rear jacket flap, minimal edgewear jacket. By winner of Nobel Prize for Literature, 1999. Translated from the German. This is a sequel to "Peeling the Onion". The German author writes in the voices of his eight children as they record the memories of their childhoods, of growing up, of their father, who was always at work on a new book, always at the margins of their lives. This book is an inspired and daring work of fiction (faction). ISBN/ASIN: 9781846553073. Our Book No: 26269. $15 AUD.

122. Gray, James (1972). Johnson's Sermons: A Study [Samuel Johnson]. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 263 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photo portrait, top edge little foxed, flap price-clipped jacket, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. Samuel Johnson, the distinguished English man of letters, and publisher the first detailed dictionary of English words, also wrote over 40 sermons (26 extant) to clergymen of his acquaintance. He regarded the sermon as an important branch of literature. These neglected sermons are analysed here in detail for the first time. Of particular interest is the close collaboration between Samuel Johnson and Reverend John Taylor. ISBN/ASIN: 0198120338. Our Book No: 13216. $25 AUD.

123. Greenaway, Kate; Thorpe, James (introduction) (1974). Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes (Facsimile ed). USA: Grant Dahlstrom / Castle Press. 28 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, stiffened card covers, stapled (lightly rusted), colour drawings, minimal foxing, owner's written name title page. A small booklet of Kate Greenaway's wonderful children's illustrations and rhymes about Mother Goose which will delight children of any age. Originally published in London in 1881. A facsimile edition, dated 1974, reproduced from the copy in the Huntington Library. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway, and engraved and printed by Edmund Evans. Our Book No: 22280. $15 AUD.

124. Greenaway, Kate (1982). Under the Window: Pictures and Rhymes for Children (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 64 pp. Hardback small quarto, very good condition, pictorial cover, papered boards (dark green cloth spine), colour drawings. In cardboard slipcase, minimal rubbing edges & corners. Facsimile edition. A classic children's picture book, written and illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Engraved and printed by Edmund Evans. Originally published in 1878 by George Routledge & Sons, London. The beautiful drawings and poems would appeal to most ages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30576. $30 AUD.

125. Greenaway, Kate (1985). Marigold Garden: Pictures and Rhymes by Kate Greenaway (Facsimile ed). Sydney: View Productions. 60 pp. Hardback large quarto (28.0 x 22.2 cm), dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), glossy paper, colour & black & white drawings, flap jacket unclipped (reverse side lightly foxed), protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. A scarce Australian facsimile edition of a classic book of Kate Greenaway's rhymes and artistic drawings, originally published in 1885. (Note: This book the same ISBN as the Universal Books hardcover edition, London.). ISBN/ASIN: 0908240929. Our Book No: 14966. $20 AUD.

126. Greenaway, Kate (2003). A Treasury of Kate Greenaway Stories (1st ed). Bath: Robert Frederick Publishers. 265 pp. Hardback large quarto, no jacket as issued, very good condition, pictorial cover, colour drawings, minor foxing title page. Heavy (1.4 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. A collection of illustrated extracts from seven children's favourites by Kate Greenaway: Apple Pie, Book of Games, Mother Goose, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Under the Window, Birthday Book (with calendar for each month of the year, for notes), Book of Tunes. Many delightful period illustrations in the distinct style of Kate Greenaway. ISBN/ASIN: 0907789137. Our Book No: 24048. $35 AUD.

127. Greenaway, Kate (illustrator) (1982). CALENDAR: Kate Greenaway's CALENDAR for 1884 (4 calendars) (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 4 pp. Each calendar: Hardback small oblong, very good condition, stiff paper (thin card), colour drawings, in mailing envelope. All in single slipcase. Facsimile edition. A set of four thin oblong card calendars illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Each calendar comes in its own own mailing envelope, and all four fit into a single slipcase. Few of the original calendars have survived to the present day. Originally published in 1884 by George Routledge, London. The beautiful drawings would appeal to most ages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30580. $30 AUD.

128. Greene, Graham (1971). A Sort of Life (1st stated ed). London: Bodley Head. 215 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), top edge coloured light grey, minor edgewear jacket (crease bottom edge), faint foxing edges, faint toning edges & pages, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. First edition. This is the autobiography of Graham Greene, the famous English novelist, writer and literary critic. ISBN/ASIN: 0370003276. Our Book No: 27145. $15 AUD.

129. Greive, Bradley Trevor (2007). Every Day is Christmas (Australian ed). Sydney, North Sydney: Random House Australia. 112 pp. Paperback small square, very good condition, black & white photos, top corner front cover little creased, minor edgewear. From front cover: "Living the holiday spirit throughout the year without damaging your liver or driving everyone crazy." A lot of tips from some very clever animals on how to deal (or not) with the up and downs of life. Bradley Trevor Grieve also wrote the bestselling 'The Blue Day Book'. Scarce Australian edition. ISBN/ASIN: 9781741665253. Our Book No: 30640. $15 AUD.

130. Grenville, Kate (2001). Writing from Start to Finish: A Six-step Guide (Reprint ed). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 216 pp. Paperback wide octavo, very good plus condition, black & white drawings, faint scratches rear cover, minimal edgewear. The Australian novelist shares her 'six steps' approach to writing. There are plenty of examples and hands-on guidance to help you along. Written in consultation with educational experts, and with a user-friendly approach, this is an ideal guide for high school students - but it's also full of tips to inspire writers of all ages. ISBN/ASIN: 1865085146. Our Book No: 24756. $15 AUD.

131. Gross, Paul R.; Levitt, Norman (1998). Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and its Quarrels with Science (Reprint ed). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 316 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, spine minimally faded, top edge lightly foxed, minor edgewear & rubbing. American academics Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt provide a detailed critique of the left-wing scholars of 'cultural studies' who turn to subjects far outside their areas of expertise. Fashionable viewpoints include postmodernism, feminism, radical environmentalism, multiculturalism and AIDS activism. They find the origins of their anti-science attitudes not only in modern discontents, but also in a long tradition of Romantic unhappiness with rationalism. This paperback edition has an afterword (Supplementary Notes) responding to critiques of the hardback edition of 1994. ISBN/ASIN: 0801857074. Our Book No: 16609. $20 AUD.

132. Halliday, F. E. (1963). The Life of Shakespeare. Harmondsworth: Pelican Books / Penguin Books. 298 pp. Paperback small, good plus condition, pages toned as usual, minor edgewear. F. E. Halliday has written a worthy new biography of Shakespeare and his Elizabethan world that steers a lively course between the meagre dust of contemporary records and the higher fancies of Shakespeare's 'lost years'. Our Book No: 23323. $12 AUD.

133. Hanff, Helene (1986). Q's Legacy. London: Futura Publications. 138 pp. Paperback, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear, faint sticker mark, bookshop sticker rear cover. By the author of a book (84 Charing Cross Road) about her love affair with this London bookshop. Records how the book The Art of Writing, by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch's (Q), influenced her youth, her love of literature and writing, and above all, of England. ISBN/ASIN: 0708830021. Our Book No: 8309. $12 AUD.

134. Harari, Robert; Filc, Judith (translator) (2004). Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: An Introduction (1st ed). New York: Other Press. 296 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white text-figures, minor edgewear, front cover corner tip little scuffed, light crease in spine, top corner front cover creased, base of spine slightly rubbed. An introduction to the work of the French structuralist Jacques Lacan. The ten lectures in this book were held as classes in the Center for Psychoanalytic Education (CPE) of the General San Martin Cultural Center, San Martin, Buenos Aires. The author gives an introductory display of essential themes developed, and offers his own insightful reading of the text's central ideas. The ten classes reframe a wide range of questions in psychoanalysis for the professional in the field, students, and interested lay readers. ISBN/ASIN: 1590510828. Our Book No: 29806. $35 AUD.

135. Harris, John (1982). A Visit to the Bazaar (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 92 pp. Hardback small, very good condition, beige boards with black drawings covers, red cloth spine with gilt bands, colour plates, in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. A classic children's picture book published in 1818 by printer John Harris. He used a new method in book production by using metal engraving for illustrations. This book, by an unidentified author, has 32 hand-coloured stipple engravings showing the stalls and activities of the merchants of the Soho Bazaar. The book is about four children who visit the bazaar in Soho Square, London with their parents. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30584. $30 AUD.

136. Harrison-Ford, Carl; White, Osmar (foreword) (1986). Fighting Words: Australian War Writing. Melbourne: Lothian Publishing. 362 pp. Hardback large wide octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in good dustjacket), black & white text-photos, maps, minor edgewear jacket (light foxing reverse side), light foxing endpapers & title page & edges, two small marks front board. This book is a rich collection of Australian war stories, selected and introduced by Carl Harrison-Ford. The main names are: A. B. Banjo Paterson, C. E. W. Bean, Albert Facey, Martin Boyd, Frank Dalby Davison, David Campbell, Osmar White and George Johnston. There are many unknowns - Boson, Xav, Aileron, or simply Anon - who created equally vivid pictures of war, or life at war. The styles change through the five wars covered, (Boer, World War 1 and 2, Korean and Vietnam). The book will take the men and women who have experienced war on a long journey into memory, and will give those who have not an unpolished idea of war. ISBN/ASIN: 0850912482. Our Book No: 30908. $25 AUD.

137. Hart, Kevin (1999). Samuel Johnson and the Culture of Property. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (CUP). 244 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), pages faintly toned, minor edgewear, review copy (large sticker front free flyleaf). Traces the vast literary legacy and reputation of Samuel Johnson, English man of letters and writer of the first complete English dictionary. Through detailed analyses of the biographers, critics and epigones who carefully crafted and preserved Johnson's life for posterity, Hart explores the emergence of what came to be called "The Age of Johnson". He shows how late 17th and early 18th-century Britain experienced the emergence and consolidation of a rich and diverse culture of property. James Boswell turned his friend into a monument, a piece of public property. Through subtle analyses of copyright, forgery and heritage in 18th-century life, this study traces the emergence of competing forms of cultural property: a Hanoverian politics of property engages a Jacobite politics of land. ISBN/ASIN: 0521651824. Our Book No: 17105. $30 AUD.

138. Hasler, Julie; Lewis, Di (1989). Kate Greenaway Cross Stitch Designs. Sydney: Greenhouse Publications. 120 pp. Hardback quarto, very good condition, pictorial cover, black & white & colour drawings & photos, faint foxing first & last page, bottom corners lightly rubbed. The designs illustrated in this book, based on Kate Greenaway's classic children's tales, show many ways in which cross-stitch can be used to decorate the home, or to make children's clothes or unusual gifts. ISBN/ASIN: 0864362927. Our Book No: 24987. $20 AUD.

139. Hasson, Dr James; Cammell, Charles Richard (introduction) (1948). The Banquet of the Immortals. Edinburgh: Poseidon Press. 212 pp. Hardback quarto, no jacket, very good condition, quarter-bound (paper-covered boards, cloth spine, spine label), black & white & colour plates (including frontispiece, some with tissue guards), extra spine label bound in at rear, page edges untrimmed, corners worn, minor edgewear, autograph (author's written name). Heavy (1.0 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. (No 67 of a limited edition of 300 autographed copies.) A private press book of art criticism. Contains 22 illustrations, 11 of which are in colour. Printed at the Westminster Press on mould-made paper. Cammell was associate editor, The Connoisseur, 1935 - 1940. Our Book No: 15640. $50 AUD.

140. Hazlitt, William (Wm); Archer, William (editor); Lowe, Robert W. (Robt) (editor) (1895). Dramatic Essays. London: Walter Scott Ltd. 231 pp. Hardback small, very good condition, burgundy cloth cover, frontispiece portrait (tissue guard), top edge gilt (little marked), endpapers toned & lightly foxed, minor edgewear. These critical essays about the British theatre were originally collected and published in 1854. Here, the editors have selected the best ones, edited, with notes and an introduction. William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830), of Irish Protestant descent, was one of the best-known literary critics and essayists. Publishers catalogue at rear (8p). Our Book No: 16854. $35 AUD.

141. Heiss, Anita (editor) (2018). Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia (1st ed). Melbourne: Black Inc. 311 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, base spine little scuffed, minor edgewear. This anthology showcases many diverse voices, experiences and stories about family, country and belonging. Stories from well-known authors and high-profile identities sit alongside those from newly discovered writers of all ages. This collection will enlighten, inspire and educate about the lives of Aboriginal people in Australia today. The editor, Anita Heiss, is a passionate campaigner for Aboriginal literacy. She was born a member of the Wiradjuri nation of central New South Wales (NSW), but raised in the suburbs of Sydney and educated at the local Catholic school. . ISBN/ASIN: 9781863959810. Our Book No: 41090. $25 AUD.

142. Heiss, Anita (editor); Minter, Peter (editor) (2008). Macquarie Pen Anthology of Aboriginal Literature (1st ed). Sydney, Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin. 260 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, light crease rear cover, minimal edgewear. This book is a collection of work from some of the great Australian Aboriginal writers. The work covers over 200 years of Aboriginal history, culture and life. The editors have selected work that represents the range and depth of Aboriginal writing in English. The anthology includes journalism, petitions and political letters from both the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as major works that reflect the start of Aboriginal poetry, prose and drama from the mid-20th century onwards. ISBN/ASIN: 9781741754384. Our Book No: 30704. $30 AUD.

143. Hellyer, Jill (2013). Letters to Huldah. Sydney, Glebe: Puncher & Wattmann. 196 pp. Paperback octavo, flexicover with decorated boards (photo of author on cover), very good condition, black & white photos, edges & pages lightly toned, top of spine slightly bumped, tiny bump spine edge. This is a collection of letters between the poet Jill Hellyer and her English teacher at North Sydney Girls School. From the author's note: Huldah Mary Turner (nee Snedden) was born in 1906 in Tamworth and was one of the few women to gain a master's degree from Sydney University in the early twenties. Huldah was the first women in NSW to become Vice Principal and Acting Principal of the University of Newcastle. In later travels around Australia she was inspired to write poetry. Dated from 1988 to 1994 the author's letters to Huldah gradually reveal the details of her own life. The author (1925 - 2012) was a poet, founding executive secretary of the Australian Society of Authors (ASA), and corresponded and was friends with many outstanding Australian and International writers. She was awarded an OAM in 2006 for her contribution to Australian poetry and her work for the ASA. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921450938. Our Book No: 29537. $25 AUD.

144. Hemingway, Ernest (1957). The Old Man and the Sea (Reprint ed). London: Jonathan Cape. 127 pp. Hardback small, dustjacket, good condition (in good dustjacket), blue cloth boards, pages creased along spine first several pages, edges & endpapers little foxed, some toning endpapers, reverse side jacket lightly toned & foxed (all corners flaps clipped as issued, small scuff spine, minor insect damage bottom edges flaps, some edgewear). This is the story of a young boy, an old man, and a giant marlin fish, and set of the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Cuba. The old man faces long days of hunger and exhaustion struggling to catch the fish, but he respects for his adversary. The old man remains the typical Hemingway hero who refuses to accept defeat. The story is shorter than the conventional novel, longer than the longest short story. This new work of fiction by Ernest Hemingway eludes classification, but is masterly literary art, simple and magnificent, which won a Pulitzer Prize. It is a tragedy, but emerges without grief. (Not the illustrated Jonathan Cape edition of similar dates.). ISBN/ASIN: noasin4. Our Book No: 31124. $18 AUD.

145. Henderson, Jeffrey (2002). Aristophanes Lysistrata (Reprint ed) [Clarendon Paperbacks]. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 236 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear corner tips. A new edition of the classic Athenian play for comedy, 'Aristophanes Lysistrata’, edited with commentary by Jeffrey Henderson in 1987. This edition, the first for 60 years, provides much new evidence for those working on anthropological and sociological aspects of Athens, as well as those working in traditional philological fields. It also brings the play up to date in terms of the advances made in Aristohanic scholarship in the past 60 years. In particular, it is the first edition to report all the manuscripts, papyri and testimonial sources of the text, offering a new account of its history and a detailed review of the transmission of the Aristophanic corpus as a whole. Attic comedy draws its characters and plots from everyday Athenian social, political and religious life and so provides a unique glimpse everyday life in Ancient Athens. (Copyright, 1987. This copy is a printed copy of a POD book, dated 2002. The editor is professor of classics, University of Southern California.). ISBN/ASIN: 0198144962. Our Book No: 31119. $20 AUD.

146. Henty, G. A. (George Alfred); Pearse, Alfred (illustrator) (1889). Maori and Settler: A Story of the New Zealand War (1st U.S. ed) [A Tale of the New Zealand War]. New York: Scribner & Welford. 352 + 32 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket as issued, very good condition, original maroon pictorial cloth cover & spine (gilt lettering), original maroon endpapers, full-page black & white drawings (plates), map, all edges gilt, adverts at rear, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear, owner's written name, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve (acetate). Possible first U.S. edition (no date, but 1889 or 1890, but variants exist). Eight full-page illustrations (including frontispiece). An historical novel based on true events during the Maori wars in New Zealand during the 1870s, with a focus on the fanatical Hau-Hau Maoris who massacred white settlers. (32-page Scribner & Welford catalogue at rear, including many Henty books.). Our Book No: 17404. $200 AUD.

147. Henwood, Belinda; Martin, Shona (foreword) (2007). Publishing: Book Yourself a Brilliant Career [Career FAQs]. Sydney: Career FAQs Pty Ltd. 188 pp. Paperback large octavo, very good condition, colour text-photos, black & white drawings, corner tips covers little creased. crease fore-edge title page, minor edgewear. This book looks at a career in the publishing industry. Current trends are discussed, and ways to get into the industry. Includes how to prepare top resumes and cover letters. This book will interest arts industry professionals, people in the publishing industry, and scholars of book history or publishing studies. ISBN/ASIN: 1921106433. Our Book No: 40460. $25 AUD.

148. Herbert, Xavier; Lindesay, Vane (jacket design) (1963). Disturbing Element (1st ed). Melbourne: F. W. Cheshire. 271 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), reverse side jacket & top edge flaps minimally foxed (flap not clipped), vertical faint crease front & rear free flyleaves, edges little foxed, minor edgewear, non-author written name. First edition. An autobiographical account of the first 24 years of the life of Xavier Herbert, the controversial Australian novelist. He recounts his birth on the northwest coast of Western Australia, the son of a prospector turned horse-breaker turned railway engine driver, and his unlikely career as a pharmaceutical chemist, and conversion to Catholicism. Our Book No: 30950. $25 AUD.

149. Herrmann, Douglas J. (editor); Chaffin, Roger (editor) (1988). Memory in Historical Perspective: The Literature Before Ebbinghaus [Recent Research in Psychology]. New York: Springer-Verlag. 254 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, figures, light foxing top edge, minor edgewear, sticker inside front cover. A collection of reprinted research papers and commentary that provides researchers, teachers and students with ready access to the major classic works on memory published prior to the first scientific studies by Herrmann Ebbinghaus in 1885. The reprinted articles range from Hesiod (8th Century BC) to the 19th Century, and include Plato, Aristotle, Pliny, Leonardo da Vinci, Francis Bacon, David Hume and Immanuel Kant. Edited by D. J. Herrmann and R. Chaffin. ISBN/ASIN: 0387967052. Our Book No: 24094. $25 AUD.

150. Hetherington, John (1973). Norman Lindsay: The Embattled Olympian. Melbourne: Oxford University Press (OUP). 272 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, colour frontispiece drawing, illustrated endpapers, top edge minimally foxed, minor edgewear. John Hetherington provides the authorized biography of Norman Lindsay, one of Australia's most famous and controversial artists and writers. As a fine artist, he was noted for his pen drawings, etchings, oil paintings and watercolours. As a journalistic artist, he drew topical cartoons and comic drawings for 'The Bulletin'. He also wrote and illustrated the iconic classic children's story 'The Magic Pudding'. ISBN/ASIN: 0195503880. Our Book No: 15613. $32 AUD.

151. Hewett, Dorothy (1990). Wild Card: An Autobiography 1923 - 1958. Melbourne: McPhee Gribble / Penguin Books. 278 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white photos, minor edgewear, autograph (author's written name). Autobiographical account of the first 35 years of the life of one of Australia's more famous playwrights and poets. The author has combined the passions of her life with her power as a writer to create this classic sketch of people, place and political history. ISBN/ASIN: 086914197X. Our Book No: 17332. $20 AUD.

152. Hewett, Dorothy (2012). Wild Card: An Autobiography 1923 - 1958. Perth, Crawley: UWA Publishing. 394 pp. Paperback thick octavo, very good plus condition, black & white photos, minimal edgewear, copy 2. Reissued in 2012 (originally published in 1990). An autobiographical account of the first 35 years of the life of one of Australia's most famous playwrights and poets. The author has combined the passions of her life with her power as a writer to create this classic sketch of people, place and political history. ISBN/ASIN: 9781742583952. Our Book No: 26660A. $20 AUD.

153. Hiipocrates; Lloyd, G. E. R. (editor) (1983). Hippocratic Writings (Reprint ed) [Penguin Classics]. London: Penguin Books. 380 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages toned as common, minor edgewear (mainly spine), sticker rear cover, cover design differs from stock photo. A collection of writings attributed the the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (460 - 357 BC),though some were probably written by his his co-workers or later students. Penguin Classics edition, edited by Prof. George Lloyd, Cambridge. ISBN/ASIN: 0140444513. Our Book No: 18132. $20 AUD.

154. Hirst, J. B. (1992). The World of Albert Facey. Sydney: Allen & Unwin / History Institute of Victoria. 167 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, black & white text-photos, spine faintly faded, minor edgewear. A. B. Facey wrote the bestselling "A Fortunate Life". Discusses Facey's world, starting from what he tells us in his book. Uncovers his (unrevealed) family history. The world in which Facey grew up - among farmers, workers and miners - is the same world described in Henry Lawson's stories. This book brings these two famous authors together in a novel way. After each chapter on Facey and his times there is a Lawson story on the same theme. It is an evocative exploration of Australia's social history. ISBN/ASIN: 186373161X. Our Book No: 23746. $28 AUD.

155. Hodge, Jane Aiken (2006). The Private World of Georgette Heyer. London: Arrow Books. 223 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white drawings & text-photos, pages lightly toned as common, minor creasing spine, minor edgewear. A classic biography by Jane Aiken Hodge of bestselling English crime fiction and historical romance novelist, known as the queen of Regency romance. Although she wrote 50 novels, her private life until now has been accessible only to her nearest friends and relatives. (Originally published in 1984.). ISBN/ASIN: 0099493497. Our Book No: 17982. $15 AUD.

156. Holden, Robert (1992). Twinkle, Twinkle, Southern Cross: The Forgotten Folklore of Australian Nursery Rhymes. Canberra: National Library of Australia (NLA). 99 pp. Paperback oblong large quarto, very good condition, black & white drawings, colour plates, spine minimally faded as common, minor edgewear. Robert Holden provides a combination of scholarship and entertainment as he wanders many a crooked mile through the made-to-order folklore of Australia's own nursery rhymes. There is a new constellation of nursery characters to add to the more traditional figures. Examples from as early as 1854 and extending to the present day are looked at in a wide-ranging context of Australian literary and publishing history, the growth of nationalism, and the welfare and education of young Australians. Published with the assistance of the Morris West Trust Fund. ISBN/ASIN: 064210560X. Our Book No: 29424. $35 AUD.

157. Holden, Robert (1992). A Golden Age: A Treasury of Children's Fantasy Classics (2 volumes) [Visions of Fantasy: Australia's Fantasy Illustrators: Their Lives and Works [and] Through the Magic Door: A Collection of Australia's Classic Fantasy Writing]. Sydney: Angus & Robertson / HarperCollins. 192 + 456 pp. Each volume: Hardback folio, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good plus dustjacket), pictorial cover, full-page colour drawings, black & white & single-colour drawings, string bookmark, corner one page creased (v1). In pictorial slipcase (very good plus condition). Very heavy (3.5 Kg), and not available for postage to destinations outside Australia. A handsome two-volume set containing the very best classic Australian children's literature. Volume 1 introduces the illustrators, such as Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, May Gibbs, Pixie O'Harris, Peg Maltby, Dorothy Wall and D. H. Souter. Volume 2 is an anthology of classic children's stories from Blinky Bill to Chucklebud. ISBN/ASIN: 0207178178. Our Book No: 17485. $100 AUD.

158. Holloway, Richard (2009). Between the Monster and the Saint: Reflections on the Human Condition (Australian ed). Melbourne: Text Publishing. 200 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, bottom corner front cover creased, fore-edge faintly foxed, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear. Richard Holloway looks at the human condition, which can inflict cruelty on each other, but can also be capable of being tender, empathic, and to show warmth and feeling. He draws on a selection of writings from history, philosophy, anthropology, science, poetry, theology and literature, to show how humans can stand up to the seductive power of the monster and draw closer to the challenge of the saint. The prolific Scottish author is a former Bishop of Edinburgh and a former Professor of Divinity. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921520112. Our Book No: 29492. $12 AUD.

159. Holme, Bryan (1977). The Kate Greenaway Book: A Collection of Illustration, Verse and Text. London: Penguin Books. 138 pp. Paperback large wide octavo, very good condition, colour & black & white text-drawings, corner tips front & rear cover little scuffed, top corner front cover creased, minor edgewear. A beautiful book by Bryan Holme that relates the life of Kate Greenaway, as well as a selection from her famous children’s works, including best-known and little known. Both words and pictures of the famous British children's writer and artist, some never before published, are charmingly arranged for readers of today of all ages to enjoy. ISBN/ASIN: 0140045198. Our Book No: 30243. $15 AUD.

160. Holme, Bryan (1983). The Kate Greenaway Book: A Collection of Illustration, Verse and Text (1st U.S., reprint ed). New York: Gallery Books. 140 pp. Hardback small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good jacket), colour & black & white text-drawings, reverse side jacket little foxed, minor edgewear. A beautiful book, compiled by Bryan Holme, that relates the life of Kate Greenaway, as well as a selection from her famous children’s works, including best-known and little known. Both words and pictures of the famous British children's writer and artist, some never before published, are charmingly arranged for readers of today of all ages to enjoy. Bryan Holme is the grandfather of Charles Holme, who was first to publish Kate Greenaway in 1894. ISBN/ASIN: 0831753005. Our Book No: 18224. $25 AUD.

161. Holt, Patricia (editor) (1983). A City in the Mind: Sydney - Imagined by Its Writers (1st ed). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 131 pp. Hardback oblong small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white text-photos, single colour illustrations, some edgewear jacket (small closed tear, light foxing reverse side & white background covers), spine ends little rubbed. In this fascinating look at Sydney, 28 writers reveal how they have written about Sydney in their fiction and autobiographies. Each extract is accompanied by a contemporary illustration. A brief biography of the writers place their fiction in its social and temporal context, and is accompanied by a portrait which shows the writer at the time of writing. Edited by Patricia Holt. ISBN/ASIN: 0868611271. Our Book No: 41108. $20 AUD.

162. Hubber, Brian; Smith, Vivian (2004). Patrick White. A Bibliography. Melbourne, Auburn / New Castle, DE: Quiddlers Press / Oak Knoll Press. 304 pp. Hardback small thick quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), frontispiece portrait drawing, top corner black cloth covers bumped, minor edgewear. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. The first detailed bibliography of the novels and other works of Patrick White, Australia's only recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature. This updates a booklet by Alan Lawson, 1974. The books are listed chronologically. For each book, there is a description of publication details, format, editions, translations, reviews, location of copies, etc. Compiled by Brian Hubber (former Rare Book Librarian, State Library of Victoria) and Vivian Smith (poet and art critic). . ISBN/ASIN: 0958194920. Our Book No: 18232. $80 AUD.

163. Hughes, Annette (2008). Art Life Chooks: Learning to Leave the City and Love the Country (1st ed). Sydney: Fourth Estate. 291 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear. The author gave up her life as a literary agent and headed back to the state of her birth, Queensland, and a farm in the hinterland with her partner, Geoffrey. This book is refreshing, funny, opinionated and surprising. ISBN/ASIN: 9780732286897. Our Book No: 25695. $16 AUD.

164. Hughes, Ted (1998). Birthday Letters (Reprint ed). London: Faber & Faber. 197 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), pages lightly toned, top corner rear jacket little rubbed (minor edgewear), top corners covers little bumped. These letters by Ted Hughes are addressed, with two exceptions, to Sylvia Plath, the American poet to whom he had been married. They were written over a period of more than 25 years, the first a few years after her suicide in 1963. Many books have discussed the subject from a necessary distance, but this is the first time that Ted Hughes has given his personal account. ISBN/ASIN: 0571194729. Our Book No: 29733. $15 AUD.

165. Hume, Fergus (1971). The Mystery of a Hansom Cab. Melbourne: Sun Books. 224 pp. Paperback, good condition (reading copy), light foxing edges, covers lightly creased, light rubbing rear cover, fore-edge lightly marked, tiny tear cover near spine, minor edgewear. This historical crime fiction novel by Fergus Hume is an exciting and fascinating murder story - a forerunner of today's detective fiction. Originally published in 1887, the story is set in an era of flickering gaslights in Melbourne. The assassin leads detectives from the squalid slums of Little Bourke Street to the town house of a millionaire, and reveals blackmail and intrigue in the high social circles. ISBN/ASIN: 0725101172. Our Book No: 26711. $15 AUD.

166. Hume, Fergus (1999). The Mystery of a Hansom Cab (Reprint ed). Melbourne: Text Publishing. 309 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. This book is an exciting and fascinating murder story - a forerunner of today's detective fiction. Originally published in 1887, the story is set in an era of flickering gaslights in Melbourne. The assassin leads detectives from the squalid slums of Little Bourke Street to the town house of a millionaire, and reveals blackmail and intrigue in the high social circles. ISBN/ASIN: 1876485035. Our Book No: 27463. $15 AUD.

167. Hume, Fergus; Caterson, Simon (introduction) (1999). Madame Midas (Reprint ed). Melbourne: Text Publishing. 332 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, edges & pages lightly toned, minor edgewear, tiny tear top spine. This crime fiction novel is based on Alice Cornwell, a woman whose life was as strange as the fiction she inspired. In this thrilling mystery the author dramatises the story of an enigmatic woman in a society enslaved by wealth. First published in 1888, this book is the companion-piece to "The Mystery of a Hansom Cab". ISBN/ASIN: 1876485132. Our Book No: 27462. $15 AUD.

168. Ingoldsby, Thomas (1889). The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels: Second Series [Routledge's Pocket Library]. London: George Routledge & Sons. 319 pp. Hardback very small, quarter-bound cloth cover (gilt spine lettering), good condition, black & white engravings including frontispiece, top edge gilt, endpapers & edges toned, untrimmed (pages edges very untrimmed), edgewear, owner's written name front pastedown. (Originally published, Richard Bentley, 1842: facsimile of original title page bound in.) A collection of legends, mostly in verse, including ghosts, spectres, witches, demons, babes in the wood, smugglers and buccaneers. Our Book No: 14650. $13 AUD.

169. Irvine, Nance (1997). Eliza! Eliza!: A Biography of Eliza Winstanley 1818 - 1882. Canberra: Mulini Press. 52 pp. Paperback large wide octavo, good plus condition, card cover, black & white drawings (some full-page), black & white author photo rear cover, spine slightly faded, last page bound upside down, minor edgewear, faint autograph (author's written dedication). Nancy Irvine records the fascinating story of Eliza Winstanley, one of the earliest Australian actresses and writers. Born in England and arriving in Sydney in 1833 she became an actress on the stage of the Royal Theatre. She achieved much success in the theatres of Sydney, Hobart and Melbourne, and then went overseas to London and New York. She gave up the stage in middle life and became the most successful editor of the family magazine 'Bow Bells', an English weekly. She wrote over 30 serials and novels some with an Australian background and story. Eliza returned to Australia about 1879 and died in Sydney in 1882. ISBN/ASIN: 0949910724. Our Book No: 23918. $20 AUD.

170. James, P. D. (1999). Time to Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography (1st ed). London: Faber & Faber. 281 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear jacket (top rear flap creased). A fragment of autobiography by the famous British crime fiction novelist. In this part diary, part memoir, the author considers the 12 months of her life between her 77th and 78th birthdays, a 'time to be earnest'. In writing it, she simultaneously remembers her long and remarkable career, from 1920s Cambridge schoolgirl, to Governor of the BBC, to best-selling author. Her autobiography will appeal to readers of her many novels, and those who have themselves lived through the turbulent years of the 20th century. ISBN/ASIN: 057120094X. Our Book No: 28328. $20 AUD.

171. Jennings, Kate (2010). Trouble: Evolution of a Radical: Selected Writings 1970 - 2010. Melbourne: Black Inc. 319 pp. Paperback octavo, very good plus condition, minor edgewear. In 1970, Kate Jennings stunned a Sydney anti-war rally with a stirring speech that put 'woman's lib' on the map. She later moved to New York and became a noted writer. This book collects her essays over four decades. With a polemical anger tempered by a keen sense of the absurd, and a fiercely independent streak, she writes incisively about American politics, morality, finance. feminism, and the writing life. ISBN/ASIN: 9781863954679. Our Book No: 15427. $30 AUD.

172. Jensen, Erik; Jennings, Kate (2017). Erik Jensen on Kate Jennings [Writers on Writers]. Melbourne: Black Inc. / University of Melbourne / State Library of Victoria. 103 pp. Hardback small, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket (few light scratches front cover). Award-winning writer Erik Jensen writes about novelist, poet and pioneering feminist Kate Jennings. He interviews her in New York. This is a biography of a book and the life that made it. In 1970, Kate Jennings stunned a Sydney anti-war rally with a stirring speech that put "woman's lib" on the map. She later moved to New York and became a noted writer. ISBN/ASIN: 9781863959834. Our Book No: 30969. $15 AUD.

173. Jin, Ha (2008). The Writer as Migrant (1st ed) [Rice University Campbell Lecture Series]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 96 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket. This fascinating book simultaneously reflects on a crucial theme, and also examines the writers who compose the author's mental library. The book is a work of passionately engaged criticism, which has deep roots in departures but feels like a new arrival. ISBN/ASIN: 9780226399881. Our Book No: 30004. $30 AUD.

174. Jinks, Brian (2010). Gulgong's Gold Commissioner: The Story of Rolf Boldrewood and Robbery Under Arms (Reprint ed). Lithgow, NSW: Brian Jinks. 25 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, black & white text-photos, minor edgewear. Brian Jinks writes a detailed pamphlet on Thomas Alexander Browne's troubled period as Gold Commissioner in the new goldfields at Gulgong (NSW) from 1871. He is better known by his pseudonym "Rolf Boldrewood" as the author of the classic early Australian novel "Robbery Under Arms”. ISBN/ASIN: 0975752510. Our Book No: 16818. $25 AUD.

175. Johnson, N. R. (1996). Johnson's Official Phantom Price Guide (2nd ed). Queensland: N. R. Johnson. 105 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, black & white illustrations, corners covers little creased, small closed tear spine, spine ends rubbed, white background rear cover little marked, edges lightly foxed, small mark two pages, minor edgewear. Stated as an official and authorized research volume for the purpose of criticism and review. This year (1996) is the 60th anniversary of the Phantom comic strip. In this reference guide, the author has tried to obtain a collection of all Australian, United States, British, and New Zealand comics, as well as rings, games, toys, cards, books, dolls, and Phantom collectibles. Our Book No: 40559. $30 AUD.

176. Johnson-Woods, Toni (2001). Index to Serials In Australian Periodicals and Newspapers: Nineteenth Century. Canberra: Mulini Press. 153 pp. Paperback large octavo, very good condition, black & white tables, edges of cover join to spine rubbed, bottom corner front cover little creased, minor edgewear. This index lists all the longer serials (serialised novels) in the publications of the all the Australian colonies in the 19th century. There is also a general description of the important newspapers and periodicals that published the serials. The index also unlocks many Australian 19th century novels, and reveals that a large quantity of long fiction was written and published in the colonies. ISBN/ASIN: 0949910686. Our Book No: 29944. $35 AUD.

177. Jolley, Elizabeth; Kotai, Evelyn (paintings) (1993). Diary of a Weekend Farmer (1st ed). Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre Press (FACP). 95 pp. Hardback small, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), full-page colour paintings (including frontispiece), small dent bottom edge rear cover, minor edgewear. Australian novelist Elizabeth Jolley provides a humorous and moving mixture of personal observation and poetry, based upon her own experiences of life on the land. She and her husband became 'weekend farmers' when they purchased a five-acre rural property in the hills outside Perth. Art work by Evelyn Kotai. First state jacket design (full-page illustration). ISBN/ASIN: 1863680438. Our Book No: 28296. $15 AUD.

178. Jolley, Elizabeth; Lurie, Caroline (compiler, introduction) (2006). Learning to Dance: Elizabeth Jolley - Her Life and Work (1st ed). Melbourne: Penguin Books. 305 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), base spine lightly rubbed. This book brings together some of the Australian writer's most poignant short stories, essays and poems, and includes two formerly unpublished pieces. Together, these writings comprise close to an autobiography. Above all, they are a celebration of Elizabeth's rich life and work. ISBN/ASIN: 0670029742. Our Book No: 24821. $25 AUD.

179. Jones, David J. (1988). A Source of Inspiration and Delight: The Buildings of the State Library of New South Wales since 1826. Sydney: Library Council of New South Wales. 176 pp. Paperback square quarto, very good condition, black & white & colour text-photos, minor edgewear corners. David Jones provides a lively and entertaining account of the State Library of New South Wales from its earliest days - in warehouses, 'dingy caverns' and 'awful dungeons' - to its latest buildings in Macquarie Street. The author tells of the battles for buildings which were never built, and the stories behind those which were. This delightful book also takes the reader on a tour, in words and pictures, through the new complex, fully documenting each feature of this most intriguing library. ISBN/ASIN: 0908449240. Our Book No: 22895. $16 AUD.

180. Joyce, James; Ellmann, Richard (introduction & notes) (1968). Giacomo Joyce (Revised ed). New York: Viking Press. 64 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in good dustjacket), red boards (grey cloth spine), frontispiece, pages lightly toned, edges little foxed, reverse side jacket lightly toned (spine faded, small edge tears, tiny hole spine, flap price-clipped, light loss spine ends), written price front cover jacket. Originally prepared for publication 1959, this fragmented autobiographical love story, written by James Joyce in Trieste, thought to be in 1914 at age 32 (the year he started writing 'Ulysses'). The introduction by his biographer Richard Ellmann - a fascinating piece of literary detection - dates the work from internal evidence. The title is explained, as are the circumstances behind the story, and a possible reason is given why, after the copy was prepared for the printer, it was never published. This reissue of the first Viking Press limited edition retains the introduction and notes, with some revisions. The book includes four manuscript pages in reduced facsimile, as well as a frontispiece portrait. (Unnumbered pages. This revised edition was published in the same year, 1968, as the first limited edition.). ISBN/ASIN: B089KLXMPB. Our Book No: 28890. $25 AUD.

181. Joyce, James; Berrone, Louis (editor) (1977). James Joyce in Padua. New York: Random House. 146 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, good condition (in good dustjacket), black & white photos & reproductions, frontispiece, edges & pages lightly toned, light foxing & texta mark top edge, minor edgewear jacket (light toning reverse side), light stain spine ends & bottom edge, minor insect damage. In April 1912 in Padua, James Joyce wrote two essays as part of an examination to qualify for a teaching position in the Italian public school system. These essays were only recently recovered from the archives of the University of Padua by Louis Perrone of Fairfield University. Prof. Berrone translated and edited the essays, and provides a detailed introduction showing the particular circumstances of Joyce's life during the time he wrote these essays, and reveals how many of the ideas in these two Paduan essays were an essential part of Joyce's critical apparatus, influencing his work in both fiction and nonfiction. ISBN/ASIN: 0394409906. Our Book No: 28462. $20 AUD.

182. Katsoulis, Melissa (2010). Telling Tales: A History of Literary Hoaxes (Australian ed). Melbourne, Prahran: Hardie Grant Books. 328 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned as common, minor edgewear. Melissa Katsoulis records the books that fooled publishers, readers and critics worldwide. This is the first time the history of this fascinating sub-genre of world literature is revealed. In her introduction, the English author states that this history does not claim to be comprehensive and gives the reasons why some tricksters have been left out. One chapter covers Australian hoaxes: Ern Malley, Nino Culotta, Marlo Morgan [Mutant Message Down Under], Helen Demidenko, Norma Khouri and Wanda Koolmatrie. (The publisher apologises to Sir Allen Lane for the fake tattered Penguin covers of this book. Australian edition.). ISBN/ASIN: 9781740668781. Our Book No: 41278. $35 AUD.

183. Keesing, Nancy (1988). Riding the Elephant (1st ed). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 233 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition, (in very good dustjacket), black & white drawings & photos, illustrated endpapers, rear cover corner slightly bumped, minor edgewear jacket (rear cover little rubbed), pages lightly toned, faint foxing top edge, base spine & bottom corners rubbed, non-author written name front pastedown. This memoir by Nancy Keesing, the Australian author and poet, is her latest contribution to Australian literature, or in her words 'the kind of autobiography I write when I'm not writing an autobiography'. The photos include her parents. As a writer, critic - and through her lifelong friendships with writers, journalists and people in the book world - she tells a story with wit and compassion which gives a rare look at Australian cultural life. First edition. ISBN/ASIN: 0041500873. Our Book No: 41297. $30 AUD.

184. Kenney, Cyril Ernest (C. E.) (1944). The Quadrant and the Quill: A Book Written in Honour of Captain Samuel Sturmy, "a Tried and Trusty Sea-Man" and Author of The Mariner's Magazine, 1669. London: Metchim and Son. 166 pp. Hardback folio, no jacket as issued, very good condition, black & white photos (some full-page, including frontispiece), papered board cover (cloth spine), edgewear (corners bumped), base spine chipped, minor foxing endpapers & edges, autograph (author's written dedication). Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. A biographical tribute of the life and work of the 17th-century British seaman and author Samuel Sturmy, who wrote this brilliant work on contemporary mariner's skills. Profusely illustrated with facsimiles of title pages, portraits and instruments. The text consists of five 'books': The Seventeenth Century Background; Notes on the Life of Captain Samuel Sturmy; General Description of his Book, 'The Mariner's Magazine - 1669'; The Library of Captain Sturmy; and Conclusion. The five books are separated by title pages illustrated with woodcuts by Hellmuth Weissenborn. Sturmy died in 1669 in the year after he published this - his only - book, which, based on his contributions to 'The Mariner's Magazine’, were of upmost importance to the accuracy of maritime navigation. Our Book No: 15857. $40 AUD.

185. Kent, Jacqueline (2001). A Certain Style: Beatrice Davis: A Literary Life (1st ed). Melbourne: Viking / Penguin Books. 344 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, minor edgewear jacket, cover edges little rubbed, pages lightly toned. First edition. A biography by Jacqueline Kent about Beatrice Davis, 1909 - 1992, who was Australia's most acclaimed book editor, the 'backroom girl of Australian literature'. As general editor at Angus & Robertson from the late1930s to the early 1970s, she nurtured the talents of many well-known writers. In the course of her outstanding career Beatrice Davis saw Australian publishing change from a genteel pursuit to a market-dominated industry. The book is also the story of that change, illustrated by the decline and fall of Beatrice's beloved Angus & Robertson, for almost a century Australia's premier publishing house. The author portrays a woman whose passion for living was as great as her passion for Australian literature. ISBN/ASIN: 0670911313. Our Book No: 3775. $25 AUD.

186. Kieckhefer, Richard (2000). Magic in the Middle Ages [Cambridge Medieval Textbooks]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (CUP). 219 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white drawings, minor edgewear, CANCELLED EX-LIBRARY, review label inside front cover. Surveys the growth and development of magic in medieval Europe. He examines its relation to religion, science, philosophy, art, literature, and politics before introducing the kinds of people who practiced magic, and the reasoning behind their beliefs. The book also looks at many other aspects of life in the Middle Ages. ISBN/ASIN: 0521785766. Our Book No: 29512. $25 AUD.

187. Kinnane, Garry (2008). Shadowed Days: Fragments of a Melbourne Boyhood. Melbourne: Clouds of Magellan. 237 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition. Garry Kinnane, the Australian novelist, provides a haunting evocation of his boyhood in Melbourne in the 1940s and 1950s, and brings to life a struggling family. Frank and Thelma and their two boys, Garry and Ray, are always on the move - from Richmond to Mount Macedon, to North Melbourne, among the homeless in 'Larundel', and finally to an uneasy life in Valentine Street. ISBN/ASIN: 9780980298369. Our Book No: 15809. $25 AUD.

188. Kloet, Christine (1977). After Alice: A Hundred Years of Children's Reading in Britain. London: Library Association. 63 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, glossy card covers (few minor scratches), colour plates (including frontispiece), black & white drawings, minor foxing top edge, minor edgewear corners. Accompanies an exhibition (Sept 1977 - Jan 1978) to celebrate the Centenary of the Library Association, jointly organised with the Museum of Childhood Cambridge, at Bethnal Green, London. Selected and catalogued by Christine Kloet. ISBN/ASIN: 0853657408. Our Book No: 22047. $12 AUD.

189. Knight, Stephen (1997). Continent of Mystery: A Thematic History of Australian Crime Fiction. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press (MUP). 226 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, minimal edgewear. Stephen Knight, a professor of English, provides a long overdue thematic history of Australian crime fiction. surprising since so much of early Australian history has a crime basis. He reinstates many fine and forgotten Australian authors: Mary Fortune, doyen of the Victorian short story; Randolph Bedford, creator of Billy Pagan; Fergus Hume who set in Melbourne the first best selling detective novel; and Pat Flower, a recent Sydney writer. This ground-breaking book traces the clues and exposes the dark deeds of writers overlooked by less critical detective research. ISBN/ASIN: 0522846599. Our Book No: 27488. $30 AUD.

190. Knight, Stephen (2004). Crime Fiction 1800 - 2000: Detection, Death, Diversity (1st, p/b ed). Basingstoke, Hamps: Palgrave Macmillan. 272 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, minor edgewear, faint remainder mark bottom edge. Stephen Knight provides a comprehensive analytic survey of crime fiction from its origins in the 19th century to the most recent developments. He explains how and why the various forms of the genre have evolved, explores major authors and movements, and examines the work of many little-known writers of significance. The book has full references, and is written in a very readable style. First paperback edition. ISBN/ASIN: 0333791797. Our Book No: 27456. $15 AUD.

191. Knowles, Vernon (1980). Eternity in an Hour: A Study in Childhood (Reprint ed). Adelaide, Warradale: Pioneer Books. 77 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, few black & white text-photos, frontispiece portrait, top corner front cover slightly rubbed, colour patch rear cover little faded, some edgewear, small sticker front flyleaf. This is the story of a sensitive boy who grows up in Adelaide before the first World War. Vernon Frank Knowles was born at Phyllis Street, Maylands (Adelaide) on 17th April, 1899. He spent most of his adult life overseas and died in London on July 9th, 1968. He published verse, novels and short stories. His tales of fantasy are universal. (Originally published in 1932. The present book is reprinted from part of a book by Paul Depasquale (Pioneer Books): 'The Life and Work of Vernon Knowles’, 1979. No date, but 1980). ISBN/ASIN: 0908065108. Our Book No: 41008. $20 AUD.

192. Koch, Howard; Clarke, Arthur C. (introduction) (1970). The Panic Broadcast (The Whole Story of the Night the Martians Landed: Orson Welles' Legendary Radio Show 'Invasion from Mars') (Reprint ed). New York: Avon Books. 163 pp. Paperback mass market, good condition, black & white text-photos & cartoons, edges red-tinted, pages toned as usual (notably inside covers), spine creased & little faded, minimal foxing, some edgewear. On the night of October 30, 1938, Orson Welles and his fellow actors broadcast a radio dramatization of H. G. Wells' novel 'War of the Worlds'. This created a nationwide mass panic. Includes the complete script, by the man who compiled the broadcast, with many photographs, cartoons and newspaper articles of the astounding panic aftermath. Plus an introductory Interview with Arthur C. Clarke. (Complete reading copy.). ISBN/ASIN: 0380005018. Our Book No: 4299. $12 AUD.

193. Koestler, Mamaine; Goodman, Celia (editor) (1985). Living With Koestler: Mamaine Koestler's Letters 1945 - 51 [1945 - 1951]. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 204 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos centre spread, minor edgewear jacket. These spontaneous and engaging letters from Arthur Koestler's second wife, Mamaine Paget, to her twin sister, Celia, reflect the intensity of her life with him. Taken as a whole they convey a vivid picture of life in the intellectual world of the period and give a unique insight into Koestler's complex character. ISBN/ASIN: 0297785311. Our Book No: 23371. $20 AUD.

194. Kramer, Professor Leonie (1982). From Fact to Legend Writing and Broadcasting in Australia: The Octagon Lecture 1982 Delivered in the Octagon Theatre, University of Western Australia on 13 October, 1982 [Centre for Studies In Australian Literature Occasional Papers]. Perth, Nedlands: University of Western Australia Press (UWAP). 15 pp. Paperback large octavo, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, small mark front cover, minor edgewear corner tips. This booklet, Professor Leonie Kramer's 1982 Octagon Lecture at the University of Western Australia, is about the process of translation from the medium of literature to the medium of television. The lecture is both analytical and challenging. ISBN/ASIN: 0909751757. Our Book No: 40672. $15 AUD.

195. La Nauze, J. A. (editor); Nurser, Elizabeth (editor) (1974). Walter Murdoch and Alfred Deakin on Books and Men: Letters and Comments 1900 - 1918. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press (MUP). 108 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), frontispiece portraits, top edge foxed, pages faintly toned as usual, minor edgewear jacket, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. This book contributes to the biographies of two notable men who are remembered in Australian political history (Prime Minister Alfred Deakin) and cultural history (Walter Murdoch), It consists of letters exchanged between them that recall the literary atmosphere of Edwardian Melbourne. ISBN/ASIN: 0522840566. Our Book No: 26930. $20 AUD.

196. Lane, Elizabeth (1986). Hal Gye: The Man and His Work (1st ed). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 353 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, good plus condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white drawings, colour reproductions, frontispiece, edges foxed, reverse side jacket little foxed (few tiny chips), base spine bumped, edgewear. This is the story of the creator of the naked, winged cupids that adorn C. J. Dennis's poem "The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke". The author tells the story related to her over the 20 years they were neighbours and traces his life until his death in 1967. He was a cartoonist, illustrator of books by Henry Lawson, Banjo Paterson and Will Ogilvie, and a painter of works held in several state art galleries. He also wrote short stories under the pseudonym of James Hackson. This book is a warm memoir of a multi-talented man, and also has a selection of his full-colour illustrations of works by C. J. Dennis, black & white line drawings, photos, his own account of his early years, and a selection of his short stories. ISBN/ASIN: 0207149003. Our Book No: 28018. $20 AUD.

197. Latta, David (editor) (1989). Sand on the Gumshoe: A Century of Australian Crime Writing. Sydney, Hornsby: Australasian Publishing Company / Random House. 235 pp. Paperback trade, good condition, front cover creased, pages & inside covers toned, spine ends little rubbed, minor edgewear. This book, edited by David Latta, is about the Australian crime fiction writers who have been largely disregarded or forgotten. There is a lengthy introduction and ten short stories. Such talents as Waif Wander, one of the first women in the world to write about crime, or Carter Brown, Fergus Hume, Vince Kelly, Max Afford to name a few whose crime fiction stories appear in this fascinating book. (1 of 2 available copies.). ISBN/ASIN: 0900882557. Our Book No: 27487. $12 AUD.

198. Lawton, David (1993). Blasphemy. Hemel Hempstead, Herts: Harvester Wheatsheaf. 242 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket (spine little faded). David Lawton (Reader in English, University of Sydney) provides both a short history and a series of detailed readings about the concept of "blasphemy". Argues that blasphemy is literary in nature, as demonstrated by medieval charges against heretics, or by the intricate framework of blasphemies that structure much of Freud's writing. The book deals with popular and literary culture, religion and racism, law, social power and international relations. (Wrong ISBN printed on rear jacket: 0745005691.). ISBN/ASIN: 0745011136. Our Book No: 28467. $25 AUD.

199. Lear, Edward (1982). A Book of Nonsense [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. Unnum pp. Hardback quarto, very good plus condition, colour cartoons, pictorial embossed blue cloth cover (gilt decoration & lettering), gilt edges, in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Lear's famous book of nonsense verse was first published in 1846, and it was the first to popularize the format of limericks, a term however not commonly used until the 1890s. This facsimile is based on the Routledge colour edition of 1875. The cartoons are placed one or two per page, with one or two interleaved blank pages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 16935. $45 AUD.

200. Leavis, F. R.; Collini, Stefan (introduction) (2013). Two Cultures? The Significance of C. P. Snow (1st ed) [Canto Classics]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (CUP). 118 pp. Paperback trade, very good plus condition, minimal edgewear. This book is an annotated edition of the influential argument by F. R. Leavis about the classic text on two cultures by C. P. Snow. The editor Stefan Collini reappraises both the literary tactics and its purpose as cultural criticism. In his comprehensive introduction Collini inserts the Leavis critique within the wider context of debates about 'modernity' and 'prosperity', not just about the 'two cultures' of science and literature / humanities. ISBN/ASIN: 9781107617353. Our Book No: 41113. $20 AUD.

201. Lewis, Margaret (1998). Ngaio Marsh: A Life. Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen Press. 275 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, top edge little foxed, minor edgewear jacket. Ngaio Marsh, a died-in-the-wool New Zealander, wrote more than 30 polished, quintessentially English detective novels between 1934 and her death in 1982. Margaret Lewis explores the diverse worlds and the rich harvest of her long life. Lively, acute and sympathetic, she paints a well-balanced portrait of a woman leading a single life who was never alone nor lonely, an Edwardian who followed her muses in a thoroughly modern manner, and a writer who - while invincibly colonial - celebrated England's Golden Age of mystery as royally as its other Queens of Crime. Dr Lewis is a British publisher who was also selected to write a biography of Ellis Peters. ISBN/ASIN: 1890208051. Our Book No: 22712. $30 AUD.

202. Lichtenstadter, IIse (1976). Introduction to Classical Arabic Literature with Selections from Representative Works in English Translation. New York: Schocken Books. 392 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, top corner tips few pages little worn, edges lightly marked, tiny scuff mark spine, minor edgewear. The first part of the work consists of a long introductory essay that surveys the history of Arabic literature from pre-Islamic times through its high period in the Middle Ages. The second part of the volume, comprising somewhat more than half the work, is a representative selection of the literature itself, beginning with some pre-Islamic poetry and including, among many other things, a portion of Muhammad ibn Ishaq's Life of Muhammad, selections of traditions, philosophical writings of Al-Ghazali, some poetry of Al-Maari, and travel writing by Ibn Battutah. ISBN/ASIN: 0805205500. Our Book No: 24842. $18 AUD.

203. Lindsay, Jack; Counihan, Noel (illustrator) (1974). Death of a Spartan King and Two Other Stories of the Ancient World (1st ed). London: Inca Books. 76 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket, very good condition, fine binding in quarter leather and cloth, black & white full-page drawings, faint price marks top corner tip front endpaper, tiny mark last two pages. Death of a Spartan King by Jack Lindsay has been revised from a version published as Come Home at Last (1937). The other two stories are here published for the first time. This edition is limited to 1000 copies: 175 copies numbered 26 to 200 are autographed and bound in quarter leather. This is no. 78. ISBN/ASIN: 0904381013. Our Book No: 40305. $65 AUD.

204. Lindsay, Jack (editor); Stephensen, P. R. (editor) (1928). The London Aphrodite: A Literary Journal (6 issues). London: Fanfrolico Press. Each issue: 100 pp. Each issue: Paperback octavo, good plus condition, card cover, single black & white plate, pages faintly toned, tide marks spine & adjacent rear cover (v5 only) (previous water contact now dry), rear cover stained (v6 only), minor edgewear. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. Six issues (all published) of this controversial literary journal, containing short stories, poetry and essays. The content is written for "a point of view which equally outrages the modernist and the reactionary", as both perspectives are subject to criticism. Both editors and many contributors are Australian. Our Book No: 16499. $80 AUD.

205. Lindsay, Lionel (poems); Littlewood, Robert C. (compiler) (1980). A Ballad of Buccaneering: An Appreciation of the Circumstances Which Influenced the Production of Sir Lionel Lindsay's first Six Etchings, Accompanied by Six of the Artist's Poems from the Same Period (Limited ed). Melbourne: Jester Press. 28 pp. Hardback narrow quarto, very good plus condition, original quarter-bound (cloth cover, leather spine), black & white etchings, autograph (compiler's written name). The poems in this collectible book were first published in 'The Outpost' newspaper between 28 April and 1 December 1900. They have been printed as they originally appeared, without alteration to spelling or punctuation. Text by Robert Littlewood, etchings and poems by Lionel Lindsay (copyright, Peter Lindsay). Copies 11 to 100 were bound by W. Flattely and Sons, Carlton in one quarter morocco with matching cloth, endpapers and headbands. (Copy no 25 of a scarce limited edition of 100 autographed copies. Autograph of Robert Littlewood, the compiler and publisher. Pages unnumbered.). ISBN/ASIN: 0959638520. Our Book No: 28578. $85 AUD.

206. Lindsay, Raymond; Arnold, John (editor) (1983). A Letter from Sydney, Being a Long Epistle from Ray Lindsay to his Brother Jack Relating Mainly to Their Lives in Sydney in the Nineteen-twenties. Melbourne: Jester Press. 60 pp. Paperback large quarto (with flaps), very good condition, tipped-in sepia (brown-coloured) photo frontispiece, autograph (publisher's written name & details). This 13,500-word letter, written by Raymond Lindsay (second son of Norman and Katie Lindsay), was a reply to queries from Jack Lindsay at the time he was writing the second volume of his autobiography ('The Roaring Twenties', 1962). The letter is about the life of the brothers in Sydney during the 1920s and early 1930s. The editor, bookseller John Arnold, has deleted some scandalous material and replaced some names by pseudonyms. Frontispiece photo is of Raymond Lindsay. Letterpress, bound into stiff overlapping covers with thin red card wraps. Introductory essay by John Arnold. (Out of series copy of a limited edition of 1000 copies, numbered 101 to 1100. This presentation copy is annotated: "For Stuart Sayers, with best wishes from the publisher, Robert Littlewood, 12.11.88, one year late !". A hardback in slipcase, with the same ISBN, is also available.). ISBN/ASIN: 095963858X. Our Book No: 13395. $30 AUD.

207. Lindsay, Raymond; Arnold, John (editor) (1983). A Letter from Sydney, Being a Long Epistle from Ray Lindsay to his Brother Jack Relating Mainly to Their Lives in Sydney in the Nineteen-Twenties. Melbourne: Jester Press. 60 pp. Hardback large quarto, very good condition, maroon cloth cover (gilt lettering, in matching slipcase), tipped-in sepia (brown-coloured) photo frontispiece, minor fading spine, minimal foxing top edge, minor edgewear, autograph (editor's written name). In slipcase (little faded fore-edge). Heavy (1.0 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. This 13,500-word letter, written by Raymond Lindsay (second son of Norman and Katie Lindsay), was a reply to queries from Jack Lindsay at the time he was writing the second volume of his autobiography (The Roaring Twenties, 1962). Frontispiece photo is of Raymond Lindsay. Introductory essay by bookseller John Arnold. Printed on goatskin parchment, and case bound by Nick Doslov of Renaissance Bookbinding, Melbourne, in full buckram cloth with matching slipcase. (No 2 of a collectors hardback limited edition of 100 numbered copies in slipcase. Has same ISBN as standard edition of 1000 copies.) ISBN/ASIN: 095963858X. Our Book No: 16877. $80 AUD.

208. Love, H. H. R. ; Swift, Jonathan (about) (1969). The Monash Swift Collection: A talk Delivered to Friends of the Monash University Library on November 11, 1968 with a Short-catalogue of Early Editions of Swift and Swiftiana in the Monash University Library. Melbourne: Monash University. 40 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, thin card cover, staples little rusted, minor edgewear, pages faintly toned, bottom corner tip one page creased, minor edgewear corner tips some pages. The Jonathan Swift (English satirist and poet) book collection was acquired in 1961 from a distinguished Australian musician, Mr David Woolley. Mr Woolley was for many years first oboe in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. He left in 1967 to follow his career in England. The collection at this time consists of 700 volumes, the majority printed before 1800, of which about a half are editions of works by Swift, and the rest books relating to or indirectly to him, to people closely connected with him, or more generally to his milieu. Our Book No: 40712. $18 AUD.

209. Lowe, Virginia (2007). Stories, Pictures and Reality: Two Children Tell. Oxon: Routledge. 188 pp. Paperback octavo, very good plus condition, black & white drawings, tiny crease top corner fore-edge front cover & first few pages. Virginia Lowe provides a rich naturalistic study as a mother who documented her children's encounters with literature from their earliest months to adolescence and beyond. An appendix lists about 140 children's books cited in the text. This very special book will be of interest to students, researchers and academics involved in early literacy, and to anyone who has an interest in how children learn to read. She shows, for example, that her children can distinguish fantasy from reality even prior to the suggested age of 7 years. The author is an Honorary Associate of Monash University, Melbourne. ISBN/ASIN: 9780415397247. Our Book No: 23395. $30 AUD.

210. M’Donald, Charles; Crittenden, Victor (biographical note); Ostaus, Giovanni (vignettes) (1980). An Address on the Fiftieth Anniversary of New South Wales and Other Poems (1st this ed) [Colonial Poets Series]. Canberra, Cook: Mulini Press. 12 pp. Paperback trade, very good plus condition, stapled pamphlet, card covers, few black & white drawings, minor edgewear. The poem (named as an address) is supposed to be spoken by a young Australian at the 50th anniversary of the colonization of New South Wales. Victor Crittenden states that he could not find out any biographical details about the poet. (No 4 in this series.). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910015. Our Book No: 40005. $15 AUD.

211. Macartney, Frederick T. (1955). Furnley Maurice (Frank Wilmot). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 106 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in good dustjacket), black & white photos, edge tears repaired jacket (edges & reverse side little toned, spine little faded), some edgewear. Frank Leslie Thompson Wilmot, an Australian poet who wrote as 'Furnley Maurice’, was prominent throughout an interesting period of transition from the horse-and-buggy days to modern times. He was a manager at the famous Cole's Book Arcade in Melbourne for many years. The author, Frederick T. Macartney, had a long and close friendship with his fellow poet. ISBN/ASIN: B000NZ318U. Our Book No: 23934. $15 AUD.

212. Macintyre, Duncan Ban; Macleod, Angus (editor) (1952). The Songs of Duncan Ban Macintyre (1st ed) [Scottish Gaelic Texts]. Edinburgh: Scottish Gaelic Texts Society / Oliver & Boyd. 581 pp. Hardback octavo, no jacket, good condition, top edge gilt, roughly cut page edges, light internal toning & foxing, endpapers little foxed & toned, edges toned, spine ends lightly worn, rear cover corners little bumped, minor edgewear, owner's written name. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. This wonderful old book contains the songs of 18th century Gaelic poet Duncan Ban Macintyre, who was born at Glenorchy, Argyleshire, Scotland, in the year 1724. He began to compose songs at age 23. The Gaelic words appear opposite the English translation by Macleod (edited, with notes and introduction). Our Book No: 28839. $30 AUD.

213. Mackaness, George (1976). Robert Louis Stevenson: His Association with Australia [Australian Historical Monographs (New Series)]. Dubbo, NSW: Review Publications. 37 pp. Paperback trade, flexible cover, stapled pamphlet, very good plus condition, few black & white drawings (& text-photo). Our Book No: 15419. $10 AUD.

214. Mackenzie, Norman; Mackenzie, Jeanne (1987). The Life of H. G. Wells: The Time Traveller (with a New Epilogue) (Revised ed) [Lives and Letters]. London: Hogarth Press. 500 pp. Paperback thick trade, very good condition, black & white text-photos, top corner front flyleaf clipped, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. This biography by Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie of the British novelist H. G. Wells is based extensively on his private papers, and is here revised to include recent revelations about his love life. It paints an outstanding picture of a man who wanted to be the world's best friend and was, in the end, his own worst enemy: brilliant, charming and self-destructive. (Revised edition, 1987. Initially published 1973.). ISBN/ASIN: 0701207493. Our Book No: 23367. $20 AUD.

215. Malouf, David (1981). David Malouf: Selected Poems [A&R Modern Poets]. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 119 pp. Paperback small, very good condition, minor edgewear. (This copy: Paperback. From the A&R Poets series.) A selection of the best poems by Australian novelist David Malouf, taken from his previous books, plus several poems not previously published in collections. ISBN/ASIN: 0207141088. Our Book No: 3892. $12 AUD.

216. Maltby, Peg (1950). Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Melbourne: Murphett Pty Ltd. 16 pp. Paperback oblong octavo, very good condition, stapled (rusted), full-page colour drawings, black & white drawings, pages lightly toned, covers little creased, minor edgewear. A scarce children's classic tale retold by Australian writer and artist Peg Maltby, and illustrated with her delightful full-page colour drawings, which are interleaved within text. (Muir 4766. No date, but 1950, Trove & Kalgoorlie Miner review.). Our Book No: 16187. $75 AUD.

217. Maltby, Peg (1950). Little Red Riding Hood. Melbourne: Murphett Pty Ltd. 16 pp. Paperback oblong octavo, very good condition, stapled (rusted), full-page colour drawings, black & white drawings, pages lightly toned, edge tear rear cover repaired, covers little creased, minor edgewear. A scarce children's classic tale retold by Australian writer and artist Peg Maltby, and illustrated with her delightful full-page colour drawings, which are interleaved with text. (Muir 4765. No date, but 1950, Trove.). Our Book No: 16188. $75 AUD.

218. Manuel, Lynn; Wilson, Janet (illustrator) (1997). Lucy Maud and the Cavendish Cat (1st ed). Toronto: Tundra Books. 28 pp. Hardback quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), full-page colour drawings, small sepia (brown-tinted) drawings, minor edgewear. This delightful children's picture book by Lynn Manuel is a true story, complied from the many references to Daffy the cat that appear in the 'Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery', Volumes 1 and 2. The beautiful paintings by Janet Wilson will delight children and adults alike. This book is very special and will have appeal to cat lovers and lovers of the Anne of Green Gables stories of L. M. Montgomery. ISBN/ASIN: 0887763979. Our Book No: 22042. $20 AUD.

219. Marr, David (1991). Patrick White: A Life (1st ed). London: Vintage / Random House. 727 pp. Hardback thick octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos centre spread, edges faintly foxed, minor edgewear, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. Heavy (1.5 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. First edition. A lucid and detailed biography of the well-known but controversial Australia novelist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. He wrote more than a dozen novels and plays - but left behind him a repution for intense privacy and sometimes savage temper. ISBN/ASIN: 0091825857. Our Book No: 3976. $30 AUD.

220. Marsh, Nicholas (2002). How to Begin Studying English Literature (3rd, revised ed) [Palgrave Study Guides]. Basingstoke, Hamps: Palgrave. 150 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, minor edgewear. Peter Marsh offers practical help on how to approach the study of novels, plays and poems. It contains easy to read chapters on themes, characters, structure and style which explain how to analyse a text. This third edition is revised and expanded. ISBN/ASIN: 9780333968710. Our Book No: 24108. $15 AUD.

221. Mass, Nuri; mass, Tess (illustrator) (1972). Don't Kill It - It's Me! (1st ed). Adelaide: Alpha Books. 144 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, good condition (in good dustjacket), black & white drawings, illustrated endpapers, pages lightly toned, few chips jacket (reverse side lightly toned & foxed, base rubbed), foxing edges pages, light stain across top hinge most pages, some edgewear. Nuri Mass presents a novel about a woman's life in the business and literary world of Australia today (in 1972). A well-educated, honest and sensitive woman copes with running a large business that becomes her burden. And she has to support for her young family as well, through an unforseable accident. (The rear dustjacket flap has a blurb written by Nuri about writing, including her valuable personal thoughts about the process of writing.). Our Book No: 40921. $18 AUD.

222. Masson, Sophie (2011). Life, Literature, Legends: Collected Essays 1996 - 2011. Sydney, Balmain: Quadrant Books. 311 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good plus dustjacket), pages lightly toned, minimal edgewear. Collected essays by well-known writer of children's and young adults stories. These essays have been written over a period of 15 years, and showcase her adult non-fiction work. ISBN/ASIN: 9780980677850. Our Book No: 28190. $25 AUD.

223. McCulloch, Ann (2005). Dance of the Nomad: A Study of the Selected Notebooks of A. D. Hope. Canberra: Pandanus Books. 366 pp. Paperback thick small quarto, very good condition, edges slightly foxed, minor edgewear. Heavy (1.0 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. An analysis by Ann McCulloch of a thematic selection of the A. D. Hope's notebooks reveals him to be relentless in his experimentation with ideas. Revealing the originality of his thinking and the astonishing range of his reading and interests, this book is a testament to the intellect of one of Australia's towering poets and literary figures. ISBN/ASIN: 1740761685. Our Book No: 23135. $35 AUD.

224. McGuinness, Phillipa (editor) (2015). Copyfight. Sydney: NewSouth / University of New South Wales Press. 294 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition. We expect to log on and read, watch or listen, to anything, anywhere anytime. Then copy it, share it, quote it, sample it. This leave writers, designers, filmmakers, musicians, photographers, artists, and software and game developers with no rights at all. We have forgotten how to pay for content. Are big corporations and copyright lawyers the only ones making money? Illegal downloading has become the biggest industry of all, and copyright violation a way of life. In this provocative book John Birmingham, Linda Jaivin, Marc Fennell, Clem Bastow, Lindy Morrison, Imogen Banks, Dan Hunter, Angela Bowne and others fire up the copyright debate like never before. ISBN/ASIN: 9781742231150. Our Book No: 16734. $18 AUD.

225. McInnes, Graham (1986). Humping My Bluey. London: Hogarth Press. 222 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, tiny bump bottom spine, top edge lightly toned, minor edgewear. The author was the son of novelist Angela Thirkell. He describes his youth in Australia in the 1920s and 1930s. This is a magical and very funny portrait of being young in Australia. It is also a touching farewell to a charmed way of life, for his brother Colin is to set sail for England, and Graham to embark on a search for his father and a new life in Canada. One of three volumes in his classic autobiography. ISBN/ASIN: 0701205946. Our Book No: 23900. $12 AUD.

226. McKee, Richard; Schrapnel, B. M. W. (pseudonym) (1997). The Clan of the Flapdragon and Other Adventures in Etymology, by B. M. W. Schrapnel, Ph.D. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press. 183 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor foxing top edge, minor edgewear. Dr Shrapnel, the pseudonymous critic, satirises a variety of subjects in and out of academe. These adventurous essays include lampoons on writing, language, and literature. In his outrageously funny chapters and critical asides, Schrapnel returns us to the joy that language can still inspire. These satirical essays were originally published in his satirical column in 'Oasis, A Literary Magazine' from 1992 to 1996. Dr Shrapnel is the pen-name of Richard McKee, and American academic and teacher of writing and art design. ISBN/ASIN: 0817308814. Our Book No: 23331. $20 AUD.

227. McKie, Ronald (1988). We Have No Dreaming. Sydney: Imprint / Collins Publishers Australia. 264 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear. Ronald McKie takes us on a personal walkabout through the 80 years of his life. Highlighting his early life as a journalist and war correspondent and the people he has met and interviewed, his journey takes us from Australia and Asia to Europe and America. He focuses, in a sympathetic but critical manner, on how Australians have a real lack of awareness and feeling for their continent. After 200 years of having little sense of a national identity, Australians are still perched here like migrating birds. The author is best known for his novel 'The Mango Tree'. ISBN/ASIN: 0732224071. Our Book No: 14077. $25 AUD.

228. Mclaren, Duncan (2007). Looking for Enid: The Mysterious and Inventive Life of Enid Blyton. London: Portobello Books. 319 pp. Hardback small thick octavo, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good plus dustjacket), minor edgewear. A strikingly inventive and unusual portrait of the very successful English writer for children, Enid Blyton, who entertained millions worldwide with her adventure stories and mysteries, but was herself an adventure and a mystery. She gave us the Famous Five, the Enchanted Wood and the Wishing Chair. We are told today that her stories are tainted, but they deserve renewed attention. Accompany Duncan on his travels around Britain to investigate what made Enid Enid and endeavour to reach the source of her torrent of stories, those that came when she was 'letting her mind go free'. ISBN/ASIN: 9781846271151. Our Book No: 17954. $25 AUD.

229. McVitty, Walter (2004). A Life in Children's Books. Melbourne: Thomas C. Lothian. 226 pp. Paperback octavo, card covers (with flaps), very good condition, black & white & colour photos, cover corners lightly worn, crease fore-edge rear flap, minor edgewear. Autobiography of the Australian children's book publisher. The author and his wife Lois write about their exciting lives as publisher's of children's books. In the first part of the book, Walter records his earlier life. ISBN/ASIN: 073440641X. Our Book No: 24924. $25 AUD.

230. Mead, Rebecca (2014). The Road to Middlemarch (1st this ed). Melbourne: Text Publishing. 293 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, pages lightly toned, cover corner tips little creased, minor edgewear. The author read Middlemarch for the first time at the age of 17, and she has read it again every five years since, interpreting and discovering it anew each time. She writes passionately about her relationship with this remarkable Victorian novel, and explores how its characters and their stories, along with George Eliot's own life experiences, make it so special. This book is a sensitive work of deep reading and biography. ISBN/ASIN: 9781922079329. Our Book No: 30198. $18 AUD.

231. Meehan, Johanna (editor) (1995). Feminists Read Habermas: Gendering the Subject of Discourse (1st ed) [Thinking Gender]. New York: Routledge. 291 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, covers little rubbed, minor edgewear corners. This new collection considers Habermas's theory from a variety of feminist vantage points. While the contributors hold widely different political and philosophical views, they recognize that Habermas's work, critically appropriated, offers much that is valuable to feminist reflections on power, norms, and subjectivity. It will be of particular interest to students of women's studies, sociology, politics and literature. ISBN/ASIN: 0415907144. Our Book No: 29500. $30 AUD.

232. Mendelssohn, Joanna (1996). Letters and Liars: Norman Lindsay and the Lindsay Family. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 288 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white photos centre spread, inside covers & pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear. The Lindsay family of artists and writers, particularly artist and cartoonist Norman Lindsay, dominated Australian cultural life for much of the 20th century. His siblings Percy, Lionel, Daryl, Rose and Jack among them, reveal a very different story to the public myth. Their lives have been mythologised as authentic Australian artistic heroes. However, based on family letters, Joanna Mendelssohn unravels a very different story: an intriguing tale of personalities, lies, deceptions and some surprising revelations. (Now scarce.). ISBN/ASIN: 0207182728. Our Book No: 26139. $35 AUD.

233. Meneghelli, Pietro (1978). La Lettera di Joyce [James Joyce]. Roma (Rome): Editrice Lestoille. 160 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, spine lightly foxed, minor edgewear, owner's rubber stamp. A critical commentary of the James Joyce novel "Finnegan's Wake" as a journey in search of an imaginary golden age, through space and time, with the eventual hero's return to home and childhood. Also discusses "Another September" by Thomas Kinsella, and "The Hobby" by Flann O'Brien. Written in the Italian language. (No ISBN in book.). Our Book No: 16602. $15 AUD.

234. Menen, Aubrey (1963). The Fig Tree. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 165 pp. Paperback, very good condition, orange cover design, pages lightly toned, top corner tip covers & few pages lightly creased, owner's written name & date. An unusual novel (classic orange Penguin) set in Italy. To revive human hope (in the face of a population explosion), Harry Wesley, a chapel-bred scientist of genius, uses a chemical process to convert a fig-tree into the tree of life. The Vatican supports the project. The fig leaves get the last laugh when the fruit reveals exceptional properties as an aphrodisiac. Our Book No: 22940. $10 AUD.

235. Mill, John Stuart (1991). Considerations on Representative Government [Great Books in Philosophy]. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. 365 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, minor edgewear, old price marks. John Sturat Mill, the skeptical Scottish philosopher, explores government for the majority, combined with rights for minorities. (A classic book in the 'Great Books in Philosophy' series from Prometheus Books.). ISBN/ASIN: 0879756705. Our Book No: 12072. $18 AUD.

236. Miller, Lucasta (2001). The Bronte Myth (1st ed). London: Jonathan Cape. 320 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, top spine little bumped, minor edgewear jacket (top spine little creased). Lucasta Miller has written a vigorous new biography of Charlotte Bronte that adds to our understanding of the famous English novelist and her family and culture, which has been frequently reinterpreted. An important aspect is the manipulation of a reputation. Witty, erudite and unsentimental, the author reveals as much about the impossible art of biography as she does about the Bronte family themselves. ISBN/ASIN: 0224037455. Our Book No: 16871. $28 AUD.

237. Mills, Carol (1999). The Native Companion: A 1907 Melbourne Literary Interlude: Indexes to Text, Illustrators, Advertisers, Book Notices and Subjects, and Brief Biographies and an Introduction [Bibliographica Historica Australiae]. Canberra: Mulini Press. 72 pp. Paperback octavo, as new condition, black & white drawings, frontispiece, minor edgewear. A bibliography of 'The Native Companion', an important but short-lived literary periodical published in Melbourne in the early 20th century (1907 only). The editor was E. J. Brady (Irish-Australian poet) and the pages contained the works of many of the important writers of the period. Carol Mills provides a complete indexed run of this periodical with the details of the text and the authors and illustrators whose drawings are in this publication. A special feature is a list of brief biographies which list a few details of some of the less well known contributors. (No 7 in the 'Bibliographica Historica Australiae' series from Mulini Press.). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910821. Our Book No: 29957. $30 AUD.

238. Milner, Andrew (1984). The Road to St. Kilda Pier: George Orwell and the Politics of the Australian Left. Sydney, Westgate: Stained Wattle Press. 91 pp. Paperback large wide trade, very good condition, rear endpapers foxed (edges & front endpapers slightly), minor edgewear. Not a serious account of Orwell's political thought nor a detailed study of the Australian Left. An attempt to conjure up from the shadow of George Orwell, to ask him what he would have made of the Australian Left had he lived here now. Provocative and informative, Andrew Milner, an Australian socialist, provides a trenchant critique of the splintered Australian Left - its present crises, and its future prospects. ISBN/ASIN: 095904860X. Our Book No: 23571. $12 AUD.

239. Mitchell, Elyne (1990). Towong Hill: Fifty Years on an Upper Murray Cattle Station (1st p/b ed). Melbourne: Sun Books. 244 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, thick card covers with flaps, black & white text-photos, light foxing edges, toned strip title page & last page, minor edgewear, owner’s pencil written name & year title page. Elyne Mitchell is the author of the popular Silver Brumby novels for young adults. She is the daughter of General Sir Harry Chauvel of the Light Horse. This autobiography is the story of being brought to Towong Hill (Australian Alps, upper Murray) in 1936, by her husband Tom. There are memories of the WW1 (and her heroic father), and later memories of the Australian bush, snow-capped mountains, and the lonely years of WW2 when she ran the property while her husband was a prisoner of the Japanese in Changi. A rich and warm story. Elyne kept the loneliness and exhaustion at bay by her passionate love of the natural world - the mountains, bright snow, animals and birds. ISBN/ASIN: 0725106212. Our Book No: 41418. $35 AUD.

240. Molloy, Frank (2000). Victor J. Daley: A Comprehensive Bibliography: Poetry, Prose, Reviews and Manuscripts [Bibliographica Historica Australiae]. Canberra: Mulini Press. 182 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, frontispiece portrait, minor edgewear. Victor Daley was born in Ireland, County Meath in 1858 and came to Australia as a young man of 20 years. He travelled around the Southern part of Australia and wrote as a journalist. His poetical career began in 1882 when his poems wre published in the Bulletin, Punch and Freeman's Journal. He died in 1905. This bibliography by Frank Molloy lists all his work so far identified. The list of the available manuscript material, in addition to the reviews and the poems included in anthologies, is a valuable addition to this book. (No 9 in the 'Bibliographica Historica Australiae' series from Mulini Press.). ISBN/ASIN: 094991083X. Our Book No: 29948. $30 AUD.

241. Monahan, Sean (2003). A Long and Winding Road: Xavier Herbert's Literary Journey. Perth, Crawley: University of Western Australia Press (UWAP). 322 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, inside covers lightly toned, minor edgewear. Sean Monahan provides an engaging, accessible book that makes a substantial and original contribution to the understanding of Xavier Herbert's fiction, while at the same time also telling the human story of a writer's rocky road to creating a masterpiece. The book is part literary criticism, part literary detective story to reveal the true story about the noted Queensland writer. The author is a retired academic (English Literature) who has studied Xavier Herbert for 20 years. ISBN/ASIN: 187626893X. Our Book No: 26876. $20 AUD.

242. Montgomery, L. M. (1990). Chronicles of Avonlea (Australian ed). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 236 pp. Hardback small, no jacket as issued, very good condition, pictorial cover, colour cover illustration with green border, pages toned as usual (notably endpapers), minor edgewear. No 3 in an Australian edition of these classic novels for young adults by L. M. Montgomery. This book is a collection of 12 stories about life the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea, of 'Anne of Green Gables' fame. This edition was initially published in Australia by Angus and Robertson in 1972. This copy is the 7th printing, 1990.). ISBN/ASIN: 0207123535. Our Book No: 2081A. $12 AUD.

243. Montgomery, L. M. (1994). Anne of Green Gables. London: Wordsworth. 280 pp. Paperback small, very good condition, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear, cover design differs from stock photo. A Wordsworth Classic Edition of this wonderful story for young adults by L. M. Montgomery. ISBN/ASIN: 1853261394. Our Book No: 21620. $10 AUD.

244. Moran, Jennifer; Fox, Mem (2002). Mem Fox: A Celebration. Canberra: National Library of Australia (NLA). 41 pp. Paperback small square octavo, very good condition, card covers (with flaps), black & white text-photos, minimal edgewear. This book is compiled by Jennifer Moran, on behalf of the Friends of the National Library of Australia. It brings together four essays to pay tribute to one of Australia's most significant children's authors and educators. Each contributor experiences Mem, her passion, flamboyance and creativity, from a different perspective. ISBN/ASIN: 0642107610. Our Book No: 24178. $15 AUD.

245. Morimoto, Junko; Smith, Helen (adaptation) (1983). The White Crane (1st ed). Sydney: Collins. 32 pp. Hardback square quarto, no jacket as issued, very good condition, pictorial cover, colour drawings, small tears base hinge rear endpapers, minor edgewear. Children's picture story based on a classic Japanese tale (adapted by Helen Smith), and illustrated by Junko Morimoto. One winter's day an old man saved a crane stuck in the snow. Later that evening a young girl knocked on the door of the old couple's house. Month's later the old lady did what the young girl specifically asked her not to do and the young girl had to leave. (This copy: Hardback.). ISBN/ASIN: 0001843117. Our Book No: 18118. $40 AUD.

246. Morris, William; McGregor, H. E. (introduction & notes) (1930). Atalanta's Race (from "The Earthly Paradise"). Sydney: George B. Phillip & Son. 32 pp. Paperback small, stapled pamphlet (staples concealed), good condition, card cover, top corner tips worn covers, slight loss top of spine, bottom corners covers creased, few creases in covers, pages toned, minor edgewear, rubber stamp. (Estimated date, 1930, or perhaps earlier.) This little booklet consists of a number of separate stories, held together by a framework. The nature of this framework is told in the prologue. Retells the myth of the Greek princess, rejected by her father, raised by bears, won in marriage in a race by Melanion, and then changed into a lioness by an angry Aphrodite. Our Book No: 27659. $15 AUD.

247. Morrison, Major Robert (2001). The Warrior Poets: An Anthology: Poetry of the Australian Army 1901 - 2001 (1st ed). Canberra / Loftus, NSW: Australian History Publications / Australian Army History Unit. 434 pp. Hardback large wide octavo, dustjacket, very good condition, (in very good dustjacket), colour & sepia (brown-tinted) photos, black & white drawings, minor edgewear jacket, few tiny foxed spots endpapers, compact disk attached to last page. Heavy (1.3 Kg), and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. Major Robert Morrison has compiled a book of the poetry written by famous warrior poets such as A.B. (Banjo) Paterson as well as ordinary soldiers - often while on active service. The book looks at the history of Australians at arms, from 1901, through the many conflicts and peace-keeping tasks in which our Diggers have been involved. The on-going East Timor deployment completes 100 years of military involvement. The First and Second World Wars are the main feature in this book because of their large scale involvement. Some of the poems are not politically correct, but they do show the attitudes of society at that time. (Companion CD of poems at rear.). ISBN/ASIN: 1876439149. Our Book No: 30916. $40 AUD.

248. Muir, Marcie (1980). Charlotte Barton: Australia's First Children's Author. Sydney: Wentworth Books. 35 pp. Paperback trade, good condition, card cover, stapled pamphlet (rusted staples), frontispiece drawing, black & white photos (portraits), some minor insect damage covers (mainly front cover edges), minor edgewear. Marcie Muir describes in detail her patient detective work that revealed the true author of the first children's book published in Australia (A Mother's Offering to her Children, published in Sydney in 1841). Charlotte Barton was the mother of Australian novelist and artist Louisa Atkinson. (No 247 of a limited edition of 500 copies, all autographed.). ISBN/ASIN: 0855871547. Our Book No: 17693. $15 AUD.

249. Mumey, Nolie (1930). A Study of Rare Books: With Special Reference to Colophones, Press Devices and Title Pages of Interest to the Bibliophile and the Student of Literature. Denver, CO: Clasen Publishing Company. 572 pp. Hardback thick quarto, no jacket as issued, original tan quarter-bound cloth with board covers, title label front cover & spine (defective), very good condition, black & white drawings (some full-page), page edges untrimmed, top edge tinted red, front inner hinge little split (pages firm), front cover scratched, front endpapers & edges lightly toned, moderate edgewear notably corners, internally excellent, autograph. Very heavy (2.3 Kg), and not available for postage to destinations outside Australia. Contains three major sections: History of Books, Printers, Colophons; Press Devices; and Aids to Identification of Rare Books. Includes: early printed books, horn books, incunabula, early English Bibles, medical books, English literature, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, identification of modern American first editions, printer's mottoes, Latinized place-names. Mumey is noted for producing fine limited edition books. (No 822 of a limited edition of 1000 autographed copies.) Our Book No: 14719. $150 AUD.

250. Murdoch, Walter; Salusinszky, Imre (editor); Murdoch, Rupert (foreword) (2011). On Rabbits, Morality, etc. Perth, Crawley: UWA Publishing. 303 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. A collection of essays written by Sir Walter Murdoch who was the Foundation Professor of English at the University of Western Australia. This selection restores this writer's work back into print for a new generation of readers. Walter Murdoch, a popular broadcaster and public speaker, was one of Australia's bestselling twentieth-century authors. He wrote weekly essays in The Argus and other newspapers. He was uncle to Rupert Murdoch, who provides a foreword. Edited by Imre Salusinszky. . ISBN/ASIN: 9781742582757. Our Book No: 27562. $20 AUD.

251. Mylrea, Norah; Moorsom, F. G. (illustrator) (1940). Lorrie's First Term (1st ed). London & Glasgow: Blackie & Son. 225 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), few black & white plates (including frontispiece), slight loss corners & bottom edge jacket (flap price-clipped, few edge tears, minor edgewear, sticker mark front cover), protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve\. A classic novel for young adults (a story for girls) by Norah Mylrea. The story follows Lorrie's adventures at Devenham, and later her visit to Basseton. First edition. (No date, but 1940, WorldCat. Amazon states 1945.). ISBN/ASIN: B00RNDYBXY. Our Book No: 23599. $20 AUD.

252. Nafisi, Azar; Sis, Peter (illustrator) (2014). The Republic of Imagination: A Case for Fiction (1st ed). London: Windmill Books / Penguin Random House. 338 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, black & white drawings, minor edgewear. Azar Nafisi tells the story about her teaching 'The Great Gatsby' and other classics to her eager students in Iran. This book is the follow-up to her million-copy bestseller 'Reading Lolita in Tehran'. Azar has written an utterly original tribute to the importance of fiction in a democratic society. The book is a blend of memoir and polemic, with a close readings of her favourite novels. ISBN/ASIN: 9780099558934. Our Book No: 30997. $15 AUD.

253. Naremore, James (2000). Film Adaptation (1st ed) [Depth of Field Series]. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 258 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white text-photos, top edge & fore-edge lightly marked, some edgewear corners. The essays in this book, most of which have never been published, raise fundamental questions about cinema and adaptation. This book is a fresh look at art, theory, and cultural politics of movie adaptations. Edited and introduced by Naremore. ISBN/ASIN: 0813528143. Our Book No: 27099. $20 AUD.

254. Newton, T. (1982). The New Game of the Mansion of Bliss: In Verse [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 16 pp. Paperback very small, very good plus condition, folio (very large) folded colour game sheet (superior cloth) loosely inserted, pictorial cardboard sleeve, all in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Facsimile of a children's game and instruction booklet (both fitted into a facsimile pictorial cardboard sleeve), originally published by W. & T. Darton (map-seller), London, in 1810. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 16939. $25 AUD.

255. Niall, Brenda (2007). Life Class: The Education of a Biographer. Melbourne, Carlton: Melbourne University Press (MUP). 290 pp. Hardback small, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), frontispiece black & white portrait, minimal foxing reverse side jacket, minimal edgewear. Brenda Niall, an Australian academic (English literature) and author, describes her eventfull rich and creative life journey. Her adventures include travels in England, Scotland, Italy, Austria and Hungary in search of material for her biographies of famous Australians. ISBN/ASIN: 9780522853438. Our Book No: 22277. $50 AUD.

256. Niall, Brenda (2012). True North: The Story of Mary and Elizabeth Durack (1st ed). Melbourne: Text Publishing. 291 pp. Paperback octavo, good condition, sepia (brown-tinted) photos, few black & white & colour photos (few creased bottom edge), minor edgewear, corner tips rear cover little worn, top & bottom corners front cover creased, light creasing covers. Mary and Elizabeth, one a writer and the other a painter, spent their childhood in Perth looking forward to their father coming home with stories of station life. Their grandfather was an Irish immigrant who set up a cattle empire. This joint biography delves into the lives of Mary, author of the Australian classic "Kings in Grass Castles", and Elizabeth, the renowned artist. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921758928. Our Book No: 26686. $16 AUD.

257. Nile, Richard (2002). The Making of the Australian Literary Imagination. Brisbane, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press (UQP). 315 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, corner tip front cover creased, pages toned as usual, minor edgewear. This controversial book by Richard Nile reveals the creativity and surprises of Australian literature. He moves from literary London to the fascinating Australian bookshops, looks in at Angus & Robertson, and interrogates the politics of reputation. Censorship and patronage, paperback heroes and the able-bodied writer, cinema and literature are also examined. The author is director of Australian Studies at Curtin University, Perth. ISBN/ASIN: 0702231657. Our Book No: 29380. $20 AUD.

258. Norris, Christopher (1984). The Deconstructive Turn: Essays in the Rhetoric of Philosophy (1st p/b ed). London & New York: University Paperbacks / Methuen & Co. 201 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, spine & rear cover text faintly faded, minor edgewear. Christopher Norris provides a fresh and productive look at links between philosophy and literary theory. He examines the deconstructionist challenge in a series of closely-argued essays on philosophers Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, Gilbert Ryle and Saul Kripke. He also examines the interpretative strategies forced upon literary critics in the efforts to master the ambivalent rhetorics of fiction, poetry and philosophy. The author is lecturer in English, University of Wales. ISBN/ASIN: 0416361404. Our Book No: 30029. $15 AUD.

259. Nowra, Louis (2004). Shooting the Moon: A Memoir. Sydney: Picador. 197 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, minor edgewear cover corner tips. This memoir by Louis Nowra is a follow-up to "The Twelfth of Never". The author is an acclaimed Australian Indigenous playwright, novelist and screenwriter. In this moving and original story of an unconventional Aboriginal boyhood, he describes his adulthood, and continues to the year 2000. He has used notes and diaries for many of the direct dialogue quotes. ISBN/ASIN: 0330364901. Our Book No: 28032. $18 AUD.

260. O'Grady, John (1970). So Sue Me (1st ed). Sydney: Ure Smith. 91 pp. Paperback small, very good condition, spine minimally creased, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear. John O'Grady is the author of the bestselling humorous book on the Australian character: 'They're A Weird Mob'. These followup essays state his humorous thoughts and conclusions on life and people. "After about 60 years of kocking around and being knocked about, a man acquires a sort of philosophy." First edition stated. ISBN/ASIN: 0725400129. Our Book No: 24090. $12 AUD.

261. O'Grady, John; Culotta, Nino (pseudonym); Pidgeon, W. E. (WEP) (illustrator) (1980). Aussie English: An Explanation of the Australian Idiom (22nd imp ed). Sydney: Summit Books. 104 pp. Paperback small, very good condition, small black & white drawings (vignettes), pages toned as usual, minor edgewear. A humorous classic about the Australian language by John O'Grady, the author of the iconic bestselling ’They're a Weird Mob'. Illustrated by WEP (W. E. Pidgeon). Combined sales of all his books exceed 2 million copies. (The scarce Summit Books edition.). ISBN/ASIN: 0727105124. Our Book No: 4653. $20 AUD.

262. O'Neill, John (1982). Essaying Montaigne: A Study of the Renaissance Institution of Writing and Reading (1st ed) [International Library of Phenomenology and Moral Sciences]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 244 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), owner's written name. Canadian academic sociologist assesses Michel de Montaigne's classic "Essays". He regards the "Essays" as an exercise of the literary body, funding the joy of reading and writing. The "Essays" are works of friendship and family, and he rejects theories of literary alienation fostered by Marx and Freud. ISBN/ASIN: 0710009372. Our Book No: 13806. $15 AUD.

263. Oddie, William (editor); Chesterton, G. K. (2010). The Holiness of G. K. Chesterton (1st ed). Leominster, Hereford: Gracewing Publishing. 140 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear, sticker mark rear cover. A book of essays, edited by William Oddie, about the Christian and spiritual life of the famous English essayist and novelist, G. K. Chesterton. He was well known for his Father Brown mysteries. Six distinguished contributors explore his religious life, and contemplate introducing a cause for his ultimate canonisation. ISBN/ASIN: 9780852447253. Our Book No: 41148. $25 AUD.

264. Ousby, Ian (1997). The Crime and Mystery Book: A Reader's Companion. London: Thames & Hudson. 224 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, black & white & single-colour illustrations (few sepia), top corner tip little worn rear cover, minor edgewear. Ian Ousby tells the story of the fascination with crime detective novels, accompanied by dozens of special features packed with information to surprise even the most avid fan. Classic puzzles like the locked-room mystery are analysed and the Ten Commandments for the detective novel 1930s-style defined. There is a world round-up of current crime novels, full lists of Edgars, Daggers and other prizes, a detailed chronology and ideas for further reading. (The stock picture titled Guilty Secrets is incorrect.). ISBN/ASIN: 0500279780. Our Book No: 27481. $20 AUD.

265. Oz People, The; Wiltshire, Gail (director); Bailey, Bert (script); Musa, Helen (editor) (1985). On Our Selection: The Characters Immortalizied by Steele Rudd. Brisbane: The Playhouse. 10 pp. Paperback small quarto, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, black & white text-photos, single-colour illustrations & adverts, top corners covers & pages lightly creased, faint foxing cover, minor edgewear. Bert Bailey adapted On Our Selection in 1912 for the stage. The Oz People use the Bailey script which has been edited by Helen Musa. The Playhouse is operated by the Queensland Children's Theatre and Creative Workshop Association, a nonprofit company dedicated to providing creative activities for disabled children. (Estimated date, 1985.) Our Book No: 40039. $18 AUD.

266. Palmer, Jerry (1994). Taking Humour Seriously (1st p/b ed). London: Routledge. 203 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, covers & spine little scratched, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear corners. Examines the role humour and comedy play in many different types of society, including written expression. Literary criticism, biology, anthropology, Freud are all discussed. The author argues that we must take humour seriously (as well as humorously) or fail to understand a fundamental part of culture. ISBN/ASIN: 0415102677. Our Book No: 29190. $18 AUD.

267. Park, Ruth (1993). Fishing in the Styx (The Second Volume of Autobiography) (1st ed). Melbourne: Viking / Penguin Books. 302 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos centre spread, pages faintly toned as usual, minor edgewear. First edition. Second volume of the autobiography of the famous Australian novelist who wrote Poor Man's Orange. Mainly about her marriage with husband D'Arcy Niland. This partnership, between two talented but volatile people, sharing their dreams and disappointments, and rejoicing in each other's triumphs. It was cruelly cut short by D'Arcy's death. Ruth writes movingly about this dark time, which lead her to study Zen Buddhism and live for a time on tranquil Norfolk Island. ISBN/ASIN: 0670846805. Our Book No: 6709. $20 AUD.

268. Parv, Valerie (1993). The Art of Romance Writing: How to Create, Write and Sell Your Contemporary Romance Novel (1st ed). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 138 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, few black & white cartoons, minor foxing top edge, minor edgewear, old price marks. Valerie Parv, an Australian author, has written over 30 romamce novels, mostly for Mills & Boon. Based on her experience of writing romance novels, she explains what works, what doesn't and why. There are chapters on creating believable characters, writing dialogue, choosing settings, identifying workable conflicts and constructing effective plots. ISBN/ASIN: 1863734244. Our Book No: 23705. $15 AUD.

269. Patchett Martin, A. (Arthur) (1998). The Beginnings of an Australian Literature [Bibliographica Historica Australia Series]. Canberra: Mulini Press. 48 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, card cover, minimal edgewear, sticker mark front free flyleaf, copy 1. An essay on the beginnings of Australian literature, by Arthur Patchett Martin. A facsimile, originally published in London in 1898, and based on an address delivered at the South Place Institute, London. The author was the publicist who introduced Adam Lindsay Gordon to English readers. He had long advocated for a distinctive Australian literature criticism of Australian writers. (No 6 in the 'Bibliographica Historica Australia Series' from Mulini Press.) (1 of 2 available copies.). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910775. Our Book No: 16546. $15 AUD.

270. Paterson, A. B. (Banjo); King, Jonathan (introduction) (2003). The Man From Snowy River and Other Verses: Commemorative Centennial Edition (Reprint ed). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 184 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, black & white text-photos, minimal edgewear. A souvenir edition, reproduced to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first publication by Angus & Robertson of "The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses" by Andrew Barton Paterson ('The Banjo'). It contains exactly the same 46 ballads selected by Banjo. Paterson and George Robertson for the October 1895 edition. ISBN/ASIN: 0207191735. Our Book No: 25432. $16 AUD.

271. Paterson, A. B. (Banjo); Hannay, Lorraine (illustrator) (1986). The Cat (1st ed). Sydney, Dee Why: Lansdowne Press. 31 pp. Hardback wide octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), colour drawings, minor edgewear jacket (spine faded), base spine little rubbed. ISBN/ASIN: 070181960X. Our Book No: 29331. $18 AUD.

272. Patrouch Jr, Joseph F.; Asimov, Isaac (1976). The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov. London: Panther. 325 pp. Paperback, very good condition, minor edgewear, old price marks. An authoritative and stimulating survey of Asimov's science fiction, including the themes, stories, characters and settings. Authorized by Asimov himself. ISBN/ASIN: 0586043934. Our Book No: 1831. $10 AUD.

273. Pease, Donald E. (2010). Theodor Seuss Geisel (Reprint ed) [Lives and Legacies Series]. Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP). 178 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), cloth spine, black & white drawings (cartoons), minor edgewear jacket (top edge reverse side foxed). A biography and appraisal by Donald Pease of one of the most influential children's authors and artists of the 20th century: Theodor Seuss Geisel, best known as Dr. Seuss. The author looks at the American's poetry, politics, art, marketing, and place in the popular imagination. The book also contains many of Dr. Seuss's lesser-known illustrations, including college drawings, insecticide adverts, and wartime political cartoons. A wonderful book for everyone who knows and loves his wonderful children's stories. ISBN/ASIN: 9780195323023. Our Book No: 29306. $15 AUD.

274. Petch, Simon (1981). The Art of Philip Larkin (1st ed) [Sydney Studies in Literature]. Sydney: Sydney University Press. 108 pp. Hardback small thin, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), pages lightly toned, edges little foxed, reverse side jacket lightly foxed. This book is a study of the well-known British poet, Philip Larkin. The bias is critical rather than historical or biographical. The main concern is with the poems - however detailed discussion of the novels is incorporated. ISBN/ASIN: 0424000903. Our Book No: 26977. $15 AUD.

275. Philip, Neil; Underhill, Henry (illustrator) (1986). Drakestail Visits the King: A Magic Lantern Fairy Tale (1st ed) [Magic Lantern Fairy Tale]. London: William Collins. Unnum 24 pp. Hardback small quarto, no jacket, very good condition, pictorial cover, colour drawings, minor edgewear, little black texta top edge. This is the children's picture story of how Drakestail lent his money to the King, and then went to court to ask for it back. The story is full of humour and drama, and is perfect to read aloud. The vivid illustrations are taken from hand-painted glass slides, made by Henry Underhill in the 1890s for his magic lantern shows. They add a special charm to this simple nursery tale, retold by Neil Philip. ISBN/ASIN: 0001831585. Our Book No: 29497. $16 AUD.

276. Piper, Watty; Sanderson, Ruth (illustrator) (1981). The Little Engine that Could (Reprint ed). New York: Platt & Munk / Grosset & Dunlap. 39 pp. Hardback small folio, no jacket as issued, good plus condition, pictorial cover, full-page colour drawings, worn spine ends, few dents bottom edge, edges little foxed, some edgewear corners. A beautiful classic bestselling children’s picture story retold by Watty Piper. This well-loved book will delight young and old. Initially published in 1930, and since in numerous editions. This copy is the large-format Platt & Munk edition (a Grosset & Dunlap company) issued in 1981. Illustrated by Ruth Sanderson. ISBN/ASIN: 0448473739. Our Book No: 24547. $20 AUD.

277. Pope, Mr [Alexander] (1925). The Rape of the Lock: An Heroi-comical Poem in Five Canto's [Haslewood Books Series]. [England]: Chiswick Press / Frederick Etchells and Hugh Macdonald. 59 pp. Hardback octavo, no jacket (missing) as common, very good condition, red & black text on title page, board cover, cloth spine (little mottled, gilt spine lettering), black & white drawings (including frontispiece), untrimmed edges, minor edgewear & toning. (No 590 of a limited edition of 725 copies.) Set up from an octavo of 1718, with a very few substitutions from later readings, and preserving the six-line illustrations. A mock-epic poem, in which a hideous crime is committed at a fashionable London society gathering. The victim is the beautiful, innocent Belinda, her attacker is the dastardly Baron, and his weapon of choice is a pair of scissors. A sharp and witty tale of the most famous bad hair day in the history of literature. Our Book No: 15635. $20 AUD.

278. Prado, C. G.; Foucault, Paul-Michel (1995). Starting with Foucault: An Introduction to Genealogy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 181 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, pages lightly toned, crease one page (printing error), minor edgewear. C. G. Prado writes a straightforward introduction to the thought of French philospher and literary critic Paul-Michel Foucault. The focus is on discipline and punishment, and the first volume of 'The History of Sexuality'. This sympathetic but critical introduction is especially suited for readers more familiar with Anglo-American rather than with European philosophy. ISBN/ASIN: 0813317916. Our Book No: 41048. $30 AUD.

279. Ramzy, Magda; Moneim, Abdul Hanan (2002). New Bibliotheca Alexandrina: A Beacon of Science, and Cultural Interaction [Alexandria Library]. City Not Stated: S.I.S. Press House. 90 pp. Hardback oblong quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), colour photos & drawings, metallic cover corners, minor edgewear jacket, edges & spine little rubbed. This book is about the rebuilding of a new library more than 2000 years after the old library with all its treasures of millions of books and manuscripts was burned down. The library has been rebuilt on the same site on a prestigious location on the waterfront of Alexandria, Egypt. This beautiful book with many photos will interest anyone with a passion for books, and buildings with a long history. Editing and cover design by Ramzy, artwork by Moneim. Our Book No: 28349. $40 AUD.

280. Rapaport, Herman (2011). The Literary Theory Toolkit: A Compendium of Concepts and Methods. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. 295 pp. Paperback octavo, good condition, figures, top corner rear cover creased, corner tips covers little creased, top spine bumped, small mark bottom corner last page & fore-edge, minor edgewear. This book is a compendium of key terms, concepts, and arguments necessary for the study of literature in a critical-theoretical context. A lucid overview of the field of literary study, and provides the intellectual tools necessary to construct an effective foundation for literary analysis and a richer appreciation of world literature. The topics that are looked at are narrative, poetic, and performance analysis, the study of textual systems, and key aspects of social theory relevant to literary study. There are examples from literary texts covering all periods and genres. ISBN/ASIN: 9781405170475. Our Book No: 40073. $20 AUD.

281. Rice, Nathan P. (1995). Trials of a Public Benefactor, as Illustrated in the Discovery of Etherization (Facsimile ed). Sydney: Australian Society of Anaesthetists. 460 pp. Hardback small thick octavo, very good plus condition, black & white portrait frontispiece, minimal edgewear. A modern reproduction of a classic book on anaesthesia, originally published in 1858. A biography of William Morton who, at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston in 1846, was the first to use ether for pain relief during surgery. (Facsimile reproduction of Morton's signature on flyleaf.) SALE PRICE. Our Book No: 20371. $20 AUD.

282. Richardson, Matthew (editor) (2001). The Halstead Treasury of Ancient Science Fiction. Sydney: Halstead Press. 191 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, covers lightly creased, minor edgewear. This collection consists of ancient historical science fiction stories written in Japan, Rome and other places worldwide, edited with commentary by Matthew Richardson. Authors such as Cicero and Plato (Atlantis) join forces with little known writers of the ancient Eastern world. The translations from five different languages are vivid. Each story is followed by a brief commentary relating it to the science and writing of the times, with notes to explain the less obvious meanings. ISBN/ASIN: 1875684646. Our Book No: 23373. $20 AUD.

283. Riemer, A. P. (Andrew) (1980). Antics Fables: Patterns of Evasion in Shakespeare's Comedies. Sydney: Sydney University Press (SUP). 229 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), pages lightly toned, minor edgewear jacket (little rubbed). A. P. (Andrew) Riemer examines Shakespeare's comedy plays and examines their curious, often teasing treatment of those moral, philosophical, and even religious issues that criticism has consistently isolated as representing Shakespeare's comic themes. Consists of series of chapters, each dealing with a characteristic aspect of the comedies. The focus of the study is an extended examination of "The Winter's Tale". Riemer is an academic at the University of Sydney known for his study of Shakespeare, and also for his popular books describing his migrant experiences (he was born in Hungary). ISBN/ASIN: 042400075X. Our Book No: 28817. $20 AUD.

284. Ringold, Francine (editor) (1993). Nimrod Poetry and Prose Australia [International Journal of Prose and Poetry Volume 36, No. 2 Spring Summer]. Tulsa, OK: Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa. 152 pp. Paperback trade, good condition, black & white drawings, spine faded, minor edgewear, top spine bumped, corner tips covers & some pages creased, pages lightly toned, covers slightly marked, old price marks top corner title page. This issue of the journal is an anthology of established and new poets and writers from Australia. It has modern stories of initiation, love, and submerged violence, meditative poems, and timeless Aboriginal images in contemporary media. There are interviews with Thomas Keneally, Janette Turner Hospital, Les Murray, Philip Martin, and David Malouf, and plenty of poetry and fictional stories to keep active minds busy. Our Book No: 40677. $15 AUD.

285. Roberts, Adam; Singh, Mahendra (illustrator) (2015). Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea (1st U.S. ed). New York: St. Martin's Griffin. 306 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, black & white drawings, light toning pages, minor edgewear, non-author written name flyleaf. In 1958 France's first nuclear submarine 'Plongeur' leaves port for the first sea trials. On board and together for the first time are one of the Navy's most experienced captains and a tiny skeleton crew of sailors, engineers, and scientists. The submarine makes her first dive and goes down, and down and down. What will happen to the crew when the pressure crushes her hull? This whimsical, thrilling, and beautifully illustrated retelling of the Jules Verne classic will keep readers busy to the end of this nautical masterpiece. First U.S. edition stated. ISBN/ASIN: 9781250057792. Our Book No: 41055. $20 AUD.

286. Roderick, Colin (1966). Henry Lawson: Poet and Short Story Writer (1st ed). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 70 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in good dustjacket), black & white illustrations (including frontispiece), some insect damage jacket (little chipped & rubbed, flap price-clipped), front cloth board little marked, edges little rubbed, small area rubbed free flyleaf (old price marks). This book is based on two lectures delivered at the University of Queensland under the aegis of the Commonwealth Literary Fund in June 1965. The first part refers to contemporary and latter-day criticism of Lawson as a poet, and challenges opinions expressed by critics in our own time. The second part begins with an examination of the modern short story, with reference to Lawsons' capacity and influences that shaped his approach to short story writing. Our Book No: 29489. $12 AUD.

287. Rogak, Lisa (2005). The Man Behind the Da Vinci Code: The Unauthorized Biography of Dan Brown (Australian ed). Melbourne, Carlton North: Scribe Publications. 140 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white & colour photos centre spread, pages little toned as usual. Lisa Rogak provides an investigative biography of Dan Brown, author of the bestselling novel "The Da Vinci Code". Reveals how and why Brown became infatuated with secret societies. Why has he withdrawn from public life? A few years ago, he was an obscure author, with three novels in print that had sold fewer than 20,000 copies in total. Today, he is a mega-bestselling author, with more than 34 million copies of his fourth novel in print around the world. Reveals little-known details of Brown's unusual work habits - involving gravity boots, an antique hourglass, and voice-recognition technology. Why, in the face of a lawsuit for plagiarism, did Brown refuse to sign an affidavit unambiguously affirming he is the sole author of The Da Vinci Code? What links Brown's early career as a mid-level pop singer with his status as a bestselling author? Australian edition. ISBN/ASIN: 1920769714. Our Book No: 14444. $15 AUD.

288. Rogers, Pat (1980). Hacks and Dunces: Pope, Swift and Grub Street (Abridged ed) [Grub Street: Studies in a Subculture]. London: Methuen Young Books. 239 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear corners. Abridged edition. A shorter and more concentrated text with focus on literary masterpieces that explored the Grub Street milieu (low-brow literary writing and book and pamphlet publishing). The author has written a tighter copy to show the presence and use of London imagery in Alexander Pope's and Jonathan Swift's essays and poetry. Discussion of London life, 17th and 18th-century urban development, as well as the period of Augustan literature, will interest students of social history. ISBN/ASIN: 0416742408. Our Book No: 29062. $20 AUD.

289. Roscoe, William; Dorset, Mrs; Mulready, William (illustrator) (1982). The Butterfly's Ball, and The Grasshopper's Feast + The Peacock At Home: A Sequel to The Butterfly's Ball (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 16 + 14 pp. Each book: Paperback small trade, very good plus condition, frontispiece, black & white plates, coloured engravings, card envelope. Both in same slipcase. The author of The Butterfly's Ball wrote this story for his young son Robert. John Harris published the poem anonymously in London in January 1807, with an engraved text and copperplate illustrations by the young William Mulready, the son of poor Irish immigrants. The Peacock at Home, a sequel, written by an anonymous lady, later identified as Catherine Ann (Turner) Dorset, was published in September 1807, by the Harris firm. This booklet was illustrated with copperplates engraved after William Mulready. The card envelopes that wrap around each individual booklet add a special touch. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30589. $40 AUD.

290. Rossetti, Christina G.; Hughes, Arthur (illustrator) (1982). Sing-song: A Nursey-Rhyme Book [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 132 pp. Hardback small, very good plus condition, blue cloth cover (gilt pictures & lettering), black & white drawings (including frontispiece), all edges gilt, tissue guards (loosely inserted), in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Facsimile of a classic children's nursery rhyme book, originally published by George Routledge, London, in 1872. A collection of 1 or 2-page nursery rhymes, each headed by a drawing. Both poet and illustrator belonged to the pre-Raphaelite art movement, which believed in realistic portrayal of nature. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 16966. $35 AUD.

291. Routledge, George (1982). The Dog's Dinner Party [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. Unnum 22 pp. Paperback quarto, card cover, very good plus condition, full-page colour drawings, interleaved blank pages, in cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Facsimile of a classic children's story from Routledge's Shilling Toy Books series (as listed on rear cover). Originally published by George Routledge, London, 1876. A story about dogs having a party. The story is in large simple text, and the colour illustrations are full-page (the centre one being spread over two pages). Interleaved are some blank pages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 17001. $35 AUD.

292. Rudd, Elizabeth; Vere Boyle, Eleanor (illustrator) (1988). Beauty and the Beast (Reprint ed) [Golden Classics]. London: Hutchinson Children's. 21 pp. Hardback small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition, pictorial cover (in very good dustjacket), full-page colour drawings, spine ends lightly bumped, minor edgewear jacket (small mark reverse side, rear cover creased, tiny tear). This charming children's picture book re-tells the story of Beauty and the Beast in a captivating text and beautiful, vivid paintings. In 1875, the Victorian artist, Eleanor Vere Boyle produced the illustrations to go with this best-loved story that has become a classic. This story with reproductions of the beautiful illustrations appear in this new edition with an enchanting new text rewritten for modern children by Elizabeth Rudd. ISBN/ASIN: 0091727138. Our Book No: 28094. $20 AUD.

293. Russell, Roslyn (1997). Literary Links: Celebrating the Literary Relationship between Australia and Britain (1st ed). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 249 pp. Paperback small quarto, good plus condition, black & white text-photos, few colour illustrations, minor edgewear corners, top spine little chipped, faint tape marks corners inside covers, small mark fore-edge. Roslyn Russell examines the evolution of the literary relationship between Australia and Britain over the last 200 years. Her book ranges broadly across 15 distinct themes and covers explorers and utopians, convicts and their gaolers, nation builders, travellers, university students, fledgling and established writers, migrants, expatriates, prize winners, publishers and satirists, and literary visitors. ISBN/ASIN: 1864485027. Our Book No: 26019. $20 AUD.

294. Sadi, of Shiraz; Lang, John (1992). The Rose Garden: Translations from the Persian of Sadi of Shiraz (New ed) [Colonial Poets Series]. Canberra, Cook: Mulini Press. 12 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, card covers, few black & white drawings, two small marks front cover (possible paper defect), minor edgewear. The poems in this booklet are translations of Persian poetry from the 'Gulistan' and the 'Bustan', by the court poet known as Sadi of Shiraz. These poems were first published in 'The Mofussilite' in 1845. Translated into English by the Australian writer John Lang. (No 9 in the Colonial Poets Series from Mulini Press.). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910422. Our Book No: 40008. $15 AUD.

295. Sadi, of Shiraz; Lang, John (1992). The Rose Garden: Translations from the Persian of Sadi of Shiraz (New ed) [Colonial Poets Series]. Canberra, Cook: Mulini Press. 12 pp. Paperback trade, very good plus condition, stapled pamphlet, card covers, few black & white drawings, minor edgewear. The poems in this booklet are translations of Persian poetry from the 'Gulistan' and the 'Bustan', by the court poet known as Sadi of Shiraz. These poems were first published in 'The Mofussilite' in 1845. Translated into English by the Australian writer John Lang. (No 9 in the Colonial Poets Series from Mulini Press. Annotation by collector Alan Ives states that this copy is a silent re-issue in September 2006.). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910422. Our Book No: 40008A. $25 AUD.

296. Said, Edward W. (1997). Beginnings: Intention and Method (1st U.K. ed). London: Granta Books. 416 pp. Paperback thick octavo, very good condition, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear. Edward W. Said brings together history, philosophy, structuralism and critical theory in a stimulating work of literary criticism. The author argues that during the 18th and 19th centuries, the novel was the major attempt in Western literary culture to give beginnings an authorizing, institutional and specialized role in art, experience and knowledge. He traces this idea through the late 19th and early 20th centuries - to Freud's discoveries and the novels of modernist authors - and examines the question of beginnings in critical discourse, and the work of the French structuralists. He combines philosophy and belles-lettres, and does not separate literature from history, philosophy and social discourse, thereby broadening the role of criticism from celebration and orthodoxy to re-experiencing and questioning. ISBN/ASIN: 1862071608. Our Book No: 30296. $30 AUD.

297. Saki; Lambert, J. W. (editor) (1969). The Bodley Head Saki: Short Stories: The Unbearable Bassington (Reprint ed). London: Bodley Head. 489 pp. Hardback small, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket, small sticker mark front cover jacket, non-author written dedication front free flyleaf. Nearly 50 years after his death on the Western Front, Hector Hugh Munro, better known as Saki, still shines among the small group of English masters of the short story. His witty, mischievous and sometimes macabre stories satirize Edwardian society and culture. This selection, edited by J. W. Lambert, contains 52 short stories, and 'The Unbearable Bassington' as a full story. . ISBN/ASIN: 0370005511. Our Book No: 24136. $20 AUD.

298. Sanders, Julie (2007). Adaptation and Appropriation (Reprint ed) [The New Critical Idiom]. London: Routledge. 184 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, faint foxing top edge, minor edgewear. Julie Sanders clarifies the complex debates around adaptation and appropriation. A much-needed resource for anyone studying literature, film or culture. Some of the concepts are from fields as diverse as musicology and the natural sciences. ISBN/ASIN: 9780415311724. Our Book No: 29928. $20 AUD.

299. Sansom, Ian (2012). Paper: An Elegy, a Celebration of the Age of Paper (1st ed). London: Fourth Estate. 230 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white drawings, pages faintly toned, minor edgewear jacket, remainder marks bottom edge. Ian Sansom, an English professor of English, provides a brief quotable history and appreciation of paper in all its forms and uses (not just for books). But also a cultural study, and a series of personal reflections, on the timeless meaning of paper. Looks at the paradoxes of this man-made material, and shows how some types of paper will always be with us. For example, although e-books are making inroads into physical books, we will always need paper to wrap Christmas presents. ISBN/ASIN: 9780007480265. Our Book No: 29238. $25 AUD.

300. Sassi, Carla (2005). Why Scottish Literature Matters. Edinburgh: Saltire Society. 202 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, black & white text-photos, minor edgewear. This is the fourth book in the Saltire series examining the significance of Scottish history, philosophy and the Scots language. Carla Sassi examines Scotland's literature from the earliest times to the late 20th century, and offers new and fascinating insights into the nature of nationhood and identity, and the way in which these are reflected in, and the inspiration for, literary output at various periods. ISBN/ASIN: 0854110828. Our Book No: 23600. $20 AUD.

301. Saumarez Smith, John (editor) (2004). The Bookshop at 10 Curzon Street: Letters Between Nancy Mitford and Heywood Hill 1952 - 73 (Reprint ed). London: Frances Lincoln. 191 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, minor edgewear jacket. Nancy Mitford worked in Heywood Hill's bookshop from March 1942 to the end of the war. After the war she went to live in France. These letters are the ones she wrote to Heywood Hill until her death in 1973. Charming, witty, irresistible, the correspondence gives brilliant insights into a world that has almost disappeared. Edited by John Saumarez Smith. . ISBN/ASIN: 0711224528. Our Book No: 24970. $20 AUD.

302. Sayers, Dorothy L. (1939). Strong Meat. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 44 pp. Paperback small (with flaps), good condition, spine frayed (pages firm), top edge lightly foxed, pages lightly toned, rear cover scratched, edgewear, errata slip tipped in. In this small booklet published in 1939, on the outbreak of war, the famous English crime-fiction novelist Dorothy Sayers (1893 - 1957) offers strong support for the divine drama of Christianity. She is best known for her crime fiction novels set between the First and Second World Wars that feature English aristocrat and amateur sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey. She was also a playwright and Christian humanist. ISBN/ASIN: B000WMKWJ0. Our Book No: 11918. $15 AUD.

303. Schleiner, Louise; McQuillen, Connie (translator); Roller, Lynn E. (translator) (1994). Tudor and Stuart Women Writers [Women of Letters]. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 293 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, minor edgewear top edge. Examines British women writers of the Tudor and Stuart periods, and their culture from the perspectives of feminism, Marxism, sociology, and cultural semiotics. This book is a comprehensive study of those women who were more than translators or diarists and who found individual voices in texts for public or semi-public circulation. Contains verse translations from Greek and Latin. SALE PRICE. ISBN/ASIN: 0253208866. Our Book No: 27171. $12 AUD.

304. Sendak, Maurice (1989). Caldecott and Co.: Notes on Books and Pictures. London: Reinhardt Books / Viking / Penguin Books. 214 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear jacket (light foxing, few tiny chips), faint foxing edges. Essays about children's literature (picture books) by Maurice Sendak, the author of the famous picture book 'Where the Wild Things Are'. Topics range from George Macdonald, Beatrix Potter and Randolph Caldecott, to Margot Zemach, Harriet Pincus and Edward Ardizzone, and to Walt Disney, Mother Goose and Hans Christian Anderson. The author voices his deeply held opinions about every aspect of the world of the picture book. ISBN/ASIN: 1871061067. Our Book No: 26061. $20 AUD.

305. Serle, Geoffrey; Rickard, John (introduction) (2014). From Deserts the Prophets Come: The Creative Spirit in Australia 1788 - 1972 (New ed). Melbourne, Clayton: Monash University Publishing. 258 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, tiny piece laminate coating loss top edge & corner rear cover, minor edgewear. Short history of Australia's literature, music, theatre, science and learning. This book was originally published in 1973. The author presented a series of lectures on Australian cultural history. This new edition contains an introduction by Serle's student and eminent Australian cultural historian John Rickard. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921867545. Our Book No: 29429. $35 AUD.

306. Serle, Percival; Serle, Geoffrey (editor) (1988). Percival Serle 1871 - 1951: Biographer, Bibliographer, Anthologist and Art Curator: A Memoir (1st ed). Canberra, Deakin: Officina Brindabella. 59 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket, very good condition, light brown paper covered boards, illustrated endpapers, beige cloth spine, paper title on spine, sepia (brown-tinted) frontispiece, tiny scuff front cover, edges & front flyleaf lightly foxed. (This copy: Hardback.) Apart from his own recollections, this memoir by Percival Serle is based on the short unpublished autobiography that the father of Geoffrey Serle wrote late in life, and on diaries which he occasionally kept. More than 100 people - writers, artists, professors and others - are mentioned in this memoir. Edited by Geoffrey Serle. (This edition of 350 autographed copies was designed and printed by A.T. Bolton at the Officina Brindabella, 1988. Hand binding and paper decoration by Helen Wadlington. This is copy no. 15.) ISBN/ASIN: 0909422168. Our Book No: 29515. $30 AUD.

307. Seuss, Dr (2010). Green Eggs and Ham (Reprint ed). London: HarperCollins. 58 pp. Paperback quarto, very good condition, colour drawings, minor edgewear. In this great classic children's picture story from Dr Seuss, Sam-I-am is determined to get grumpy grouch to eat green eggs and ham. Will he succeed? A large format edition that will appeal to all ages. ISBN/ASIN: 9780007922888. Our Book No: 28085. $10 AUD.

308. Sewell, Anna (2001). Black Beauty [Scholastic Classics]. New York: Scholastic Inc. 245 pp. Paperback small, very good condition, black & white drawings, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear. As a young horse, Black Beauty is well-loved and happy, but when his owner is forced to sell him, his life changes drastically. He has many owners - some cruel and some kind. He really wants someone to love him again. This is a classic tale for children and young adults by Anna Sewell, originally published in 1877. ISBN/ASIN: 0439228905. Our Book No: 22961. $10 AUD.

309. Shillingsburg, Peter (2001). William Makepeace Thackeray: A Literary Life [Literary Lives]. Basingstoke, Hamps: Palgrave Macmillan. 162 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, figures, small scratch front cover, minor edgewear, owner's details embossed title page. This biography of Thackeray by Peter Shillingsburg offers a new perspective on the relationship between his life and his novels. It combines an analysis of his philosophy and religion with his life's experiences with women, and acknowledgements of his dependence on writing for a livelihood to provide an explanation for his narrative strategies. Traces Thackeray's composition and revision of sample passages to demonstrate that his narrative strategies were conscious developments. Also demonstrates how his critique of the evils of society focused subtly on conventional domestic cruelties, and on the inequities of the world of women, but in a way that could be dismissed and would not necessarily alienate the public upon whose good will his livelihood depended. ISBN/ASIN: 033365093X. Our Book No: 22625. $20 AUD.

310. Shoemaker, Adam (editor) (1998). A Sea Change: Australian Writing and Photography. Sydney: Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG). 247 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, black & white text-photos & cartoons, minor edgewear. This unique collection, edited by Adam Shoemaker, looks at the sea change in Australian life today. In this especially-commissioned anthology by the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG), 25 of Australia's finest writers and photographers (for example, David Malouf) take up the challenge of exploring the transformation that took place two years before the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. This unusual anthology counterpoints essays with photographic images, and short stories with the cartoons of Matthew Martin. ISBN/ASIN: 0958599602. Our Book No: 3440. $20 AUD.

311. Shorthouse, J. H. (1888). A Teacher of the Violin and Other Tales (Colonial ed). London: Macmillan & Co. 317 pp. Hardback small octavo, good condition, navy boards (embossed borders front cover and spine, four gilt bands on front cover and spine, gilt title on spine), navy endpapers, page edges roughly cut, small patch rubbed on one gilt border and navy board, edges covers rubbed (corners bumped), spine ends little worn (few edge tears), rear cover little marked, pages lightly toned, inner hinge split (pages firm), light foxed spots most pages (minor foxing endpapers & flyleaves & title page), top section one page missing (no text lost). This charming well-loved old book contains four stories and an apologue. The first story is autobiographical and titled A Teacher of the Violin, in which the author describes his early life. The other stories are: The Marquis Jeanne Hyacinthe de St. Palaye, The Baroness Helena Von Saarfeld, Ellie: and A Story of a Boy and a Girl. There is a page of sheet music loosely inserted. (Stated as colonial edition by Trove.). ISBN/ASIN: B001GA9WXO. Our Book No: 40741. $30 AUD.

312. Simpson, John (2017). The Word Detective: A Life in Words from Serendipity to Selfie (New ed). London: Abacus. 366 pp. Paperback small trade, very good condition, base spine little bumped, minor edgewear. John Simpson is the former chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), where he helped move the dictionary online in the 1980s, and led the editorial work on its Third Edition (from 2000). His main story concentrates on his life at the dictionary. But he also uses words that crop up in the narrative itself as jumping-off points for digressions into stories about word history and usage. He wants to tell the story of words from a historical perspective. . ISBN/ASIN: 9780349141008. Our Book No: 30998. $20 AUD.

313. Skovron, Alex (editor); Gaita, Raimond (editor); Miller, Alex (editor) (2011). Singing for All He's Worth: Essays in Honour of Jacob G. Rosenberg. Sydney: Picador / Pan Macmillan. 255 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear. In the early 1990s, after writing for most of his life in Yiddish, his mother tongue, Jacob Rosenberg decided to change to English. He died in 2008, at the age of 86. During those 15 years, he wrote and published three collections of poetry, a book of short stories, a novel, and two prize-winning memoirs that chart his journey from youth in the city of Lodz (now Poland), through the nightmare of the Holocaust and the loss of his entire family, to the rebuilding of a future in Australia. This edited book of essays brings together 12 men and women from Australian literary and intellectual life who knew Jacob Rosenberg and offer their responses to his writing. ISBN/ASIN: 9781742610436. Our Book No: 26981. $15 AUD.

314. Smythe, P. E. (1935). The Wind in the Willows: Notes, Appreciation and Exercises. Sydney: The College Press. 61 pp. Paperback small, card cover, stapled pamphlet (staples concealed), good condition, minor edgewear, front cover & title page corner creased, bottom corner front cover & pages creased, pages lightly toned, minor foxing few pages, tiny tear top spine, slight loss base spine, small tear on spine. Estimated date: 1930s (Trove catalogue). A little booklet published to aid the teaching of classic literature. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the chief characters in the book, and it also sets the general background. Our Book No: 27490. $10 AUD.

315. Smythe, P. E. (1950). Youth and Gaspar Ruiz: Critical Notes, Appreciation and Exercises. Sydney: The College Press. 24 pp. Paperback small, thin card cover, stapled pamphlet, good condition, covers & corners little creased, pages lightly toned, slight loss base of spine, tiny tear rear cover, light foxing covers, minor edgewear, rubber stamp. Estimated date, about 1950 (stated as 19--, Trove catalogue). A little booklet published to aid the teaching of two novels by Joseph Conrad: "Youth" and "Gaspar Ruiz". Rubber stamp of Dymock's Bookshop. Our Book No: 27492. $10 AUD.

316. Snow, C. P.; Collini, Stefan (introduction) (2017). The Two Cultures (21st ptg ed) [Canto Classics]. Cambridge: Canto / Cambridge University Press (CUP). 107 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, crease front cover along spine, minimal edgewear. The classic text by C. P. Snow about how the intellectual life of society is split between the sciences and the arts / humanities. This reissue has an introduction by Stefan Collini, charting the history and context of the subsequent debate, its implications and its afterlife. ISBN/ASIN: 9781107606142. Our Book No: 41112. $20 AUD.

317. Souter, Gavin (1996). A Torrent of Words: Leon Gellert: A Writer's Life. Canberra: Brindabella Press. 63 pp. Hardback small octavo, mylar dustjacket, very good condition (in very good plus dustjacket), grey cloth covers, black & white photos centre spread, minimal foxing endpapers & edges. This is a biography by Gavin Souter of Leon Gellert who was an Australian writer, poet, journalist, and an art critic. He was one of the poets who served in the Middle East in World War 1 (The Great War), and was best known for his collection of poems written as an Anzac. The author says in his Prelude that he had something in common with Leon Gellert because in May 1947 they both had debuts on the Saturday magazine pages of the 'Sydney Morning Herald', where Gellert was literary editor and columnist for many years. (This is copy 210 of a limited edition of 270 copies, handprinted by Alexander Bolton at the Brindabella Press. It is the 23rd and last book of the press. printed on Mohawk Superfine paper. Duotone photographs.). ISBN/ASIN: 0909422265. Our Book No: 40967. $85 AUD.

318. Spackman, Barbara (1989). Decadent Genealogies: The Rhetoric of Sickness from Baudelaire to D'Annunzio (1st ed). New York: Cornell University Press. 220 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), coloured endpapers, minor edgewear jacket, top edge lightly foxed. The author examines the ways in which decadent writers adopted the language of physiological illness and alteration as a figure for psychic otherness. Using an ideological and rhetorical analysis of scientific as well as literary texts, this book shows how the rhetoric of sickness provided the male decadent writer with an alibi for the occupation and appropriation of the female body. ISBN/ASIN: 0801422906. Our Book No: 25947. $20 AUD.

319. Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (2004). Fiction in Nineteenth Century Samoan Newspapers. Canberra: Mulini Press. 86 pp. Paperback wide trade, very good condition, few tables, cover rubbed near spine, minor edgewear. Dirk H. R. Spennemann provides a general history of three Samoan newspapers, and an analysis of the origin of their fiction content, as well as an index to published poetry and short fiction. The newspapers are 'The Samoa Times' in its two incarnations (1877 - 1881 and 1888 - 1896), and the 'Samoa Weekly Herald' (1892 - 1900). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910996. Our Book No: 29841. $40 AUD.

320. Stead, Christina; Geering, R. G. (editor) (1992). Talking into the Typewriter: Selected Letters (1973 - 1983) (1st ed) [Imprint Lives]. Sydney: Angus & Robertson / HarperCollins. 402 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, front cover scratched, minor edgewear. Beginning in England in 1973, this second volume of Christina Stead's letters deal mainly with her life after returning to Australia in 1974 and ends just before her death in 1983. These years saw the growth of her literary reputation and the official recognition of her contribution to writing. Letter writing was a vital part of Christina Stead's creative life and it grew increasingly important in her last decade. It was how she engaged with the outside world ISBN/ASIN: 0207170762. Our Book No: 13799. $16 AUD.

321. Steggall, Stephany Evans (2004). Can I Call You Colin?: The Authorised Biography of Colin Thiele. Sydney: New Holland. 448 pp. Paperback thick octavo, very good condition, black & white photos centre spread, minor edgewear. Can I Call You Colin?: The Authorised Biography of Colin Thiele, by Stephany Evans Steggall (New Holland, 2004). A well-researched and evocative account of Colin's life. He has contributed so much to Australian literature and culture. This wonderful book talks about Colin's warm character, resilient spirit and myriad achievements. This is an entertaining and uplifting monograph on the life and times, humour and humanity of Colin Thiele, a remarkable Australian. (1 of 2 available copies.). ISBN/ASIN: 1741101425. Our Book No: 21528. $25 AUD.

322. Stewart, Annette (2010). Barbara Hanrahan: A Biography (1st ed). Adelaide, Kent Town: Wakefield Press. 303 pp. Paperback wide octavo, very good plus condition, colour & black & white plates, few black & white text-photos, minimal edgewear. This biography illuminates the life of a great Australian writer and artist. The story starts with Barbara Hanrahan's childhood in Adelaide, travels with her to 'swinging London' of the 1960s, and tells of her remarkable achievements in Britain and Australia in the following decades. The author has drawn on a wealth of unpublished material, including the artist's letters, photos, prints and diaries, as well as interviews with her friends and her partner. This special book is illustrated with a number of artworks, and many photos from her life. ISBN/ASIN: 9781862548244. Our Book No: 26897. $30 AUD.

323. Stoler Miller, Barbara (1984). The Gitagovinda of Jayadeva: Love Song of the Dark Lord (Reprint ed) [Indian Series of the Translations Collection of the United Nations (UNESCO)]. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. 225 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, small closed tear spine, minor edgewear. This dramatic lyrical poem, translated and edited here by Barbara Stoler Miller, is a unique work in Indian literature and a source of inspiration in both medieval and contemporary Vaisnavism. It describes the loves of Krsna and Radha in 12 cantos containing 24 songs. The poem is really a kind of drama, of the ragakavya type, since it is usually acted. Published in India by Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN/ASIN: 8120803671. Our Book No: 28374. $20 AUD.

324. Styron, William (1992). Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness (Reprint ed). London: Picador. 84 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear, remainder stripe. The novelist William Styron describes his descent into depression. This memoir is a bold and ultimately uplifting exploration of depression's dark reality. ISBN/ASIN: 0330317539. Our Book No: 4261. $12 AUD.

325. Summerly, Felix (editor); Webster, Thomas (illustrator); Horsley, J. C. (illustrator); Cope, C.W. (illustrator) (1982). The Traditional Faery Tales (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 32 pp. Hardback small wide trade, very good plus condition, colour plates, gilt title & edges, blue endpapers, frontispiece, laid-in tissue guides on plates (one loose tissue guide), blind stamped design on both boards. In cardboard slipcase. Facsimile edition. Originally published by Joseph Cundall in 1845. Felix Summerly was the pseudonym of Sir Henry Cole who initiated the Home Treasury series in 1843 for the enjoyment of children. The collected edition reproduced in this facsimile series has delicately hand-coloured plates, engraved on wood. This book shows the trend from fact toward fancy in content and design that was to grow through the second half of the 19th century. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30583. $30 AUD.

326. Sussex, Lucy (2015). Blockbuster! Fergus Hume and the Mystery of a Hansom Cab [Block Buster]. Melbourne: Text Publishing. 298 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, colour & sepia (brown-tinted) photos, minor edgewear. The fascinating story by Lucy Sussex of the crime novel that became a global publishing phenomenon. Fergus Hume was a playwright when he moved from Dunedin to Melbourne in 1885. He wrote The Mystery of a Hansom Cab, and the book sold out its first run and became the biggest and fastest-selling detective novel of the 1800s, and Australia's first literary blockbuster. Hume unfortunately sold the copyright for 50 pounds, and missed out on a potential fortune. This well-researched book will interest anyone who likes Australian true crime, history and crime fiction. ISBN/ASIN: 9781922147943. Our Book No: 29409. $20 AUD.

327. Sutherland, Stewart R. (1977). Atheism and the Rejection of God: Contemporary Philosophy and The Brothers Karamazov. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 152 pp. Paperback large trade, very good condition, top edge lightly foxed, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear, owner's written name & date. Dostoyevsky was tormented by the question about the existence of God throughout his life. Stewart Sutherland discusses this from both philosophical and theological viewpoints, and with specific reference to the novel 'The Brothers Karamazov'. The author is professor of history and philosophy or religion at the University of London. (The correct ISBN 063112604X is on rear cover, ISBN 0631175008 on copyright page is actually for the hardback edition.). ISBN/ASIN: 063112604X. Our Book No: 12836. $30 AUD.

328. Swanson, Jean; James, Dean; Perry, Ann (foreword) (1998). Killer Books: A Reader's Guide to Exploring the Popular World of Mystery and Suspense (1st ed). New York: Berkley Prime Crime. 358 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, edges & pages & inside covers lightly toned, cover corner tips little creased, tiny spot top edge, light crease front cover, minor edgewear. The perfect guide for discovering favourite mystery writers based upon your own personal preferences. The best mystery writers (particularly USA & UK) cross-referenced by your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. The book is well organized and indexed, with complete descriptions, author profiles and awards. ISBN/ASIN: 0425162184. Our Book No: 27471. $14 AUD.

329. Swift, Graham (2012). Last Orders (Reissue ed). London: Picador. 323 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, light crease front cover, minor edgewear. This novel won the Booker Prize in 1996. This is a reissue by Picador to celebrate their 40th anniversary in 2012. They are reissuing a selection of classic fiction. This book is the author's most poignant exploration of the complexity and courage of ordinary lives. (Plus 32 pages adverts at end.). ISBN/ASIN: 9781447202820. Our Book No: 29009. $12 AUD.

330. Swingler, Susan; Reimer, Andrew (afterword) (2012). The House of Fiction: Leonard, Susan and Elizabeth Jolley: A Memoir. Perth, Fremantle: Fremantle Press. 319 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, few black & white text-photos, minor edgewear. A biography of an Australian literary dynasty. A memoir about a daughter's quest for her absent father. ISBN/ASIN: 9781921888663. Our Book No: 28680. $17 AUD.

331. Tate, Audrey (1991). Ada Cambridge: Her Life and Work 1844 - 1926 (1st ed). Melbourne: Melbourne University Press (MUP). 319 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, good plus condition (in good plus dustjacket), edges lightly toned, minor edgewear jacket (top corners lightly worn), corners little bumped, small stains bottom edge book & jacket. This book is a rich and fascinating story about one of Australia's leading writers in her lifetime. The author writes about the courage and determination that enabled Ada to rise above overwhelming personal tragedies in order to write. ISBN/ASIN: 0522844103. Our Book No: 25261. $20 AUD.

332. Taylor, Karla (1989). Chaucer Reads "The Divine Comedy". Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 292 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), minor edgewear. It has long been known that English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (author of The Canterbury Tales) was influenced by the Italian poet Dante (author of The Divine Comedy). Demonstrates that Chaucer's reaction to The Divine Comedy shaped the most fundamental aspects of his poetic art, particularly narrative authentication (credibility of his fictional worlds). SALE PRICE. ISBN/ASIN: 0804715440. Our Book No: 14261. $25 AUD.

333. Teffi; Chandler, Robert (translator) (2016). Memories from Moscow to the Black Sea (1st ed). London: Puskin Press. 349 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos, minor edgewear jacket, minimal split front hinge (pages firm), sticker mark. The fascinating story of the Russian writer and satirist Teffi. This book is her blackly funny and heart breaking account of her final journey into exile across Russia. Published in English for the first time, it confirms the rediscovery of Teffi as one of the most humane, perceptive observers of her time. ISBN/ASIN: 9781782271697. Our Book No: 40345. $25 AUD.

334. Tennant, Kylie (1986). The Autobiography of Kylie Tennant: The Missing Heir. Melbourne: Macmillan. 190 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos centre spread, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve. Autobiography of the Australian novelist Kylie Tennant, which complements her previous autobiography 'Man on the Headland'. Her novels are noted for their vitality and social realism. ISBN/ASIN: 0333415094. Our Book No: 10665. $25 AUD.

335. Thoms, William John (editor); Tayler, Frederick (illustrator); Absolon, John (illustrator); Franklin, John (illustrator); Thomas, W. J. (1982). The Gallant History of Bevis of Southampton and Two Other Stories (3 books) (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 16 + 16 + 16 pp. Each book: Paperback small square trade, very good condition, frontispiece, black & white decorations edges of pages, thin coloured card covers (matching colour decorative covers), gilt edges. In single slipcase (tiny scuff top corner, tiny bump top spine). Facsimile edition. Three volumes in one slipcase: The Gallant History of Bevis of Southampton - The Sweet and Pleasant History of Patient Grissel - A Mournful Ditty of the Death of Fair Rosamond. The editor of the series Gammer Gurton's Story Books was hired at a young age as a clerk in the office of Chelsea Hospital for disabled soldiers until 1845. In 1863 he became deputy librarian and continued in that post until he retired in 1882. The titles in this series were published in separate booklets with gaily decorated and gilded stiff-paper covers with a coloured frontispiece. The books in the series were published by Joseph Cundall and printed by Charles Whittingham. Each book has been illustrated by a different artist. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30585. $30 AUD.

336. Thorp, Gary (2002). Caught in Fading Light: Mountain Lions, Zen Masters, and Wild Nature (1st ed). New York: Walker & Co. 187 pp. Hardback tall octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), few black & white illustrations, top edge lightly foxed, minor edgewear corners jacket. Describes his search for a mountain lion or cougar in the hills and mountains of Northern California where he lives. In spare, elegant prose, using the traditional form of Japanese writing known as nikki bungaku (literary diary), he writes about his meditations and adventures. ISBN/ASIN: 0802713971. Our Book No: 26966. $18 AUD.

337. Tillyard, E. M. W. (1962). Myth and the English Mind: From Piers Plowman to Edward Gibbon: Being the Clark Lectures 1959 - 60 (1st Collier ed). New York: Collier Books. 126 pp. Paperback small, very good condition, spine slightly faded, light foxing edges, pages lightly toned, spine ends slightly rubbed, cover design differs from stock photo. A study of epic myths that pervade English literature. In this unusual treatment of the subject, the author deals with English literature exemplifying such myths, and has selected his four principal examples from the period of the Middle Ages up to the 18th century. The main aim is to broaden our understanding of English literature and the English mentality. Originally published as: Some Mythical Elements in English Literature. Our Book No: 40505. $15 AUD.

338. Tomalin, Claire (2017). A Life of My Own (Reprint ed). London: Viking / Penguin Books. 331 pp. Hardcover octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), few black & white text-photos, minor edgewear jacket (small dent rear cover). This memoir by Claire Tomalin follows her through triumph and tragedy (in equal measure) from the bad marriage of her parents, the difficult wartime childhood that followed, to her own marriage to the young journalist Nicholas Tomalin. He was killed on assignment as a war correspondent leaving her on her own to bring up their four children and make her own career. Claire became one of the most successful literary editors in London, and went on to discover her true vocation as a biographer, alongside overwhelming grief at the loss of a child. She sets her life in a wider cultural and political context, vividly and honestly portraying the social pressures on a woman in the 1950s and 1960s, and showing 'how it was for a European girl growing up in mid-20th-century England carried along by conflicting desires to have children and a worthwhile working life'. ISBN/ASIN: 9780241239957. Our Book No: 41103. $30 AUD.

339. Tompkins, Allan J. (1967). The E. R. B. Digest Number One [Edgar Rice Burroughs Digest, no. 1]. Melbourne: Allan J. Tompkins. 56 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, black & white drawings (including inside covers), black & white photos, staples little rusted, tiny scuff spine ends. This scarce booklet is an amateur Australian and non-profit fanzine dedicated to American pioneer science / fiction / fantasy writer Edgar Rice Burroughs (first and only issue published). There is an indexed guide to the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs at the end. Our Book No: 28545. $60 AUD.

340. Tompson Jnr, Charles; Wilkes, G. A. (introduction); Turnbull, G. A. (introduction) (1973). Wild Notes, from the Lyre of a Native Minstrel (Facsimile ed). Sydney: Sydney University Press (SUP). 68 pp. Hardback quarto, dustjacket (flaps all sides), very good condition (in very good dustjacket), cream-coloured pages. The first book of verse by an Australian-born poet, Charles Tompson Jnr, to be published in the colony. This facsimile edition makes it available again for the first time since the original edition of 1826, and contains an introductory essay about Tompson's life and commentary on the poems. He was of convict descent. ISBN/ASIN: 0424065606. Our Book No: 25260. $20 AUD.

341. Treasure, Rachael (2016). Down the Dirt Roads: A Memoir of Love, Loss and the Land. Sydney: Penguin Random House. 301 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, colour photo inside covers, minor edgewear, slight bump base spine minor edgewear. The Australian novelist writes an inspiring story of her life as a single mother after her marriage breakdown. This story is a heartfelt and moving insight into the life of a single mother displaced from her home. A powerful book about healing, health and hope. The book presents a practical and positive vision of what life on our land could become. ISBN/ASIN: 9780670079438. Our Book No: 30538. $25 AUD.

342. Trevelyan, R. C. (1931). Three Plays: Sulla, Fand, The Pearl-tree. London: L. & Virginia Woolf / Hogarth Press. 120 pp. Hardback small, no jacket, good condition, brown board cover (title label, little foxed), top edge foxed, some page edges foxed, pages lightly toned, some edgewear. A scarce collectible book of three verse plays from the press of Leonard and Virginia Woolf. Our Book No: 17774. $15 AUD.

343. Trevelyan, R. C. (1932). Rimeless Numbers. London: Leonard and Virginia Woolf / Hogarth Press. 80 pp. Hardback small octavo, no jacket as issued, good condition, marbled covers, title label front cover & spine, strong foxing edges & first few pages (lesser foxing title page, plus spotted foxing to margins of some other pages), pages little toned, some edgewear, bookseller sticker. Scarce collectible verse play from the publishing house of Leonard and Virginia Woolf. Plus verse translations from classic texts at the rear, including Theocritus, Catullus and Ovid. The last page has a note on metre. (Sticker of A. H. Spencer, Melbourne.). Our Book No: 17683. $50 AUD.

344. Tucker, James; von Rosenberg, Otto (pseudonym); Roderick, Colin (editor) (1996). The Grahame's Vengeance, or The Fate of James the First, King of Scotland: A Historical Drama in Three Acts. Townsville: Foundation for Australian Literary Studies / James Cook University. 85 pp. Paperback octavo, good plus condition, two black & white text-photos original text (including frontispiece), minor edgewear. An historical drama (play) about the murder of James I of Scotland, originally written by Robert Grahame in 1437. This modern play version was written by the convict James Tucker, author of 'Ralph Rashleigh' at Port Macquarie, New South Wales, in 1845. Tucker adopted the pen-name 'Otto von Rosenberg'. This is the first authentic transcription of the manuscript into modern English (in 1996), together with a biographical sketch and commentary on the play. ISBN/ASIN: 0864435827. Our Book No: 13232. $15 AUD.

345. Twain, Mark; Tuckey, John S. (foreword, notes); Gibson, William M. (text); Mark Twain Project, Staff (2003). No. 44, the Mysterious Stranger: The Authoritative Text from The Mark Twain Project: Being an Ancient Tale Found in a Jug, and Freely Translated from the Jug (New ed) [Mark Twain Library Series]. Berkeley: University of California Press. 202 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, bottom corner rear cover little creased, covers little scratched, minor edgewear. This Mark Twain Library text of this surprising and little-known novel (No. 44) is a photographic reproduction of the text published in Mark Twain's Mysterious Stranger Manuscripts. Based on boyhood memories of the Mississippi River Valley and the printshops of Hannibal, the story is set in medieval Austria at the dawn of the printing craft. It is a psychic adventure, full of phantasmagoric effects, in which a penniless printer's apprentice - a youthful mysterious stranger with the curious name 44 - gradually reveals his otherworldly powers and the hidden possibilities of the mind. Ending on a startling note, this surprisingly existential novel reveals a darker side to the author's genius. Presents for the first time the novel as Mark Twain wrote it. Features expert notes and commentary, and - for the first in the Mark Twain Library edition - a glossary of printer's terms. ISBN/ASIN: 0520242068. Our Book No: 30563. $25 AUD.

346. Twain, Mark; Blackman, Charles (illustrator) (1987). A Cat-tale (1st ed). Sydney: Ashton Scholastic. 47 pp. Hardback small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white drawings (including frontispiece), minor spotted foxing reverse side jacket (minor edgewear, slight impression front side). This charming children's picture book was written by Mark Twain around 1880, and after 107 years of virtual neglect, this is the first ever full-scale presentation. The author wrote the story for his two children. It is about Catasauqua's beautiful family of catlings named Cattaraugus and Catiline and their adventures while their mother is trying to teach them about good living, music, books and education. The illustrations are by Charles Blackman, an internationally known artist who now lives in Australia. First edition stated. ISBN/ASIN: 0868966940. Our Book No: 27965. $25 AUD.

347. Twain, Mark; Ingpen, Robert (illustrator) (1987). The Stolen White Elephant (1st ed). Sydney: Ashton Scholastic. 48 pp. Hardback small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white drawings (including frontispiece), light foxing reverse side jacket (minor edgewear), base spine little rubbed. This children's picture story, a detective mystery by Mark Twain, is about a Siamese white elephant, en route from Siam (Thailand) to Britain as a gift to the Queen, and which disappears in New Jersey. This is one of his most hilarious, but overlooked, masterpieces for any child or adult to enjoy. The life-like illustrations are by international illustrator, Robert Ingpen. This literature classic was originally published in 1882 as a short story. First edition stated. ISBN/ASIN: 0868966932. Our Book No: 27978. $20 AUD.

348. Twain, Mark; Neider, Charles (editor) (2000). The Travels of Mark Twain. New York: Cooper Square Press. 448 pp. Paperback octavo, very good condition, spine lettering little faded, laminate coating lightly creased top & bottom edges front cover, rear cover little creased (few tiny dents), minor edgewear, internally excellent, remainder spot bottom edge. This anthology is a generous selection from the best of Mark Twain's travel writings. The travels are from Virginia City to Venice, from New Orleans to Nazareth, from silver mining in Nevada to the Pyramids and Sphinx of Egypt. Twain's descriptions are filled with humor, shrewd commentary on the people, and the customs and mores of foreign lands. (An unabridged re-issue of a book originally published in New York in 1961. Edited by Charles Neider, a noted compiler of works by American writers.) ISBN/ASIN: 0815410395. Our Book No: 29414. $22 AUD.

349. Tyler, Peter J. (2011). State Records New South Wales 1788 to 2011. Sydney, Annandale: Desert Pea Press / Federation Press. 150 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white photos. A history of the State Records Authority of New South Wales, which is responsible for maintaining the archives of government departments in New South Wales (NSW). ISBN/ASIN: 9781876861117. Our Book No: 15648. $35 AUD.

350. Upton, Elizabeth (1982). The Birthday-day Gift or the Joy of a New Doll from Papers cut by Elizabeth Upton (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 7 pp. Paperback small oblong quarto, very good condition, seven tipped-in black on green plates, bound unlettered marbled paper covers, thin card spine. In cardboard slipcase, reprint of printer and stationery label inside front cover, small bump fore-edge. Facsimile edition. A classic children's picture book which is one of the earliest examples held by The Osborne Collection, and originally published in 1796. The pictures were engraved from free-hand paper cuttings made without preliminary sketches by Elizabeth (Boughton) Upton (Lady Templetown). The edition reproduced here bears mounted engravings on tinted paper. Peltro William Tompkins published the original editions. He was an artist whose print selling business is advertised on the label inside the front cover. The beautiful drawings would appeal to most ages. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30579. $25 AUD.

351. Walcott, Derek (1999). What the Twilight Says: Essays (1st p/b ed). New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 244 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear, small crease top edge last few pages, edges lightly marked, remainder mark top edge. A collection of essays published by Derek Walcott, the Nobel Laureate poet, in the New York Review of Books, New Republic and other publications. The collection includes his examination of the paradoxes of Caribbean culture, his Nobel Lecture, and his reckoning of the work of several poets. A volume of remarkable elegance, concision, and brilliance. Also about the work and significance of such poets as Robert Lowell, Joseph Brodsky, Robert Frost, Les Murray, and Ted Hughes, and of prose writers such as V. S. Naipaul and Patrick Chamoiseau. ISBN/ASIN: 0374526834. Our Book No: 25736. $15 AUD.

352. Walker, William (1996). Australian Literature 1864 (Facsimile ed) [Bibliographica Historica Australiae]. Canberra: Mulini Press. 32 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, stapled pamphlet, minor edgewear. This booklet is the first study of Australian literature, originally published in 1864. It looks at writers of Australia’s early colonial period. In particular, the poets Harpur and Kendall are treated as important poets. (No 4 in this series.). ISBN/ASIN: 0949910589. Our Book No: 30090. $15 AUD.

353. Watson, Graham (1980). Book Society. London: Andre Deutsch. 164 pp. Hardback small octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), grey background colour jacket, light foxing top edge book & reverse side jacket, minor edgewear, owner's written name & address. Graham Watson writes about his life as a literary agent. He joined Curtis Brown, the doyen of literary agents, in 1947, and later became head of the firm. In this delightful memoir, he tells stories about John Steinbeck, Victor Gollancz, Richard Gordon and a host of other members of the literary high life in London. ISBN/ASIN: 0233971602. Our Book No: 23543. $15 AUD.

354. Welsh, Charles; Newbery, John (printer) (1982). Goody Two-shoes (Facsimile ed) [Facsimile Editions, Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books, Toronto Public Library]. London / Tokyo: Bodley Head / Holp Shuppan. 156 pp. Hardback small, very good condition, green cloth covers, gilt title on cover & spine, black cream woodcuts. In cardboard slipcase (small bump top spine). Facsimile edition. A classic children's picture book, illustrated with black & white text-woodcuts. This facsimile of the third edition of 1766 was selected for this reproduction because the two copies of the fourth edition of 1767 held by Osborne Collections are incomplete. Originally published by Griffith & Farran Successors to Newbery & Harris, London, in 1881. This is one of the earliest pieces of original fiction deliberately directed to the amusement of children. (One of a set of 35 handsome facsimiles in 28 slipcases.). Our Book No: 30582. $30 AUD.

355. Whitcombe (1953). Rip Van Winkle (For Children 8 to 9 Years) [Whitcombe's story books, no 333 (G4067)]. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs. 40 pp. Paperback small, green & sepia (brown-coloured) card cover, good plus condition, staples rusted, tide marks top corner near spine (no crinkled pages) (previous water contact now dry), bottom corners creased, corners little worn. (Publication date, 1953, McLaren catalogue.) Adaptation of the classic story by Washington Irving. Our Book No: 2949. $10 AUD.

356. White, Michael (2005). Isaac Asimov: A Life of the Grand Master of Science Fiction. New York: Carroll & Graf. 257 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, pages lightly toned as common. Revealing biography of Isaac Asimov, who dominated science fiction for over 50 years, and who wrote over 400 books, many of which were popular science writing. Includes details of his troubled childhood and first marriage. ISBN/ASIN: 0786715189. Our Book No: 15700. $12 AUD.

357. White, Patrick (1981). Flaws in the Glass: A Self-Portrait (1st ed). London: Jonathan Cape. 260 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), spine ends jacket chipped, protected by removable semiarchival plastic sleeve (Brodart). Patrick White is the only Australian winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. This private man here provides revealing autobiographical reflections: a self-portrait as seen "in the glass's reflection". He tells who he has loved (including partner Manoly Lascaris) and who he hated. Covers his Australian youth, his English boarding school (an "expensive prison"), Cambridge with holiday trips to Germany, London in the Blitz, RAF wartime intelligence in the Middle East, and his trials and compensations of later life upon returning to Australia. First edition. ISBN/ASIN: 022402924X. Our Book No: 19074. $30 AUD.

358. White, Patrick (1987). Three Uneasy Pieces: The Screaming Potato - Dancing with Both Feet on the Ground - The Age of the Wart. Melbourne, Fairfield: Pascoe Publishing. 61 pp. Paperback small octavo, very good condition, pages little toned as usual, minor edgewear. Three there essays are written in the present tense by Patrick White, the Australian novelist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. By considering a peeled potato, a dance in the kitchen, and a visit to the aged mother of a childhood friend, he assesses our misguided struggle and efforts to achieve aesthetic perfection. As we age, the potato eyes, warts and melanomas of our soul shrivel. He suggests a way towards more satisfactory resolutions. ISBN/ASIN: 0947087133. Our Book No: 9645. $15 AUD.

359. White, Patrick (1991). Patrick White Christmas Card [Xmas Card]. Sydney: State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW). 6 pp. Ephemera, card (folded into three panels), colour photos, as new condition, minimal edgewear. A Christmas card from Sydney containing a reproduction of Patrick White's letter to Father Christmas (Xmas) in 1918 (when he was six), as well as a photo of 'Paddy' on his rocking horse at that time. Our Book No: 17504. $15 AUD.

360. White, Patrick; Flynn, Christine (editor); Brennan, Paul (editor) (1989). Patrick White Speaks (1st ed). Sydney, Leichhardt: Primavera Press. 207 pp. Hardback octavo, dustjacket, very good condition (very good dustjacket), black & white photos, minor edgewear jacket (reverse side lightly toned, title little faded), edges lightly foxed, pages lightly toned, bottom edge little rubbed. First edition. Patrick White has covered many subjects in this fascinating and controversial collection of essays and speeches, including one chapter about his reasons to return to Australia after spending just on 20 years overseas. The photos bring the book to life and show the author in different parts of his life that were special to him. ISBN/ASIN: 0958949476. Our Book No: 29660. $20 AUD.

361. Wilde, W. H. (1988). Courage a Grace: A Biography of Dame Mary Gilmore. Melbourne: Melbourne Books. 490 pp. Paperback thick octavo, very good condition, black & white photos, bottom corner front cover creased, pages lightly toned as usual, minor edgewear cover corner tips, sticker mark front free flyleaf. Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. A comprehensive authorized biography by W. H. Wilde of Dame Mary Gilmore (1865 - 1962), the widely respected Australian poet whose portrait appeared on the Australian $20 banknote for many years. She was also well known for her patriotic poems during World War 2 and as a feminist and radical social reformer, whose life spanned almost a century of Australia's history (1890 - 1962). She took part in William Lane's socialist experiment in Paraguay, and was for a long period editor of the Women's Page in the 'Australian Worker', and later the communist newspaper 'Tribune'. Truly the Grand Old Lady of Australian literature, who died at age 97. ISBN/ASIN: 0522844073. Our Book No: 18293. $50 AUD.

362. Wilding, Michael (2014). Wild Bleak Bohemia: Marcus Clarke, Adam Lindsay Gordon, and Henry Kendall: A Documentary. Melbourne, North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing (ASP). 580 pp. Paperback thick octavo, very good condition, light crease spine, scuff mark top corner front flyleaf, minor edgewear, autograph (author's written dedication title page). Heavy, and extra postage may be requested to destinations outside Australia. Michael Wilding reports on three troubled geniuses of Australian writing (Marcus Clarke, Adam Lindsay Gordon and Henry Kendall) and their world of poverty, poetry, alcohol, drugs, horse-racing, theatre, journalism and publishing. The author has used contemporary newspaper reports, court records, published memoirs, private letters and diaries to write this fascinating, complex and despairing story. (A printed copy of a print-on-demand digital book.). ISBN/ASIN: 9781925003802. Our Book No: 28762. $40 AUD.

363. Wiley, Rebecca; Watts, Barry (extra text); Lurkin, Judy (extra text) (1986). Rebecca Wiley's Visit to Norman Lindsay at Springwood 1918. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 130 pp. Hardback small quarto, dustjacket, very good condition (in very good dustjacket), black & white & colour photos, frontispiece portrait, minor edgewear, remainder stripe. (Rebecca Wiley's Visit to Norman Lindsay at Springwood 1918, by Rebecca Wiley, Angus & Robertson, 1986.) In 1918 Rebecca Wiley was sent by her employer, publisher George Robertson, to visit Norman Lindsay at his home at Springwood in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. After nearly 70 years, this manuscript was discovered in the Angus & Robertson archives at the State Library of New South Wales, and is now published for the first time. This work is a fascinating look into the life of one of the most extraordinary and controversial figures in Australian art and literature. The text is enhanced with 90 black & white and colour photos and background information on the people, places and literary and artistic works mentioned in Rebecca's original manuscript. Extra text by Barry Watts and Judy Lurkin. (1 of 2 available copies.). ISBN/ASIN: 020714995X. Our Book No: 28451. $25 AUD.

364. Woodcock, Bruce (2003). Peter Carey (2nd ed) [Contemporary World Writers]. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 223 pp. Paperback trade, very good condition, minor edgewear. Bruce Woodcock provides both the student and the general reader with detailed critical examinations of major works of prominent Australian novelist Peter Carey, as well as a survey of critical debates, in and accessible and involving account. This second (revised and expanded) edition now includes detailed readings of Carey's latest novels 'Jack Maggs' and 'The True History of the Kelly Gang' - seeing them as the finest productions of a writer who continues to surprise and delight his readers with his inventive creations and unique imagination. (A volume in the 'Contemporary World Writers' series.). ISBN/ASIN: 0719067987. Our Book No: 23713A. $20 AUD.

365. Woodcock, Dr Bruce; Coates, John (1995). Combative Styles: Romantic Writing and Ideology: Two Contrasting Interpretations. Hull: University of Hull Press. 151 pp. Paperback wide trade, very good condition, minor edgewear corners. Bruce Woodcock and John Coates offer a new approach in the study of Paine, Burke, Blake and De Quincey and their relations to the French Revolution. The styles and idealogical assumptions of the two critics are part of the combat with regard to interpreting Romantic literature. Romanticism (about 1800 -1850) emphasized intense emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, perhaps in response to the excesses of the Industrial Revolution. (No date, but 1995, Trove.) SALE PRICE. ISBN/ASIN: 0859586219. Our Book No: 21643. $12 AUD.

366. Wrangham, Francis; Bryan, Harrison; Donaghey, B.; Shapcott Press, The (1963). George Canning: A Contemporary Tribute to Him (1st ed). Brisbane: The Shapcott Press. 10 pp. Paperback large trade, good plus condition, stapled pamphlet, single black & white vignette, pages lightly toned, edges little foxed, minute foxing pages & covers, top corner covers & pages creased, few marks rear cover, staples rusted, minor edgewear, owner's name inside front cover. This pamphlet is about George Canning who was First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in March 1827. Francis Wrangham wrote this tribute in 1827. Based on a manuscript now in the Queensland University Library and Archives. This publication was set up by hand by Harrison Bryan and Brian Donaghey with the assistance of English Honours students in the University of Queensland, at the Shapcott Press. The pamphlet includes an envelope addressed to Professor Ian Stubbin at The University of Queensland with a return address to the Library University of North Carolina. Our Book No: 40803. $25 AUD.

367. Wright, Elizabeth (1984). Psychoanalytic Criticism: Theory in Practice (1st ed) [New Accents Series]. London: Methuen. 208 pp. Paperback trade, good plus condition, pages little toned as common, minor edgewear. British lecturer in German examines the relationship of psychoanalytic theory to the theories of literature and the arts, based on the major people and texts in both fields. The literary-aesthetic process is similar to the psychoanalytic one. ISBN/ASIN: 0416326609. Our Book No: 22374. $12 AUD.

368. Wright, Thomas (2008). Oscar's Books (1st ed) [Oscar Wilde]. London: Chatto & Windus. 370 pp. Hardback wide octavo, dustjacket, very good plus condition (in very good dustjacket), illustrated endpapers, black & white & colour photos, black & white text-photos, minimal edgewear jacket. This biography by Thomas Wright explores the personality of Oscar Wilde through his reading. The story of Wilde's life in a fresh and engaging way, from his childhood in Dublin, where he was nurtured on Celtic myth, Romantic poetry and Irish folklore; through his undergraduate years in Oxford, where he built his intellect out of books; to prison, where books saved his sanity; and to his final days in Paris, where he consoled himself with old favourites such as Flaubert and Balzac. Draws on unpublished and little-known material to write this biography. ISBN/ASIN: 9780701180614. Our Book No: 27582. $25 AUD.

369. Wyndham, John (1958). The Chrysalids (Modern reprint ed). London: Penguin Group. 200 pp. Paperback mass market, very good condition, pages lightly toned, minor edgewear, cover photo differs from stock photo. A classic science fiction novel by John Wyndham about an anguished community in which the chances of breeding true are less than 50%, and where deviations are rooted our and destroyed as offences and abominations. The narrator is David, who communicates with a small group of other young people by means of 'thought shapes'. (Modern ISBN reprint.). ISBN/ASIN: 0140013083. Our Book No: 16085. $10 AUD.